[Nipponsei] K-ON! Character Image Song Series - Akiyama Mio [Hisaka Youko].zip
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ah btw what ist the song called which was played during the time where they realized that they have no band name? It sounds a bit like Popcorn
Sounded like track 33 on the Original Soundtrack to me. It's called Pinch Daisuki!.
Wait... after school tea time?? O_o
Thats so lame xD
Not as lame as their lyrics, though.
Sounds better in japanese "Houkago Tea Time".
hope this ends well:
episode 12 by Koharubi:
For those waiting for the CoalGuys version, here it is:
[CoalGuys] K-On! - Episode 12: HD
Weird to see Yui sing that song in the end, though i would have preferred to see a new song, id say the ending wasnt so bad. Gotta laugh and Ui in this episode.
That was quite an enjoyable not-so-final ep. I can't say that K-ON! ended as high as where it started, or that it finished at its peak. They went for more serious stuff this ep without overdoing moe scenes, but as you'd expect, there isn't terribly much stuff left minus the fluff.
What I really liked about this episode was that it had closure. I'm a sucker for flashback-monologue-finishes because they tie everything up from start to finish so well. Same with Yui announcing that the school performance will be their current Budokan. The song meanwhile, though used, still felt pretty good with them pulling off a previously imperfect performance. (even if it wasn't because of skill).
A very enjoyable series that I'd certainly welcome another season.
I really like how Ui looks so much like Yui with that hair style. Had me fooled as well. :p
I think it was stupid to make Ui play better than Yui despite having barely touched a guitar. Yui's musical talent was her redeeming factor, something that makes a person admire her despite her many shortcomings. Then we have her perfect sister suddenly come in and play better than her despite having put practically no effort into it. Stupid.
I wish they played Don't say lazy at least once in the series, and I feel very sad that their lead vocalist can't even sing properly (sorry Yui, but it's mainly your seiyuu's fault). I really feel that this final episode is underwhelming.
I'll bite.Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
After listening to the tracks on the Character Image Album - Akiyama Mio [Hisaka Yoko], I realized something that had at least been in the back of my mind over the course of the series, but there wasn't any proof to use as a comparison until then.
There is a good reason that Aki Toyosaki (Yui's seiyuu) can't sing properly in the series, and Hisaka Yoko is a much better singer on Don't Say Lazy, Sweet Bitter Beauty Song, and FuwaFuwa Time. On those three tracks, she doesn't sing in character at all. Aki Toyosaki always sings in character when she's the lead singer. Aki Toyosaki sings in character on the FuwaFuwa Time single, but she does not on the Don't Say Lazy single. Yui's seiyuu is the backup singer on those tracks, and she's much better, because it is a purely out-of-character album.
If you listen to Heart Goes Boom!, Hello Little Girl, and 'Let's Go', of Mio's Character Image Album, Hisaka Yoko sings in character during the verses (but not the refrains). They are much weaker songs, Heart Goes Boom! in particular . You can definitely notice when she breaks character and belts out a good line or two. She sings very timid, as one would expect the shy Mio to sing like.
They showed it in the show when she first began to sing FuwaFuwa Time before they went into Perfect Music Video Mode, and at the end when they came out of it and the unpolished version returned. There is an enormous difference when she is singing in character and when she is not.
As for the episode, it was a very Yui heavy episode, so of course I was pleased. The Ui thing didn't really surprise me so much (if there's one genius from that family, there's bound to be another), but for her to play better and that perfectly was a bit much.
I really liked the crayfish flashback scene though. I kept thinking, "WTF does this have to do with Nodoka's point?" and it really only made any sense at all until she explained it. Maybe Yui's influence is spreading.
I agree with you about the Mio singing out of character, thought I can't hear a difference at the end of FuwaFuwa Time since the song actually ends before it gets out of MV mode. The beginning was a easy to make out enough if you pay attention.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryll
The biggest difference was "My Love is a Stapler". It sounded much more authentic, whether it was Mio's voice or the whole performance in general. Did they play with the sound so it sounded like a "live in a hall"? I don't know, but that's still my favourite performance.
At the beginning of "My Love is a Stapler", Mio comments that Yui's playing an exceptionally hard riff perfectly. Perfectly = in rhythm. From that, and all the other scenes we've seen, Yui is definitely playing her parts well. If she hears something and can play it back perfectly (quite a few examples of this), then there's no way Ui can beat that, or would there be much audible difference if she was just marginally "more" perfect.
They could have easily made Ui play a bit worse, and ask if she's sick.. The producers were going for a "wow" factor, and it just rebounded for me.
@Ryll - In that case, I feel very sad that their lead vocalist can't even sing properly (sorry Aki Toyosaki, but it's mainly your character's fault).
I think that even if they went out of character and sang superbly, no one (or very few) would really complain if it is the final episode.
I think you all (apparently everyone who posts on this show who's not me) pay far more attention to the minute details of the music than I ever dreamed anyone could or would.
In any case, I thought it was a nice ending, Ui's disguise scene was a pleasant surprise. I certainly didnt' expect her to have the Mystic Fingers of Guitar Perception even stronger than Yui but I think it played into her 'perfect imouto' image. I wonder if we can dare to hope for a season 2...
I was also underwhelmed by this last episode, but I can forgive them since many of the other eps were so much pure win and I don't even care that last one was not that good.
I'd watch it again, even knowing last ep would be not as good as the other ones ;)
We can hope, but it'll be a while away if it does come. The special winter episode next week looks like it'll be based off chapter 26, which is the latest scanlated chap available from onemanga.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
That concert finale was based on Chap 25.
Being an Otaku: Serious business!
That END makes me sad :(
This is one of the better post-ending "extra" episodes I've seen. Most just go on a random trip, or continue on the story. This one felt like those "moving on" episodes where everybody starts to go their separate ways.
I know it wasn't, but it certainly felt that way.That I liked.
I liked how the cat moved synchronically with Azusa. Such a warming last episode.
Azu-tan anyone?
ahh that was a great series. i really enjoyed the 13th episode.
Bah disappointing >_>
I thought you were updating with news of a second season or something
Listening to the live version of Nochi Rice isn't so bad though.
Btw, is there any particular reason why coal guys aren't releasing widescreen k-on beyond ep 4?
there's a batch of their 720p releases out
[Animus][CoalGuys] K-On! 1-13 (BS-TBS 1280x720 x264)
They dropped it and said they'll probably do the Blu-ray version.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
How good is the video quality of that Animus version, Panda?
i dunno. i didn't download it. can't imagine it'd be that bad.
Don't expect any such news for some years. The anime caught up to exactly where the manga was when it ended.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
And the manga is what, a bi-monthly release?
Is destroying my hopes and dreams fun for you? -_-Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
not a second season, but here's news of an OVA with the dvds.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
says it won't be out until January 20th though :\
Between Chihiro and Shj-CG's bluray releases, is there any significant changes between video quality, size and the quality of the translation
(If only they didn't cost Y3,300 each.... with Good Smile Company making it, plus interchangable faces, I guess it's somewhat justified. K-ON! inflation doesn't help but.)
Lol, i think i would actually get those if i could
Epic moeness right there
I don't like them, the look like something you get from a mc donalds happy meal
In that case a scaled Mio might be more to your tastesQuote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
The only figure I want is Lily Saber Distant Avalon mode, and I'm only not getting it because I haven't figured out where I can put it yet.
Never took you for the figurine fanboy type
You must have missed Bill's near single-handed revival of model kit discussion in these forums.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I'll never understand how people could spend so much money on figurines
Well, i guess i kinda do. I would spend a sweet buck for one of those K-ON dolls, just because looking at all that moeness would always put a smile in my face
But robot figurines? What for?
General figure discussion continued here:
K-ON! Ep1-2 [1080p,BluRay,x264] - THORA
K-ON! Ep3-4 [1080p,BluRay,x264] - THORA
They're using Frostii's subs.
So many options... this is getting confusing
I think i'll stick with Coal for consistency's sake and for the funny opening subs
Lol I dont even know why I'm bothering to download this, I know my comp will probably have a seizure trying to play it. I can only dream :(
And updating your pc for the sake of K-ON! would make you an official fanboy which would be sad :(Quote:
Originally Posted by TheBladeChild
You want fanboy? I give you fanboy:
(Article not of explicit nature, but the site does contain mature content/pictures. View with discretion.)
Edit: And yes. It is sad. :( TBC, however, is not (yet).
I stand laughing, and correctedQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
[Nipponsei] K-ON! Sakura Kou Keionbu Official Band Yarouyo!!.zip
109 tracks on 2 discs.
I like this Don't say 'lazy' (5nin Ver.).
Scaled Yui figure is out:
I'm much much more of a Mio fan, but figure-wise, the Yui figure is better. It's more believable and convincing, truer to the character.
Mio was always the shy type. Even when she practiced with just her band she didn't look that "open". It's still a good (and somewhat sexy) figure, but it doesn't have the K-ON! factor that Yui has.
Moe Moe Kyun !? <3Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Nado will probably like this.
Oh, yes. This is the shit! :D
K-ON! Ep5-6 [1080p,BluRay,x264] - THORA
The previous 4 eps are in post #246
Is there any extra material in these bluray releases?
It's always a turn-off that THORA releases are so damn big. The only things I've gotten from them are movies/single OVAs because the 720p versions encoded to fit onto a DVD.
And F/SN.
Will Nadouku like this too?
I'm just guessing, i've never watched Vocaloid
I've already heard this one, but it's a pretty nice mix.
That's one of the awful super deformed specials right?
Yah. It was pretty awful. Not fun at all.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
/Archie purrsQuote:
Originally Posted by Marik
I don't think any K-ON figure has gotten it quite right yet, except for that Yui one from Alter a while back.
Meh, guess I'll join in: http://www.goodsmile.info/detail/eng...o+Akiyama.html
Is this real?
Seems a bit too soon
Yeah, it's real. I watched it back in October.
Edit: Some VLC Snaps I made back then.
Wtf, Mio looks fugly as all hell >_>
Is that a an 18+ live-adaptation or something?
Yeah, it's an AV.
Wait... that's k-on! porn?
I guess you haven't seen the Code Geass nor the Clannad one.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Although the concept of a human CC getting some is quite alluring to me i think i'll passQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I'm concerned it might lead me to a path in which i'll look into the mirror one day and not recognize the man i see before me
Another Azu-nyan.
K-ON season 2 announced
i plan to watch it
I could go for about 12 x24mins of Fuwa Fuwa time. I probably won't hold as much expectation or enjoyment as the beginning of the first season.
And the light music club lives!
Are this releases widescreen? If so Im in to finally watch this series. I remember skipping it because of it not being widescreen.Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Stupid decision, I know.
Stupid decision indeed
They're widescreen, enjoy your moe blob
Haven't been really up to date on gotwoot for a while. Whats K-ON ?..
A very fluffy all-girls highschool comedy.Quote:
Originally Posted by gos27
ugh, well the word ''fluffy'' just puts me off straight away lol
K-ON! Ep 14 (OVA) (edit: Coalguys 720p btw)
A special fuwa fuwa dose. (NOTE: this is NOT the super-deformed shorts)
Well narrator was Mio, but the majority of the fun was on Yui. After a 6 month washout period, I am once again fully sensitive to 24mins of fuwa fuwa. (I believe that's pain I feel in my smily-muscles).
(edit: Mio took the show with that open-neck sweater though.. :3 )
On that topic, I was initially excited to hear some other songs on their performance schedule, only to cringe when I heard Fuwa Fuwa Time during their rehearsal. In the end though, I actually enjoyed it, and rather than used/old, it felt nostalgic to hear them play it again at a different stage. (thanks to the break).
It wasn't completely devoid of plot advancement neither, and it showed us just how new they are to the band world.
Surely it was an enjoyable episode, and I hope they pay homage to this by flashing the teacup icon somewhere in the future eps.
It was a jolly good ova. I enjoyed all of it. The entirely new setting of a live concert outside of the school premises ensured it didn't feel at all like repeating or rehashing. It also made possible funny scenes like Yui immediately going to the scariest looking bunch for advice. They general airheadedness was sufficiently present, with Azu-nyan's cuteness as well, naturally.
Since my computer can't handle THORA... what groups did 720 rips of the blu-rays? CoalGuys got stuck at episode 2 I think... and besides Chihiro I don't see anyone active on this.
Are Chihiro good to see in this case?
Chihiro is never good on any occasion, it's just that sometimes they're your only option >_>
If i was you i'd make sure Thora wasn't a possibility and if not i would resign to frostii's HDTV raws; they're great by their own right and there isn't any added content on the BDs so it's not like you'd be missing much
Frostii's BD rips only run up to episode 6. I still hope they will finish the series but who knows.
I already checked Thora. The sound desyncs midway and then beguns to stutter. I was browsing and I supposdely need minimum 2.8Ghz, but I only have 2.2...Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
I'll get Chihiro then. Why I would indeed prefer Frostii, like Kraco said, they've only at episode 6 on the BD version. And their normal release is 4:3, unless an unofficial version is floating around. The very reason I never saw the series in the first place was because it wasn't 16:9... first page of this thread is proof of this.
I'm afraid you're out of options then, so good luck with that
Maybe not: Zell's last hope
Well, I already saw Chihiro's version of 1 to 10 and loved the series. I'll definitely get Frostii's version, to archive, if they release them all. Chihiro still hasn't released 11 to 13, so if Frostii releases them first I'll be sure to go to them sooner.
K-ON is awesome.
Welcome to last yearQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
At least I enjoyed it in HD and not in 4:3 :)Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
You have a point there, 4:3 was indeed fucking annoying
Still, be sure to watch the next season with the rest of us.
Oh believe me. I'll be there. I just hope they don't repeat the 4:3 stunt.
Clannad and After Story did it. I'd expect this to do the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
K-On's 2nd Season Starting This April
"The official website of the K-ON! anime series has announced on Friday that the second season will premiere this April on TBS and other affiliated television stations in Japan. The website has also confirmed that the main staff and main cast will return from the first season unchanged."
I swear there isn't enough material for this.
edit: hmm...well they were up to ~ chapter 25 or so when the anime finished, while the latest chapter as of now is 44.
It's not as bad as what I thought I guess. I'll wait to see, though I'm no longer expecting there to be a great deal of focus on the music now.