They didn't? What about the ending sequence?Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Printable View
They didn't? What about the ending sequence?Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Kashiwagi-sensei was in the video's Operation Babe-hunt.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Ehh where there any in the end beside the beach?Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Totally forgot about herQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Tokyo Game Show Persona 3 Portable trailer
Shouldn't you ask a mod to change this thread's name to "Shin Megami Tensei" or just "Persona" ?
I tried once... I think... don't remember.
Ask Kraco, he's cool like that
He is indeed. He already changed the title =D
Yay now I won't feel as off topic while talking about the other games. Anyway anyone got a full version of the intro song?
Edit: Got Persona 1 to psp in the mail today!!! Me so happy
A new Persona 4 cameo on Persona 3 Portable.
Not the one I wanted though.
I'm still waiting for the Rise P4 cameo since they've already hinted about her visiting uhh forgot the name of the city during P3.
Persona 1 is wack because it counts all the time the game is in standby into my total played time. And the story is kinda weird so not quite following it at times. Anyway am I the only one playing it here?
I got it, played it for half an hour, hated it and left it alone to dieQuote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Yeah. I need to do a temp save everytime Im going to turn it off. I have over 15 hours overclocked because of that.Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Archie was probably expecting another P3. I took P1 knowing it was nothing like it is now.
And yes... I also am waiting for the Rise cameo. Not freaking Yukiko.
I seriously need to play P2 Innocent Sin... not really that interested in Eternal Punishment though.
Maybe, but even for a remake those were so really old mechanics, i wish they had spiced it up a little. I think it's only something a retro gamer could enjoyQuote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
They did... while maintaining the game loyal to the original. The original persona had horrible maps and navigation skills were null.
Im enjoying the characters as well, despite their abrupt Persona summoning.
Tamaki's cameo, from Shin Megami Tensei IF, made me smile.
Only 15? I'm well over a hundred hours overclocked already so I stopped caring about my playtime.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
If it keeps going at this rate they'll probably release both parts of P2 on the PSP as well, though I'm still more psyched up for P3P.
Did anyone here think about playing P3 day by day since it takes place during this year or is it just me?
No, but have you thought how cool it would be if you had your stats written down somewhere and knew exactly what to do to rise them?Quote:
Originally Posted by fireheart
Nailing multiple chicks without fear of consequences would also be nice
Playing P3 day by day would be impossible, since some events skip days. Like exams, training or even the bad weather.
P3P looks more awesome each time I find new info.
But I still want my P2P IS / EPQuote:
* Skill Cards
Can be obtained from Personas, exchanged at the Antique Shop, bought over the TV or even cloned at the temple to allow Personas to inherit new skills. This allows players to customise Personas further than before and makes fusion a simpler process for beginners.
* More Voice Acting
Instead of simple greetings, the voice acting will cover more dialogue – Mainly focusing on S. Links that have reached rank 10 status to make the game even more memorable.
* Command to Escape
You can give out commands directly during battle and can tell them to escape.
* Tiredness
You and your party members now only get tired the following day after a good night’s fight making it easier to plan when to go exploring. You can also visit the Healing Shop to heal up tired members to “normal” status while normal status members will get “best condition”. There will even be an item at the school shop “Tsukare Trail” for healing up.
* Dialogue Changes in Dungeon
You can talk with your party members while exploring Tartarus and the dialogue changes depending on their status and what equipment they’re using and wearing.
* Calendar Reminders
The calendar has been moved from the main menu to your room allowing you to see past S. Link events such as when there was a rank up or when you were invited out so that anyone who stopped playing for a while, won’t forget what they did.
* New Save Point
You can now save in the classroom and the saved file has some new added info to it such as how long you’ve been playing the game.
* Late Night Freedom
During “late night” you could only choose to sleep or study but now you can also choose to leave your room and go out too if you wanted to.
Here's a translation of Elizabeth's and Theodore's chat on the re-audio-ed TGS trailer on the secret link at the webpage.
The video has, sadly, been taken down.Quote:
T: Sis, you are going too fast!
E: Teo, this is already started.
T: R, right..
E: Everyone nice to meet you again. This is Elizabeth. Finally the day I can intro things without my master. Let's show you some...
T: S, Sis! what about me? only with our voices umm...
E: I forgot, this is my not really worthy little brother Theodore.
T: What kind of intro is that!
E: Hey Teo, we are in front of out customer!
T: err...
E: Let's began present what is in. We watched lot of times, but it is still beautiful Persona summoning.
T: Really it is. But Sis, we should say more about Velvet room..
E: Hmm.. then let's talk about how long is our Master's nose.
T: Why that point?!
E: Shhh! Quiet! It is rumoured to be super quick loading Battle scene.
T: Whoa. Then these are the normal day time life scene. Changed to more pleasant gaming experient as well.
E: PSP is handheld console. To make it handy, we customized hard.
T: Cu... Customize?
E: Kid...
T: I.. I know that! hahaha...
E: From this version, we might get two kind of visitors.
T: As a male or female there will be lots of different experience for youthful life.
E: I become Male.
T: It does not.
E: Teo become female.
T: It does not. What kind of change is that..
E: Then our Master become...
T: Please STOP.
E: Jam packed with lots of cool stuffs, must be expensi~ve.
T: Why you saying like Jika-net style...? Look, it is almost over.
E: Well Teo, at last we should do this properly.
T: What is my words!
E: Then I give you rights to say "Title" this time. Ok 3,2,1 go!
T: Ah, uh, Persona Portable 2009 November 1 on sale.
E: Sigh, you are supposed to chew that word funny way.
They should just get completely rid of the tired mode, it's annoying
Point of view.
Actually I was annoyed they removed it from Persona 4.
New tracks rip
So... do we have a go on the Yuri mc?
Junpei, Akihiko, Ken, Koromaru, Shinji and Ryoji have become social links.
Yukari, Fuuka, Aigis and Mitsuru remain as social links as well, but friends only sadly.
Rio and Saori are the new girls to be social link with.
Shin Megami Tensei IV: Strange Journey for Nintendo DS announced for March 2010
Ugh, another first person dungeon crawler. That is probably the one genre I will refuse to play.
Well, I too would prefer it not to be a first person dungeon. But the game looks so good, and I haven't been that annoyed with Persona, as I thought I would be, that I will definitely get it.
I specially like how the Demons are all animated this time around, unlike Devil Suvivor
Atlus USA today announced that they will be localizing the newest Shin Megami Tensei game for the Nintendo DS, Strange Journey. The title will feature classic SMT standbys like demon negotiation, bribery, and coercion. With more than 300 demons in the game, players will be able to craft just about whatever party they want. Following humanity in the near-future, Strange Journey puts players in the position of discovering why a black hole is poised to destroy Earth - and just where humans exist in the grand scheme of things.
Been awhile since I've been back here... hmmm so what's with the doors? Thought those were part of The Answer that was cut from P3P
Vision Quest managed by Margaret
Basically you fight empowered version of all the Arcana bosses, except the Magician.
Oh shit, i just remembered
How does the love hotel setting work on P3P???
/goes find out
Spoiler ahead...
Minako goes either with Junpei or Akihiko.
You can't take Yukari with you. If she is in the party, she never ends up in the same room as Minako.
... i want my Yuri goddammit!
I did send you one of those, requested as a sig. You saw it right?
Official Yuri is more juicy
Indeed. But... can I get a sig with that one anyway?
Of course not
You wouldn't happen to have the main theme for P3P or rather the new intro song?Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Haven't found it yet. Still seeking. Don't know if there is a new ending either.
Figured it'd be better to ask here, do you have any good P4 wallpapers?
Only this one:
On another matters:
Persona 4 producer Katsura Hashino hints that the Persona 3 Portable team and the other half of the Persona 4 team will come together to work on "that" game.
Part of the Persona 4 team split to make Persona 3 Portable for the PSP. Producer Katsura Hashino states that next year he will have to combine the P3P team and the part of the Persona 4 team to work on "that" game. Given the hints, it's safe to assume that the game he is hinting at is probably Persona 5. Note that he hints that the other half of the Persona 4 team is working on another unannounced game and that he "expects this to be an extremely interesting game."
Persona is a critically acclaimed series that follows high school students taking on supernatural forces with their "Personas," a manifestation of their personality, all while attending their every day classes. A brand new entry is certainly exciting!
Hopefully it is Persona 5 and that it'll comes out on PS3 as rumored wouldn't want to buy another console just to play it.
Hopefully it will come for the PS2... so we can ALL enjoy it
You live in the past Archie.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
What Im positive won't happen, however, is a 360 version. After the utter failure Shin Megami Tensei NINE was on Xbox, no SMT or spinoff has appeared on the Microsoft Console.
And while I do want a Persona 5 on PS3... I actually wish for a Persona 2 PSP collection (including both Innocent Sin and Eternal Punishment) or remakes for other older titles like Shin Megami Tensei IF, Soul Hackers, Devil Summoner (the original, not the Raidou Kuzunoha saga) or even the original SMT titles.
Buy me a Ps3 if you want me to move along with the times biotch >_>
Do what I did. Get a job. :eek:Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3 Portable announced for America. July 06, 2010 is the date.
Not much news recently?
Anyway haven't really played any SMT games prior to the PS2 ones so hoping that Strange Journey won't have too much stuff that you need to have played the other SMT games for. Really need to finish playing Devil Survivor but died against Jezebel so that kinda made me loose motivation.
Also as a side note if Persona 5 will work in the same way as P3/4, am I the only one hoping they'll include birthdays this time around? Always thought it was weird that you spend a year with those people and neither you nor them ever celebrated a birthday. Also if they do include it I'm hoping you can put in your own date of birth.
Strange Journey is a standalone title despite it being SMT 4. You do not need to play the apocaliptic SMT 3 to enjoy this one either.
Birthdays would not work since you really don't play the whole year. P3 only went from April to Jan, whereas P4 went from April to December. And what if you placed your b-day in a cutscene day?
P3 and P4 characters DO have birthdays... for the exception of Minato, Minako and Souji. You just never get to see them during the game.
I've just have got rom of snes SMT translated to English!
Now I'll finish the bioshock 2 and then move onto this - i love Devil Survivor on DS(actually I'm close to getting all of the endings and beating Lucifer).
RZ you are our MegaTen/HACK god - which MegaTen games(other than smt2 - I have got that too ^^) that are not on ps2/psp should I play?
Im far from being a source actually. I've just played the games from Nocturne onward. What I know from the old titles is thanks to the internet.
In fact... I would ask you to link me to the translated roms you speak of.
I want so badly to play SMT IF, Soul Hackers and several other of the oldies, but there are no translations that Im aware of...
I need to replay Devil Survivor as well. I've just seen Amane and Gin/Haru's endings. Im still pissed you can't have Haru as a teammate.
Here you are RZ
just patch the roms(get them from somewhere) with Lunar IPS using those patches.
read the readme to get good emulator - because for some reason smt does not work with zsnes and DS homebrew emulators(i would love to play it on my ds).
Well i need to get Amane and Atsuro's routes to finish the game.
Haru's/Gin's route was the hardest one(it was the first one i played) - Yuzu is the easiest but ending is.. well - just play it. Let me warn you - its not anything you will except. And the reason i played Haru's route was to get her as teammate.. still pissed too..
Damn i love OST from this game(especially Demon of Darkness and Garuda). It was hard to find but worth it.
Saving the money for PSP and P3P
Gin and Haru's route is very easy compared to Amane's route. Its not one I would recommed to go first.
I already know about Yuzu's... 'ending', but I still want to play through it myself. Specially to unlock her model on the intro screen.
You found the Devil Survivor OST? Please do share. I've been seeking it forever.
I'll download the roms later at home. Those pages are blocked at the office.
Im eagerly waiting for Strange Journey before P3P.
two tracks are in bad quality - but you can get them from youtube in better one. just use vDownloader or something.
I've found it on some random sharing forum few days ago.
Well, i have my demons at levels 80+ so playing through any route now would not be a problem. I just need to unlock Metatron and i can finally kill Lucifer. My character is magic nuke - i can wipe out most demon parties using only my main, but my demons(Bishamon and Astaroth, i've put Loki into Yuzu's team) can wipe out them too. Now i can kill most bosses in one attack command(that is if i get extra turn with each demon), if not - i have another attack thanks to Bishamon. And i miss one skill from Auto Skills(full force).
Amane and Haru's routes are considered as the hardest routes.
Those that have their birthday in months that aren't included can have an event after the main story after all P4 skips how much straight to Christmas and new year and then to April. The event days can work without a problem. If it's like P3 that most of the serious stuff happen at night they can just add some sort of celebration during the day and if it's during the day like P4 they can have it at night. It's not that important but I think it'd be a fun detail to add to the game, more so since the MC is suppose to be "you". Though even if they don't do any of that stuff I hope they at least add a birthday for the MC that they celebrate for example with a gf kinda like the Christmas event.
Personally... I do would like for them to be included. I was just saying how it wouldn't work with the actual system. Though, I did add their birthdays for the novelization I'm currently writing ;)
Ohhh well in that case post it up or link to it when your done
Atlus has finally confirmed development for PERSONA 5 has begun. No word on console yet.
But the interview came from a PlayStation magazine so I hope PS3 :)
A Persona with this gen's graphics plx.
I don't eat pretzel's so though luck :)
I still want my Persona 2 Portable. But I still need to beat the fucking last boss on Persona Portable... guess I should do that soon since Persona 3 Portable is coming out in 3 months...
Yes. I wish for an HD Persona game.
Somehow not that excited for the game at least not at the moment. Will probably get more psyched up for it when it's closer to being completed. Also probably going to try avoiding as much news about P5 as possible other than trailers too keep spoilers/expectations on a minimum. Find it more fun when I know less about the game.
Anyone given Strange Journey a spin yet? Ordered it yesterday since I'm suspecting it won't be released in Europe.
I might get it, but the exclusive game I play on my DS atm is Infinite Space.
I'll be picking up my Strange Journey this saturday.
Finally finished playing through Devil Survivor on DS, didn't expect that many bosses on the last day not to mention all the retries. Went with GIn and Haru's path the first time around. Expected more from the ending or rather something more with Gin/Haru and the protagonist. Currently quite curios as to how the game will end if Haru dies since she played a big role in that ending at least.
And Strange Journey has arrived though haven't played it yet.
I just have got atsuro route to finish left. ^^
I'll order Strange Journey as soon as i got money.
If Haru dies the Gin path gets locked.
Gin and Haru's path is quite easy considering that in another of the paths, Amane's, you need to fight all Bel's at the same time. Now that one was though.
One of this days I need to replay it to see the other paths.
Double post, but worth it.
Persona 3 Portable FanBook Scans
Bel gauntlet was easy for me - i could kill each of them in one turn using my MC.
Well got a bit curious about Yuzus path so decided to play through it and yeah wasn't quite what I expected, though I let a lot of characters die as well during that playthrough to see how things would end up so wondered if it had any effect. Was kinda disappointed that I couldn't refuse giving Midori a comp and that I couldn't let her leave her to die or refuse her joining the team.
Oh yeah. That annoyed me as well. I wanted to kill Midori.
Well the biggest reason it annoyed me is that they give you the choice asking you what you want to do and then no matter which you pick it still end up the same. Kinda takes away some of the freedom or how included I felt when I first played it. Though she does annoy me.
Freedom is an illusion. And the megaten series has known it since at least Nocturne, if not before.
I don't really know about older Megaten titles... but Nocturne, while not completely free, did allow you to take different paths based on your actions and decisions.
Persona 3 Portable meets Durarara:
Version 1: Image
Version 2: Video
I like the image version more, so I wished they had done the song with the image.
Devil Suvivor meets Durarara:
Tales of Persona 3
K-ON Persona 4
Persona 4 Durarara
Liked the Devil Survivor one most.
Anyway been thinking about buying the headphones that Minato uses in P3 though not the one that actually says P3 on them, that'd probably be pretty damn expensive. Cost 40ish us dollars on Amazon and the shipping for me is 60ish us dollars to Europe. So question anyone know any place where the shipping is cheaper?
Ohh right the model would be Audio-Technica ATH-EM7 GM
Think about it, really. You had three "reason" endings (musubi, shijima, yosuga), the "neutral" ending, demon and true demon.
I would argue that the reason endings are ultimately equivalent, in terms of loss of freedom. Musubi, you're "free" but you live the future of your existence in solitary confinement, free to move around your bubble but incapable of reaching into others. In Shijima, you're not even free to move about the place, you and all other living things are silent cogs in a celestial machine. In yosuga, you're essentially agreeing on Highlander rules ("there can be only one"), because the strong destroy the weak.
Neutral is an abdication of the freedom to create, instead opting for a return to the previous world. Demon is an abdication of will, as a whole - you approach kagutsuchi with no vision, and the world flickers out.
Only true demon is a truly free option, and to get there you are challenging the creator over the order of the universe and the very fabric of creation.
Freedom is the ability to topple the order of the universe and the very nature of creation, to challenge the worst demons and the highest angels, to assault the throne of creation itself. All other freedom is illusory. That's all I'm sayin'...
Ah... I thought you meant gameplay. But we are actually talking about story wise. I do agree in everything you mention regarding plot wise. Freedom is definitely very small in the worlds were the Megaten tiles are present.
There are always gods or demons playing with you. Whether its Loki in Devil Survivor, Nyx in Persona 3, Nyartholep in Persona, Lucifer in Raidou Kuzunoha or Musubi, Shijima and Yosuga in Nocturne... heck even the 'Creator' in most of the titles.
Heck, even Philemon and Igor who 'aid' you... are in a way manipulating your destiny.
I guess its one of the reasons I love the Megaten titles even since I started with P3 (and jumped into older titles... though I still need to play Digital Devil Saga fully)...
Persona 3 Portable OST
Anyone picked up P3P yet?
I hope to get mine this weekend... but due to the climatic situation new games probably won't be arriving at my town for a while. Specially now that the international bridges are getting closed because Rio Bravo is getting flooded.
Oh yeah... Nintendo gave an announcement on the E3 that Atlus hasn't shared with the world yet...
Shin Megami Tensei 3DS
Shin Megami Tensei Devil Survivor 3DS
Shin Megami Tensei Persona 3DS
I'm still waiting to see if it'll get a european release, if it doesn't I'll import it. So let me know if it's good enough to get latter on.
Wonder if they'll actually let us walk around in Devil Survivor this time or if it's a sequel perhaps either way will be buying it again. Not really that interested in the other titles though that depends on what they'll include etc.
Im still waiting to get my disc. Rio Bravo overflowed so the international bridges got closed last week, so the guy that gets me the games couldn't go pick up my P3P. He will be returning until tomorrow, so I'll get the game until Saturday.
Im hoping Devil Survivor 3DS is a sequel rather than a remake. I also hope SMT 3DS is a total remake of the original SMT... heck... I want SMT Soul Hackers and SMT if as well...
Persona 3DS... I have my fingers crossed so it ends up being Persona 2... though I would prefer it on the PSP.
I don't care about the '3D' part... I just want a 3DS because it has more graphic power than the DSLite/DSi
I finally got my Persona 3 Portable today. Obviously Im playing as Minako this time around and Im loving the additions to the game. Surprisingly, the new 'novel style' fits the portable very well.
Im also still going through Strange Journey. I just entered the 3rd sector recently. God... its hard.
And on the last SMT news... I got my hands on the Persona Music Live Velvet Room Wel City Concert. The Limited Edition I imported came with 2 CD's with 6 tracks, though I already had them on MP3. I love they had songs from Persona PSP and Persona 3 Portable this time around. I certainly love Dream of Butterfly, Way of Life, Soul Phrase, Heartbeat Heartbreak, Reach out to the Truth, Mass Destruction, Burn my Dread Last Battle, Wiping All Out, Voice, Heaven, Never More and Kimi ni Kioku.
I hope that Persona 3ds will be Innocent Sin... :>
I'm finally finishing persona 3
Thinking about getting P3P, but I haven't had much time to use my PSP. I still have 90% left of Metal Gear Solid: Peacewalker to play still.
Just remember that as every SMT game, if you don't buy it on the first 4 months, you'll never find it again.
Anyway... Im currently hunting down Fiends on SMT Strange Journey while coursing through the 2nd Full Moon in P3P
Also waiting for september to get here so I can buy this baby:
new around here but come on Smt games aren't that difficult i already am on my third new game plus with P3P (it's nice to finally got another reason to comple the moon aside of having the compendium complete) and they have a nice secret boss which makes it nice to rush out things .
and about strange journey already end it as well i'm offering good demons to everyone that wants them they might cost a bit though.
From the Persona team comes: Catherine
Vincent, main guy, makes a special cameo on Persona 3 Portable.
Since Atlus bothered to include Vincent in P3P I wonder what connection this kind of game will have with the Persona World or the SMT franchise.
Trailer looked hot
Atlus is for games what shaft is for anime
High def scans
There's a Teddie (Persona 4) plush on the 2nd screenshot (above)
Really hoping Catherine gets released here in Europe but as long as it gets released in NA it's fine.
I just hope they don't censor the shit out of it
If God of War and Heavy Rain managed to be published with nudes and non-graphic sex scenes... then Catherine needs to be allowed to be published as well.
Its getting a C rating in Japan, so nothing extreme will probably be shown even there.
Here's the screenshot of Vincent on P3P
Except Catherin DOES have sex scenes
And like I said... Catherine gets a 'C' rating. Meaning you won't be seeing past implied scenes, much like Heavy Rain. At most, like Heavy Rain, you'll probably get nude boobs. Maybe not even that.
Full sex scenes, like you must be thinking, would have given Catherine a 'Z' rating.
Well got tired of waiting for an European release so bought Devil Summoner 2 and P3P now, hopefully it'll arrive this week.
Persona 3 Metis Figma
Too bad nobody gives a flying fuck about Metis >_>
I don't give a fuck about Figma figures. And Metis could have received a bit more love if she hadn't ended being Aigis human-side. BTW, I love how you always like from that hentai site.
Devil Summoner 2 is a fantastic game. Specially since they improved the system to allow you to use two demons at the same time, instead of just one like on the first game.
Lol, try not to forget you're supposed to have fun too