I laughed alot this episode especially near the end. Death the Kid and the sisters were great as well as Blackstar/Soul blood autograph.....hilarious.
Thats why I like this show good action but alot of good laughs as well.
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I laughed alot this episode especially near the end. Death the Kid and the sisters were great as well as Blackstar/Soul blood autograph.....hilarious.
Thats why I like this show good action but alot of good laughs as well.
i wish the fillers could focus more on the story. The comedy is good but I don't want a rush ending again... I believe this is a 24 episode anime? 26?
Originally Posted by oyabin
Oh I see, thanks. I guess tsubaki's arch is over, I hope they focus more on Maka and Soul. Hows the manga anyway?Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It's not really filler, since the material is in the manga. Moreover, I think the humor in Soul Eater is what makes the series what it is. The serious parts feel more serious when they are sandwiched between the lighthearted parts. Like the parts with BlackStar sitting beside Tsubaki as she went about her personal business. He's a moron who can't study, doesn't stay in class, doesn't take the majority of his assignments seriously, but when it comes down to it, BlackStar stands by his principles. He believes in honorable combat (like why he didn't take the 99 souls and kill the young defenseless witch), and he believes in standing by those he cares about the most.
This episode really develops Maka if you think about it. Maka seems solely motivated in living up to her nigh-perfect mother, while hating her dad, who is simply misguided (who in the hell would trust Blair?). We really haven't gotten to see all that much of Maka's personality so far. But the drive in both her and Soul is the same, both want to succeed completely and utterly, they just display it in very different ways.
Patty is still my favorite. Her borderline-psycho-killer-creepy laugh gets me laughing every time. Talk about someone who takes it easy.
...and we get to compare her with Liz, who came off here almost as image conscious as Kidd.
Looks like Ragnarök will have a harder time against Death the Kid than Maka. Though of course that's no surprise considering what he is. In any case this should allow us to see how good a fighter Death the Kid really is if it goes on long enough.
how did ragnarok not become a kisshin after eating all those souls? And also, was the pirate ghost referring to Soul when he said the souls weren't for ragnarok....how is Soul closer to becoming a kisshin then ragnarok?
It seems a bit strange if the ghost was talking about Soul in my opinion. Of course it's possible Medusa activated the ship for that purpose but honestly there's no way right now to make Soul suddenly eat 100 (innocent) human souls. He would first need to lose control of himself (and take over Maka) in a bad fight. It would be premature to orchestrate human souls for Soul at this point. I don't honestly know who he was talking about if he said the truth. Although it's also possible he simply didn't know what he was talking about.
The guy that does the red demon's voice is the same that does Jiraya right?
Soul Eater 16 is out by Tadashi
Nice episode!! The scene in the clinic where Stein and Medusa was so intense. And I liked the part where Stein was shaking all around. Its just shows how powerful true witches are.
Kid not being able to write the K in his name properly and seeing the crap kicked out of Black Star (and using the blood from his nose to write his name) were quite possibly the greatest things ever. I love the humor in this series so much. If they did a pure filler arc with all the SE humor I would not be disappointed at all.
I'm glad I decided to check out Tadashi's subs now. It was worth checking out for this episode alone. :D
By Tadashi
Soul Eater 17
I have heard its a pretty funny ep. Downloading now.
What a pointless and moderately annoying ep. I chuckled when they used "pencil" as an exclamation but other than that the only good part was the preview of the next episode.
Was there really a manga chapter about that?
I did not watch this episode, but judging from the preview from the last episode, I am pretty sure it is filler.
Eh...I wasn't really feeling it with this episode. Last one was so much more funnier than this one. Only thing I liked was getting to hear Excalibur's VA again (its downright perfect for him).
Preview looks very interesting, can't wait for next week's episode.
Just watched the first part for about 5 minutes or so and skipped everything. Its really annoying to look at Excalibur's weird figure.
No, this was 100% filler. Although, it was nice that they gave Ox more screen time so that audiences will be more familiar with him.Quote:
Originally Posted by xtallography
A nice setup episode for next week's action. I'm glad to see there gonna gang up on Medusa from start judging from the preview. I really hate when teams separate and do 1on1 when you can kill the enemy easily by teaming up,, Is Maka's dad inside the trap? Maybe he's also outside?
It has been a while since I've laughed as much as I did during the speeches in this ep. A great episode altogether, for sure. It looks like pretty wicked action will follow now. I also hope they will coordinate some team fighting. Although to speak the truth, Maka might be the only one of them really capable of such...
It's what you call a "Bring it, bitch." setup episode.
Awesome one tough
Dr. Stein and Medusa actually made a pretty good looking couple, now that I think about it. When this is all over, they should start to see each other. I'm sure their kids would be the strongest ever, as well, if genetics play any role in that business.
Definitely a good setup ep. It's a shame Stein won't have access to the death scythe in the next episode. I'd like to see what they could do together against a witch as powerful as Medusa. The little toad witch, Elka, annoys me. I wish they'd kill her off already.
I guess.. They will have an offspring with a screw on its head and scales on its skins. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
It's strange though. How does a witch become a witch? The way Medusa talks to her, Chrona seems to be Medusa's offspring, yet is not a witch at all. Chrona is just a technician, like Maka or BlackStar.
Maybe it has something to do with how Medusa concieved/birthed/raised Chrona, maybe by some magical means instead of the standard methods.
Is being a witch genetic in the first place? Maybe it is simply the act of learning how to use black magic that taints the soul and turns one into a witch, or maybe a certain ritual or a coming of age ceremony. I'm not certain, but are all witches so far women? If so, it is quite interesting why it is limited to women alone.
If I remember right, Free, the werewolf, is also a witch in addition to being a werewolf and the third thing he was. It's not restricted to women.
I think warlock is the counterpart of a witch. I maybe wrong though
I thought Free would be considered a witch because of the eye that he stole. Or maybe I forgot an important detail...not really positive.
And shinta, I would think that being a witch is genetic...Ann (introduced along with Black Star in episode 2) would be proof of that I imagine since she was the youngest one at the witch gathering.
The one with a swordsman as her guardian right?
And maybe there is another order for men. A group of evil magicians who is the same league of the witches. Warlocks maybe?Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
NM's right, I think Free's witch powers come from the eye he transplanted into himself, compliments of the eldest witch in the order.
That's a fair assessment....if all his powers come from the eye, which they don't.
Sure, a lot, if not all, of Free's powerful magic comes from the eye. His whole body (or at least the magic he's summoning gets limned in green (the color of his soul, perhaps tainted by the eye, which also appears directly on his soul), and the crest on the eye enlarges and it starts sparking.
But in episode 15, Free also uses ice magic, with or without incantation (much like Medusa and frog-girl do). No reaction from the eye at all.
I've been waiting for this forever! Finally some real action in the anime.
Free's an immortal werewolf capable of ice magic, anything else he does such as the spatial cube magic he performed is due to the eye.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
The question then becomes whether performing magic necessarily makes one a witch or not.
I must have missed this when I was reviewing the episodes with him in it. Where does it say it's a part of his werewolf abilities and not magic?Quote:
Originally Posted by ChaosK
I don't believe they said it anywhere but it might be related to the incantation he says before the attack. Rumbel's translation of it was "Wolf...wolves...wolf...wolves" and then did his Ice Spindle attack on Black Star.
Is that how it's translated in the manga Ryllharu? Because Tadashi's subs went "lupis...lupi...lupis...lupi" in episode 18 (but it really sounded like wolf wolves again) but I'm going with Rumbel just based on experience.
But what I'm saying is since he's muttering wolf wolves to do his ice attacks, it might be related to his werewolf bloodline. And the dimensional cube comes from the power of the eye since that cube itself puts anyone in it into another dimension completely with no escape (not even Shinigami-sama). I think the eye was reacting when he did that spell.
An excellent ep... I'm glad they found a way to get the death scythe to Stein even though he's not putting him to much use at the moment. It would be interesting to see if me made a throwing type attack intentionally miss Medusa so it would hit the vector plate behind her and catch her off guard.
I'm looking forward to the next few eps since they should be chock full o' action. I'd really like to see Death the Kid obliterate Elka even though I know that won't happen until the demon god is awoken since she has the black blood. I guess we'll see how far both Maka and Soul are willing to go in terms of obtaining "power" next week. The last scene in the preview made her look absolutely mental.
This and Macross Frontier are really neck and neck for my favorite shows of the season.
Awesome episode. Just seeing everyone break through Medusa's first line of defense was great (Kid's and Black Star's being my favorite). And Shinigami-sama looked badass all those years ago. Wonder if we'll ever get to see the other warriors from Shinigami-sama's group. I'm betting they all have deathscythes by now.
Also, I guess Maka's dad has another form of being a deathscythe? The blades weren't there like before when Stein fought Chrona and Ragnarok.
Soul Eater has already won it for me. And not just for the season, definitely another one to add to my all-time favorites. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by xtallography
Didn't Maka say earlier on the entire purpose of Shibusen was to raise weapons to the level of "death scythe" so that the would be used by Shinigami-sama? I'm guessing by definition that they can only be called "death scythes" if they are going to be used by Shinigami himself.
That's not to say weapons of equivalent power (or greater) are not weilded by other people (Excalibur being one such weapon....theoretically/historically) don't exist, but Death Scythe seems more like a title rather than a particular level of strength. After all, Death Scythe's name used to be Spirit or something like that (Stein has called him it at least once).
I didn't get far enough in the manga to see if she does show up, but I wonder what technicians like Maka's mother do after they raise a weapon up to the level of Death Scythe. I also really wonder what she looks like.
I reckon that statement was either a mistake by the mangaka or a slightly loose explanation. The latter case might mean Shinigami-sama would decide what is to be done with the weapons once they have reached the death scythe status. Kind of like at a military academy you eventually get an assignment somewhere in some base. Otherwise it would make no sense a dude who can't even leave the town would hoard weapons - especially weapons that are also people who would with 100% certainty get bored if they see no action and whose lives would be wasted rotting there.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Besides, it's just strange all the pairs would be broken. Maybe the pairs are usually sent to different places in the world to hunt down villains once they have graduated.
The only pair we know about for sure would be Maka's mother and Death Scythe. Of course, they are the worst possible example, as they got divorced...
So our view is really skewed with that. While it does not change the fact that Death Scythe (Spirit) is Shinigami's personal weapon, I supose it would not necessarily mean that the pairs usually separate. Perhaps they also mix and match, but that would only make sense for a transmutive Weapon like Tsubaki.
Still, we haven't seen Maka's mother at all, so I'm guessing with what Death Scythe was saying in this eps, that the others like him and ace technicians like Maka's mother are around the world killing villains as you say...so then who is she using?
I have to say that the introduction of Death Scythe was perfectly handled. They raise the music up, cut the camera angles, and send the tension skyrocketting. All the viewers (including myself, since I forgot about it) think that Medusa is about to show up...and it's Maka's perverted father. I definitely laughed aloud for that. That, and Chrona/Ragnarok's gross incompetence despite Medusa's confidence in them. They barely even noticed Kidd going by.
Well, Spirit said he's the only Deathscythe currently in Death City and even said he wouldn't be able to face the other Deathscythes if he let the Kishin be reborn. I'm guessing that when one reaches the level of a Deathscythe, they can be used by any high level technician as they would be proficient at managing their own soul wavelengths. The anime mentioned earlier that Sid was a three-star technician. Although we don't know what the highest level is, we can assume that technicians have levels of proficiency as well and I would guess that the other Deathscythes are with people of that level and can be wielded if necessary. For example, I'm sure Stein could wield any type of weapon even if he is a scythe technician, he could probably wield Liz and Patty if he wanted to.
This series is awesome. The demon within in Soul Eater is 1000% more interesting than in Naruto, that's for sure, as well. It's also nice how I keep liking Medusa despite her being quite a ruthless villain.
Sanity is handicapped harshly in this series, though.
Medusa is one of the most likable villains, period.
Way to channel Twin Peaks though. The author has definitely seen the series, as evidenced by all the scenes in Soul's head.
I also like how the motivation to become a Kishin (demon god) all revolves around fear. The Kishin was afraid of everything according to Shinigami, and apparently, so was chibi-Chrona. Now the devil inside Soul's head, some aspect of the Black Blood, says the exact same thing. Fear, fear, fear. Fear makes you weak, and the response to completely giving in to that fear is to lose your sanity. A very nice touch.
There was one fundamental difference in the manga that really makes this episode lose points.
Chibi-chan, Chrona's pet, was not a fire breathing dragon in the manga. That makes it an object of fear, something Chrona was too scared to face. Be afraid and alone, or kill what you're afraid of. A radically different version of the plot point from the original version.
Maybe it will appear in the next episode, though I doubt it. In any case, consider yourself warned.
[ Nope, Chrona's Chibi-chan was not a little black dragon.
It was a harmless, white, fluffy, bunny. ]
[thumbnail elimated for those who do not wish to see it]
That changes the entire feeling of the scene.
I like how they've given the black blood a voice (and body) inside of Soul. It definitely adds to the dynamic and makes it easier to see the battle within to keep ones own sanity versus having the power to defeat an enemy by going absolutely insane. I thought it was rather amusing that Maka was all about having Soul lead in the dance but the decisions were all ultimately hers. The downside in the ep for me was Maka turning into some babbling idiot for the time being. I understand that's the black blood taking over but an unfortunate side effect none the less.
This series keeps getting better and better as it goes along.
Its definitely much more interesting than Naruto/Bleach combined. You've got a demon imp dancing some jazz. How cool can you get?
The whole thing with sanity is just awesome in SE. It was so twisted at the end seeing the black blood take over Maka...I loved it. Although I was surprised to see that Maka actually wanted to use the power of the black blood. Fighting against her fear is what made her stronger (and she even heard the whole conversation about fear with Soul and the demon imp).
Looks like only Soul is trying his hardest to resist. I hope he can bring her back since everyone else is already occupied with someone (really looking forward to Black Star and Kid team up).
And Jiraiya's voice for the demon imp inside Soul was a perfect choice. Can't wait for the next episode! This series is just brilliant.
[Full disclosure: I have read the manga (though not all that far beyond this), and these are my thoughts on the events when I read it and now augmented in light of seeing it animated.]
In Response to NM's post:
I'm thinking the difference between Maka and Chrona here is entirely based on their partners. Black blood, and Shinigami-sama's explanation about The Kishin, is all based on giving into your fear. The technician gets so afraid, that they withdraw themselves and in a completely panicked state, go berserk until whatever subject of their fear is destroyed.
While Chrona's fear is amplified by Ragnarok (as we saw, s\he is as afraid of him beating her\his up as s\he is of everything else), Maka is putting all of her faith behind Soul to get her out of this safely. While Chrona is dominated, Maka leaving her life in someone else's hands. Though I have to say it is a little strange that the black blood that was inside of Soul is now also inside of Maka. Soul Resonance must be something far beyond a mental joining...since it also supports fluids exchange ;)
As a side note, while it looked like Chrona's constant, "I don't know how to deal with X..." was some part of social ineptitude, it may acutally be his\her way of saying how afraid of it s\he is.
Kidd and BlackStar team ups were not very effective the last time we saw them. It should make for a few good laughs, especially since one or both of them will be facing off against Free, the casually-inept werewolf.
The definite depth of madness:
Episode 21 - Tadashi
- - - - - -
An interesting episode. Well, ending a fight with the "let's be friends instead" approach can go either way: down to a disaster or offer a smooth and believable way. I deem it depends heavily on the setting which one is more likely. In this particular case, considering how troubled and unstable Krona was, it's safe to say it was totally believable plus offered a way to end the fight despite the power difference (between Krona and a sane Maka). After all, it's not like Krona as such was enjoying the fight or fighting for any solid ambition or goal of her own. She probably fought because that was the easiest way out for her.
In any case, the next ep should offer a different kind of fight with no mahou shoujo endings...
Do NOT watch the preview, massive spoiler included !
ya know im not to happy about that i mean i have seen this befor, " ha ha i killed thousands but i was misunderstood and never had anybody love me and now that you have opened my eyes i regret it all and want to change please forgive all my sins "...
She wasn't sane. What did you expect?Quote:
Originally Posted by NeoBear
For Soul and Maka this was best that could happen because they could end the fight they weren't supposed to win in a very timely manner.
This was definitely one of those occasions where the only way to achieve victory was Mahou Shoujo style (the standard kind, not the Nanoha way).Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
We saw before with Kidd that the more frightened Chrona gets, the more insane she becomes, and then that raises her power. She may be an incomplete kishin, but fighting her only makes her worse. Maka was right in figuring that the only way to stop Chrona was to comfort her. I'm pretty much in total agreement with the idea that killing became the easiest way out for her.
BlackStar and Tsubaki certainly could have hurt her, but that wouldn't achieve a whole lot since he isn't nearly as capable as Stein is at it. At worst, it would have been a repeat of the demonic ghost ship.
Chibi-Chrona was so cute~
After Episode 6 I just couldn't wait to see what Kid could do. I think that Episode 22 Is going to get us lots of combat fanservice.
Where the hell did Maka got the book for the Maka chop? And wait Crona's a girl?
Chrona's gender has never been specified thus far. I'm just tired of not being able to use pronouns. I've always thought Chrona was a girl though.
Some of the shots of Chrona's face in this episode made her look like a boy. It's supposed to be very ambiguous.
lol at Kid in the beginning of the episode. Didn't think Patty would ever provide some kind of motivational support for him since she always laughs at him when he breaks down. :D
Chibi Chrona and Maka for the win! Yeah, you can probably tell that I enjoyed the ending even more with both of them walking together.
And I kind of assumed that Chrona was a male. The voice gives off that vibe (both chibi and regular Chrona for me at least).
I think he's definitely a male. Not just his voice, but his looks too.
I'm hoping kid would let us see his true shinigami powers. I mean come on he didn't even fought well with Chrona the last time they met. Chrona even sucked up all the souls in the area with Kid just watching in awe. It's time for him to show us how strong he really is.
Originally Posted by NM
That's why the casting is so perfect for Chrona. They picked an actress who has become recently well known for ambigous roles.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Maaya Sakamoto recently played Rin Suzuki in Bamboo Blade (the girl obsessed with the evil Power Ranger character, masculine in personality). Rip Van Winkle in the Hellsing Ultimate OVA, again, a character who from appearance and name is gender undetermined (initially). She plays Shiki in the Kara no Kyoukai films, another well know gender-ambigous character (in personality anyway). Lastly, one of her most prominent roles in the last five years was Haruhi in Ouran Host Club.
Chrona's casting was very intentional.
I think Chrona is a girl. And I'll continue believing so until unsurmountable evidence to the contrary is piled in front of me so high that I either have to accept it or not anymore be able to watch the show from behind the mountain. While I admit she's by the looks either a disturbed (slightly tomboyish) girl or a disturbed boy, especially in the distant flashbacks she looks like a girl becoming disturbed, not so much a boy in the process of cracking. Furthermore, with Medusa as her mother, it makes somewhat sense she's a little witch, that is, a girl.
And Soul was totally cool with Maka hugging her, so that's one more piece of evidence. You'd think he would have at least slightly narrowed his eyes if Maka was hugging another dude.
Was Soul ever the jealous type? He does not seem to be, and any interest he has in Maka as of now seems to be purely out of friendship and partnership.
Episode 22 - Tadashi (version 2 due to encoding problems)
The ep was good... didn't seem super spectacular but wasn't sub-par either. Black Star's entrance did give me a good laugh though (both of them really) and nice foreshadowing on some new super move for Maka and Soul. I did wonder where the big spike and razor blade came from that Elka and Wolfy were trying to do themselves in with. Actually, the ripping skin off and that whole sequence in general was pretty creepy to me. Maybe it was all the face biting. The preview definitely looks awesome as a conclusion to the Stein/Medusa battle seems entirely possible.
Well, I watched v1, it's beyond shit.
Now, the story itself. Nice to see how it's going, and where it's going, the situations seems to evolve in a 3 Way Clusterfuck look forward to the end of this season, it's going to be good.
i agree with kraco. everything about chrona screams "girl" to me. a part of it definitely has to do with the fact that her voice actor is female, but more than that, she just...feels like a girl to me. at her present age, she might be considered boyish, but chibi kurona is distinctively female, in my opinion. can't really explain why it feels that way. but heck, she even wears a dress.
This anime has it all: fights, comedy, insanity and now sweetness.
The only thing i didn't like was that we didn't get to see much of crazy maka, she sure was awesome.
I think chrona is a girl too, i just get that vibe from her
PS: Someone that has read the manga clear this up for me pls, the mouse witch originally showed a whole lot more of underboob right?
The sneeze in the OP made me laugh way too hard :D
Quoted for truthQuote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
No fucking lame ass fox or maniac hollow, just a red imp looking pimp and dancing to a sweet jazz tune.
I seriously don't understand how naruto can be so popular while this anime lingers in the shadows.
Probably the same reason why music such as "The Jonas Brothers" is so popular while musicians with true talents can't even get 1/10 of their sales.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
How can u use the Jonas Brothers as an example in a world with Tokio Hotel...?
Lol i'm gonna get so much bad rep from fanboys/fangirls for this post
From Soul Eater Fansubs:
SeF - Soul Eater 23 (x264 1280x720).mkv
SeF - Soul Eater 23 (x264 1280x720).avi
SeF - Soul Eater 23 (h.264 480x320).mp4
Tadashi - Soul Eater 23 (720p h264-AAC).mp4
Wow, this episode was awesome. From the Kishin's madness making everyone hallucinate to Medusa's vector blood splurting everywhere, it was a real visual treat. I love Stein's change of personality also; he's a complete badass.
Next episode should be action packed also, can't wait.
This certainly was a badass episode. It seemed to end a bit too easily when Black Star cut the syringe. Quite a stylish way they presented this. It's also ironic Medusa died there. She was the original architect yet ended up seeing far less than those she just used as tools.
The next ep should offer grand spectacles.
Shini sama is going to kick some ass.
Man, this episode was just pure win. Stein is a total badass. The whole time I was thinking he would've gone along with Medusa but damn did he get her in the end. Her vector blood spewing all over the place and ending with him laughing was perfect.
Next episode is going to be awesome. No doubt about it. :D :D
The wavelengh of the great devil? Does the imp mean the first kishin?
Lol so is chrona officially a girl now? Pulling up a skirt of a boy would be way too weird, even for this anime right?
Fuck, no more Medusa :(
Well at least the kishin was revived and we're sure to see one hell of a fight on the next episode.
Indeed the trailer looked really promising for the next episode. I never expected to see the Shinigami-sama to fight. A nice suprise though.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
I'm sure they will find a way to bring Medusa back. She's an awesome villain and its a shame to lose her this early in the series.
I hope so but i doubt it.Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
Just like what In said.. They will definitely bring Medusa back. And I Don't mind the Kisshin getting free and all.. He's cool..
Man, Eruka is so cute.
The battle wasn't as badass as I wanted it to be, but still pretty good. It seemed like the 3rd vs Orochimaru battle from Naruto. Everyone was amazed at the level at which they were fighting. I'm assuming that the "varja" attack the Kishin used was with his weapon? I wanted to see Shini-sama wield Spirit, maybe later.
How're these subs, btw? Never heard of 'em. Was planning on waiting for tadashi at first, but it's taking awhile.
Subs are fine to understand the episode. Tadashi's translation and fonts are definitely better though. About the same quality of video.
Eruka is making me want to start reading hentai...
Awesome, badass, amazing and fucking unbelievable episode! Why? Because Medusa lives, Kishin and shinigami are too awesome for words and the perverts watching the cat fight was hilarious xD
A bit surprising Medusa lives. You would think Stein would have sensed her soul worming away at some point. But then again, after this fight I don't think Stein is that tough after all. He didn't seem to have many tricks at all, compared to Medusa, for example. Maybe if he allowed himself to become more crazy he would become a serious opponent for bad guys but as he is now, he's little better than our regular heroes of Soul and Black Star. He might not even be tougher than Shinigami Junior.
Kinshin having left the premises, doesn't that mean that Shinigami can leave as well? Do I remember wrong when I'm recalling binding the Kishin was the reason he couldn't leave the place?
He binded himself to the city, not to the kishin in order to seal him in the skin bag underground, even if the kishin is free he's still stuck in the town.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
... how come none of you have said anything about the "Cursed seal" that Medusa put on Stein zzzzz
What does that even mean? It looks like an ordinary city, taking physical damage and then getting repaired the usual way of bricks and mortar. It doesn't look like it's a part of Shinigami's body in some manner. Or does it mean Shinigami is leeching life out of every citizen and thus is so strong but only in the city?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Even if Stein wasn't strong enough to actually slay Medusa for good I expect a master of body modifications and whatever obscene techniques won't find any "cursed seal" of Medusa's to be worth much. Just look at the dude's body...Quote:
Originally Posted by NeoBear
"Shinigami bound himself to the city," isn't really the correct term. More appropriate would be to say that Shinigami rooted himself. He planted his enormous soul on the spot where the city now resides, in order to keep the Kishin within himself (or his aura at least), where the Kishin's power would presumably have less of an effect.
Shinigami-sama had the town built around him and the school, maybe partially to keep him company.
I loved the flashback where he was showing how his old, non-goofy, serious business face scared children away.
I see eyepatch womens in the preview....and I still have the lingering effects of an eyepatch fetish from watching ef. I stopped reading the manga with the end of this episode, so I will eagerly await the new Eyepatch-chan.
Shinigami Chop, is really awesome, simple yet so awesome, somehow Kenpachi like.
I think he meant it more of as a parody of Orochimaru->Sasuke.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
Lol i know, it was awesome how they made his "funny move" into such a kickass technique.Quote:
Originally Posted by Inazuma
His angry face looks pretty awesome.
I wish we could see his angry face with the old mask on.Quote:
Originally Posted by animus
Yeah, I believe so. It looks like the black blood's supposed to disappear into normal blood in the First Kishin, rather than have a mind of it's own like it does in Chrona and Soul. Maka seems to behave in a similar way, in that case, which means she could potentially fall down the same path.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Those are some smooth, shiny legs for a guy. ;) (I should have probably watched 23&24 before commenting...)
SeF - Soul Eater 25 (XviD 720p).avi
SeF - Soul Eater 25 (x264 AAC 1280x720).mkv
Originally Posted by xtallography