Today I learned that this thread is going down.
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Today I learned that this thread is going down.
why do you say that?Quote:
anyway, today i learned that our people eat the weirdest and nastiest things that i wouldn't touch.
Today, I learned all about the heat pipes on my ASUS Premium motherboard that will sit inverted in the Lian Li [V1100B-PLUS] case I just ordered.
I also learned that because they will be inverted, I am an idiot for investing in both, as they are not very compatible.
today i learned a penny can fuck up a whole washing machine...yup....
Today I learned that whenever I have a long weekend break, God strikes me ill with something, just to fuck with me. Haha, you got me again, you asshole.
today I learned that contrary to popular belief,
mustard + marshmellow != good
it's a popular belief that mustard and marshmallow go well together? i never heard of that. guess i learned something new today too [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
well, um, a little voice inside my head said it was... so in my books, that makes it popular belief.
Today I learned that the number one always-included ingredient in pasta sauce (at least in Italy) is NOT tomatoes/tomato paste. It's garlic.
I also learned that the switch to the Euro currency has 'helped' lots of nations' economies by allowing prices for everyday neccesity items to double or triple after the change. Meanwhile luxury items and expensive things, along with salaries, have remained the same. Books, transportation, cheaper medicine have all doubled in their average costs in Italy since the Euro change. The price for clothing and food has almost tripled.
Today I learned that building a robot is not as easy as it seems. Even if the programming is all correct, the circuit can be tricky and unreliable and die at any time. I also learned that it's way less time and hassle to pay the extra money for a professional microcontroller programmer rather than trying to build one yourself.
I learned the above, as well I learned that making sigs are alot harder then it looks like. They take a long time to make, but After long last i have one I can say i made and doesn't look like crap.
Originally posted by: Mr Squiggles
today I learned that contrary to popular belief,
mustard + marshmellow != good
am i missing something?? i'm pretty sure that it means that its a popular belief that mustard and marshmellow dont go good together...and he was proving it wrong....unless today i'm about to learn a new meaning of contrary...Quote:
Originally posted by: Honoko
it's a popular belief that mustard and marshmallow go well together? i never heard of that. guess i learned something new today too [img][/img]
i learned that you shouldnt practice flame baton throwing, next to a garden (idiotic neighbors)
Today i learned KitKat builds robots at home, which ofcourse means that she MUST be part japanese.
Today I learned that I am related to this man:
Yes, a swedish king.
Well to be honest, I've known this for a long time but I never knew exactly WHO I was related to. And this is him. My family is the offspring of one of his many mistresses (on my mother's side). He apparently had lots of affairs and a very small of the total number of illegitimate children is unknown. And my ancestor was conceived when he was roaming about somewhere in Sweden. Originally he was from France (ARGH I HAVE FRENCH BLOOD!) but he later learned swedish well and ascended the throne here (as read on wikipedia). Also, our current swedish king is a descendant to Oscar I, but I'm not related to the current royalty since it's another branch on the family tree. Cool huh?
So I guess the whore qualities lie in my blood [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] My blood, which also happens to be blue!
Kneel before king Terra!
Today I learned that being related to royalty really doesn't mean more than perhaps a cortazone shot to the old ego... Terra is a Frenchman! That explains alot!
Today I learned where to buy peanut butter in Italy. Seriously I had looked in just about all of the stores and nobody had any idea what I was talking about. Even the Pakistani and Moroccan ran bodegas didn't have any idea where to get it. Then I went down to this Asia Mach (that's the real, honest to god name of the store) to look for some good spices (Italy does not have alot of good hot spices in the north...) and there it was! Aisle 2! I think its from the Netherlands or Denmark or somewhere like that because the they spell it as Pa(^accent on the a)te d'arachide.
Well it's not so much "ego" as it is "extremely interesting" [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I've always enjoyed research related to family.
Today I learned that when watching End of Evangelion you should really pay attention, or else you'll end up googling in panic, re-watching the series going "Why God WHY?!" and eventually get back to the last 2 minutes of EoE and go OMGWTFHAX and die of shock.
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Today I learned that I am related to this man:
Yes, a swedish king.
Well to be honest, I've known this for a long time but I never knew exactly WHO I was related to. And this is him. My family is the offspring of one of his many mistresses (on my mother's side). He apparently had lots of affairs and a very small of the total number of illegitimate children is unknown. And my ancestor was conceived when he was roaming about somewhere in Sweden. Originally he was from France (ARGH I HAVE FRENCH BLOOD!) but he later learned swedish well and ascended the throne here (as read on wikipedia). Also, our current swedish king is a descendant to Oscar I, but I'm not related to the current royalty since it's another branch on the family tree. Cool huh?
So I guess the whore qualities lie in my blood [img][/img] My blood, which also happens to be blue!
Kneel before king Terra!
Today I learned that you cannot say "King of Sweden" without laughing your ass off [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Today I learned that the best way to make pizza is to use a wood burning oven.
I also learned that cheese from buffalo is actually delicious and costs considerably more in Italy than other types of cheeses.
OMFGWTFHAX is a pretty good way of summing up feelings on EoE. But I think you need to make it OMFGWTFHAXW/HOTSAWZ to really capture the true calamity that is your soul upon finishing that movie.Quote:
Originally posted by: eat_toast
Today I learned that when watching End of Evangelion you should really pay attention, or else you'll end up googling in panic, re-watching the series going "Why God WHY?!" and eventually get back to the last 2 minutes of EoE and go OMGWTFHAX and die of shock.
Today I learned that spontaneous human combustion, or SHC, is really cool. If you're too lazy to read the link then i will summarize by saying that SHC is when someone just lights on fire for no apparent reason, and no one quite knows why.
I'd have to say thats probably one of the coolest ways to die. That would be my mode of death if I could choose. Even better, as I'm just about to kill someone, I'd just suddenly ignite and the the other guy would be like "wtf?". Kinda like the end of the Kimimaro vs. Gaara fight but with fire for added awesomeness.
And then when i get to the afterlife or whatever, I'd be the coolest guy there, just because i can say that i died in complete and awesomely random fashion. The "I took a bullet for my loved one" and "I slew 100 orcs before dying" guys would have nothing on me.
Makes me think of a certain G.I. Joe quote:
Today I learned that Togalog is classified as an Austronesian language. I also learned that along with suffixes and prefixes, there also exist infixes and circumfixes. Technically infixes don't occur very much in English (if at all, not quite sure), but one could stretch the term to apply to words like "re-goddamn-diculous" or "inbe-fuckin-lievable".Quote:
Hey guys. Ah, you know it's funny. People...they go to sleep. They think everything's fine, everything's good. Then they wake up the next day and they're on fire.
Today I learned that I'm not getting as much sleep as I'm suppose too. I'm suggested to get a new bed because it the problum. I was told that i roll to much in my bed and my body isn't getting rest.
Darn it I liked my fold out bed...course it does hurt the back
Today I learned that my computer engineering teacher is a complete noob. Here are some of the stuff he has said:
-Processors haven't improved much the past couple years because clock speed isn't increasing
-200 MHz is not the frontside bus, 800 MHz is
-SLI is stupid because of the way the pixels are drawn on the screen. They should just make a single GPU that's twice as powerful
-SATA hard drives are as fast as SCSI
-Rambus owns (he boasts about his RDRAM everyday)
-The case is more important, in his opinion, than the power supply
-It's good to use a quad-CPU machine for gaming
-The guy used to do professional web designing yet has never heard of RAID 5
For the fellow hardware gurus here, I think those examples are more than enough to show this guy's noobness. I mean...sitting there and listening to a computer teacher say such nonsense is just wrong. For the non-gurus reading, hearing this is equivalent to hearing something along the lines of "Hitler was stupid to kill the Jews himself. He should have just shipped them all to Japan so US nukes them together with the Japanese." Yeah, I hope that paints a clear enough picture.
Today I learned another reason why I love my cellphone, not only do I have the FFVII victory theme on there, but now I have the 24 CTU phone ring thing that goes when they want to talk to each other.
Score [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Today I learned that I'm not the only person in my class in danger of failing and not graduating. I'd say a good 50% of us are in the 'Holy crap what if I have to come back to school for ANOTHER year' zone.
Today I learned that in an addition of binary numbers, the sum is the equivalent of an exclusive or operation and the carry out an and... crazy stuff.
Today I learned that the company I work for still can't get my server back up. And that if asked a question, and a stupid one at that, answer it with either a) a knowing laugh or b) complete and utter bullshit. People stop asking you stupid questions after that. Or, in my case, they keep coming back assuming I know everything. Why the fuck would you ask a co-op about your job? These people are idiots.
Also, if I take 19-20 credits a term for the next 5 terms, I will graduate on time (barely) without incuring any additional costs. So Kitkat, pfft. You got it easy.
Do what I am doing... pull out of your fourth year... you won't get a master's this way but a bachelors instead but hey... who needs the stress of exams???Quote:
Originally posted by: KitKat
Today I learned that I'm not the only person in my class in danger of failing and not graduating. I'd say a good 50% of us are in the 'Holy crap what if I have to come back to school for ANOTHER year' zone.
You get a masters after 4 years??? I'm in a 5 year undergraduate program. This is my 5th year and if I pull out now I get nothing. If I fail I have to come back for a 6th year [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
Its a strange kind of masters... an MEng. Its only really known in the UK and countries with education systems that resemble the UK's. An MSc is worth more though.
I think its usually (even here in the U.S.)
2 yrs. - Bachelors Degree
4 yrs. - Masters Degree
1,000,000.54931728 years of hell to get a Ph.D.
And of course if your taking Med its weird and........I dont know.
^Lol! In my experience in the US it is more like:
4-5 years - Bachelors
2-4 years - Masters
5+ years - Ph.D. I am in my 5th year and am hatin' it!
8-9 years - Med if you count residency.
edit: 200th post woot Genin!
God#2...I don't know what the hell you're talking about...
Bachelors is 4 or 5 years. You don't even compare it with Masters or Ph.D because those are post-grad degrees.
Master is usually 3 or 4 years.
Ph.D is however long it takes. My dad got his Ph.D in like 7 years or so from research done at many schools.
Wait, wait, my bad. I was thinking you get your bachelors at age 22, masters at 24.
My bad, I was thinking 20 + 2 = 22, so 2 years equals bachelors degree[img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
You guys are right, around 4 years for a bachelors, and I know alot of people who got their masters 2 yrs. after. Ph.D is different throughout but I hear its Uber Stressful and alot of work.
So wait a second... how old are you guys when you graduate from your bachelors? IN the UK you are usually either 21 or 22.
That is the correct age.
Ahh, You were thinking of an associate's degree, which you can get in 2 years. Its kind of what you get if you go to a community college. That should only take you 2 years.Quote:
Originally posted by: God#2
I think its usually (even here in the U.S.)
2 yrs. - Bachelors Degree
I'm on my seventh of an eight year plan. I started in fall of 1999, and my current projected graduation is May of 2007. Don't worry too much about being nontraditional ... companies hiring you don't usually care how long it took you to get your degree, as long as you got there.
Oh, and today I realized that apple's success as a company is largely predicated on their removal of choice from their product lines. This somewhat corresponds with Barry Schwartz's "The Paradox of Choice" -- the principle that too many choices about unimportant things swamp our decision making ability and unnecessarily stress us in our endless pursuit of the best things.
Oh yeah, on degrees, I've known people who've made BS/BA degrees in as few as 3 years. A full time grad student in a master's program will typically complete the program in 2 years, but many master's students also work, and pursue their MS/MA in their spare time, via night classes or continuing education programs. That can draw it out a bit ... my mom took almost 7 years from the time she committed to pursuing her MS in education until she completed the coursework ... and she _still_ hasn't completed her master's thesis to actually get the degree (she's been putting off writing the final draft for like a year now).
PhD programs are varied. The PhD program in my university's CS department basically takes people straight from undergrad, and from grad school as well -- so you can enter the program the semester after you get your BS, pursuing your PhD. Most people complete the program, including the thesis, in roughly 4 years. But our CS department doesn't have a master's program (which is generally a continuation of undergrad work at a slightly higher level). Rather, you get admitted as a PhD student, and if you complete the coursework but find yourself incapable of mustering a thesis of any value to the real world, you can exit the program with what's called a "Terminal Master's". Basically it's the disgraceful way of exiting the PhD program ... you just sort of say "I can't take it anymore, academia isn't for me", don't write the thesis, get a master's degree, and go pursue your fortune in industry instead.
In the school of management, you generally have to have a master's (either a MS in management, or an MBA, or a MS in economics or math) to enter the PhD program. PhD students seem to last about 3 years, and then get their degrees.
The takeaway is that you can't really characterize how much work or time it takes in a specific program, there's a LOT of leeway in the different paths you can take to get to whereever you're going.
today i learned that 1 GHz in a centrino laptop is = to 1.5 GHz in a pentium 4....very valuable for my laptop purcahsing.
yeah, you should check out the benchmarks and stats for the latest intel desktop showing, "conroe". They're pretty exciting.
And code name "Merom" for the mobile platform is looking kinda slick too. It's the successor to the brand-new "core duo" stuff.
Check out anandtech's IDF coverage for more.
I don't recall there ever existing a 1 GHz Pentium M. Generally a Pentium M will be equivalent to a Pentium 4 that's about double the clock speed. The 1.73 GHz Pentium M can match pretty much any Pentium 4 on the market.Quote:
Originally posted by: Chaoskiddo
today i learned that 1 GHz in a centrino laptop is = to 1.5 GHz in a pentium 4....very valuable for my laptop purcahsing.
lol i just ordered my core duo yesterday.
Dude you get a Dell? They have a pretty good sale on some Core Duo laptop right now.
What does the word ROFLCOPTER mean? And today I learned that if you make loud noises with a plastic bag, your younger brothers gunei pig will run blindly around its cage hitting itself countless times adn won't stop until I put the bag down.:DQuote:
Originally Posted by Eurasian
Oh and kool topic KitKat. =)
Today I learned that
If you ask someone to REP you because they like what you have posted then it falls under the category of "soliciting rep."
How about you follow your own guidelines and Dont take it too seriously.Quote:
Some guidelines:
Try to give out more positive reputation hits than negative ones.
No soliciting rep hits.
Don't take it too seriously.
Leave comments with your rep hits.
today I learn ^^^ man have panties all twisted up.
see, the thing is, if we let you spam up the forums with constant rep-begging, it'll go the exact opposite direction from where we want it to go.
The point of the system is to encourage and reward good posting. Inherently, asking for rep is bad. It degrades the content of your post ... it's like slapping a big flash-animation banner ad in the middle of what could otherwise be good material.
If you're asking for rep, you're taking it too seriously!
Well, uh.......Today I learned that there was a thread full of Naruto Hentai, and I was overjoyed, about 50% of the hentai was thanks to Jadugar, and I think he deserved some rep. I learned this was solicting rep....? o.0 Wha....
But ya...Whatever....Rulez are rulez....
Someone just jumped the gun. I would never go as low as to ask/beg someone to rep me.
I was just pointing him in the right direction. This system is fairly new.
I never asked previously when we were on Fuse talk for someome to do my user rating and that was b/w 7-8 with more than 30 votes.
People would rep me if they like what I post not because I ask them.:rolleyes:
Anyway. blah blah blah I will follow the rules. OK UNDERSTOOD.
Well, anywayz, Today I learnt that my younger brothers rabbit doesn't like bright flashlights shined in its eyes and will continously run around its cage while hitting itself countless times until the light dissappears. :D
you are sick evil person.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
Today I learn that my Waldo (goldfish) died because I feed it too much...:( :( :(
That's the idea, see? Now you're getting it! You have learned something from all of this :).Quote:
Originally Posted by Jadugar
Oh yeah, and to get back on topic, I've learned that ... umm ... there's a job posting for a fulltime sysadmin that almost exactly matches my qualifications and is like 2 miles away, but since I don't have a car, that 2 miles is a bit too far.
I never really expected to feel trapped by my lack of transportation... but here I am, and that's what I've got.
Hmm.....I wonder if Gunei pigs and Rabbits work like that.....Lets try it out. =)Quote:
Originally Posted by suckitdry
Oh, and Today I learned that if I put alot of dust together in a pile and put it in front of my younger brothers computer while hes sleeping that teh dust gets caught in all his fans and makes his graphics card overheat to 91 degrees and made green spots in Battlefield 2 appear on his monitor. =D
You should at least have a bicycle. Nothing wrong with biking to work.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
^ That is, unless you live someplace where there is a lot of snow in winter. Because as fun as it may seem, riding your bike on a sheet of ice with cars around you is really not.
yeah, that's the problem.
The place with the job posting is only 2 miles away, but it's 2 miles of bike-unfriendly highway... and beyond that, it's north central Indiana (an hour north of Indy)... snow is definitely hit-or-miss in winter. Winters are typically very cold, and in the 6 of them I've spent here I've seen 3 have more than 2 feet of snow/ice on the ground for a substantial part of the winter. Summers are typically hot and humid, and I'd be hesitant to say that riding a bike a couple miles on the highway when it's 95 with a heat index of 110 is a "good idea"...
But yeah, I don't have a bike anyway. I've been wanting one for a while, but I'm huge, and it's hard to find a bike that claims to be heavy-duty enough to support the sort of giant beast that I am :p.
today i learned complich8 is fat
Today I learned that all of these people will be in X3
Originally Posted by Assassin
But even if I weren't, I'm also 6'8 and pretty heavily muscled. If I lost every ounce of fat on my body, I'd still weigh around 275.
Actually, I'm a fair bit below my peak weight these days, and I would probably not horribly crush a mountain bike, as long as I didn't try to do anything too stupid (like ... jumping, or hitting curbs hard). But those things are kinda expensive, and campus is more pedestrian-friendly than bike-friendly. I'd probably end up leaving the bike home more often than not anyway...
Dont take that from him. Just crush his skull into dust with one swipe. ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Assassin
I'd rather be huge then small. Go train and join UFC or King of the Cage.
Power > Everything else
Never get on a full suspension bike. A 300 lb guy once sat on mine and it was never the same afterwards.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
my freshman year, I borrowed my roommate's $1500 bike ... it was one of those suspension-type bikes. It survived fine...
But yeah, I wouldn't bank on it in general ... seems like a bad idea.
For today's lesson, I learned that when you're in Indiana, it can be sunny and 70 at 1 pm and cloudy and 40 at 4:30 pm the same day... so never trust the weather in Indiana by looks alone. This supports the well-known local saying, "Don't like the weather here? Just wait a few minutes, and it'll change".
I also learned that I'm in better shape than I was a couple months ago, and can run the distance from my job to my apartment (about a quarter mile), given proper motivation (such having to get home in a very windy 40-degree afternoon in a t-shirt and sandals).
These two things are ... somehow related.
i learned that in some cases, its ok to grope women, just as long as you can justify it
Today I learned that Lucifus really loves messing with his brother.Quote:
Originally Posted by Lucifus
I also learned that Hunter x Hunter is actually a pretty good series, even though it is really similar to every other shounen story out there.
what about public transportation, complich8?
I learned that laptops may soon have their batteries replaced with fuel cells that last up to 9 hours between charges. This recent change is due to some rule that had been lifted regarding the use of some certain chemical in the fuel cells on aircraft.
Today I learned that the reason British and Canadians use the 'our' ending in words like 'colour' and 'honour' is that Samuel Johnson arbitrarily decided this would be the standard when he wrote his dictionary. And I learned the reason the Americans use 'or' endings is because Webster wrote the dictionary that served as the basis for standardizing the language there and he hated the British.
Today I learned (well, actually a few days ago) that the forums move from fusetalk caused us to lose about 3000 members. 10K member thingy. Not that I'm complaining, I'm just curious where the accounts went. I also learned that if I print out Terra's pic and post it on my cubicle wall, people stop popping in so often. ;)
Edit: Also, linking things is much harder in this new format. But do-able eventually.
Today you shall all learn how to link things:
Step one: Copy the URL you want to link to
Step two: Type [url= and then paste the link here. Close it with a ]
Step three: Immediately after the last ] Type the NAME you want the link to appear as
Step four: Type [/url Close it with a ]
Edit: Ero, I did see that you know how to make links, but I hope this will teach others how to (it took me awhile to learn myself)
This should probably go in the GotWoot FAQ... how is that coming along Kitkat?
Those are probably accounts with 0 posts.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
Today I learned if I keep listening to music at the volume I have been I will be half deaf by 30.
Yep, the migration itself didn't lose members. I decided that I would prune accounts, to get a more accurate representation of the forum environment as we have it right now.
I pruned accounts as follows: accounts with zero posts that hadn't logged in in greater than 180 days (1/2 year), and accounts with only one post that hadn't logged in in greater than 2 years (because of the great gotwoot forum crash that would have lost all of their posts). If you happen to run into any posts by "Guest" or "Anonymous" ... well, my "single-post" heuristic was probably not perfect. Such is life.
I'm debating rebuilding the post stats to reflect the actual number of posts in the database, but I'm sure with the whole mut/krb account deletion drama a while back, it would really dramatically impact people's post counts. The purist in me says "fuck post counts, I want database integrity". The realist in me says "nobody's going to be happy to lose 15-20% of their post count, and the integrity thing doesn't mean much anyway". I'm probably not going to do it, but it's still up in the air.
Oh, and today I learned that since activedirectory uses ldap-based dns as its sole name resolution method (where nt domains used wins+dns), it's necessary to make either your activedirectory server, or a domain member server, or a friendly server in your domain forest into the dns server for any hosts you intend to join to the domain. And that I'm slowly going insane, from cramming too much incredibly geeky information into my head.
Well it was more like yesterday. Today I learnt that One Piece is the Shyt!.
Today I learned that it's possible to ride in the trunk of a car.
Ha. I had forced my friend to do that once. We had 6 people (including me, the driver) that needed a ride home. We picked the smallest guy to go in. He had to curl up next to my subs. My trunk isn't that big, since I drive a stratus. Anyways, I blasted the music and took some turns at 35 mph. The poor guy almost threw up and went deaf!Quote:
Originally Posted by BOARD_of_command
So, BoC, were you the guy in the trunk?
Today I learned that telling my Cousin's spoiled bitch of a girlfriend to go fuck her self and to burn in hell is quite envigorating. I finally had enough, everybody has their limits, she peaked mine, let the bitch die and burn in hell. I feel better... :D
Today I learned that Shakespeare had about 5 different ways of spelling his own name and even spelled it differently within the same document once.
today i learned, i will fail this year if i dont go to school more often, haha
I learned that my mom is crazy. She keeps asking me to go places with her and stuff on my week off. So I may have to kill her if she keeps it up ......
Edit: one more thing, I learned that getting banned from IRC for three days sucks....
today i learned how people are superficial.
today i learned about a medical powder called "quiklot" It clots your blood in a max of 2 minutes. Its used on things like stab wounds and gunshots. The army use it and some police dept's. It clots your blood so quick it can cause 2nd degree burns.
need i ask how exactly you learned this? :confused:
I learned Chaoskiddo didn't learn shit today
I was indeed. Not because I was the smallest guy, but because I was the last person they picked up and no one was nice enough to give up a seat for me. The driver was also a lunatic that goes double the speed limit so it was a bit bumpy back there.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ero-Fan
in Health class, i learn that women that have sex 3 times a week can get less wrinkles
You think that sucks? I think I've been perm. banned:(Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
Yesterday I learned that there isn't one emo-kid in my school that I would like to talk to.
I learned don't leave your pankcakes on a low table to check gotwoot for new rep. I came back and the dog ate them :(.
Today I learned that cleaning ladies aren't fazed by anything. Even when they walk in to clean a deserted lecture hall at midnight and find a hapless engineering physics student practicing a presentation for an audience of bears, cats and other sundry stuffed animals, they don't even bat an eye! Just the one laughed a bit that Ugly Cat was watching the presentation upside down, sitting on his head, while Stripey Cat took notes.
Originally Posted by KitKat
I learned that hapless Canadian university engineering students have too much free reign on their campuses, apparently
I learned today that the one student of the University of Missouri-is was listening to my internet radio station and had the entire floor of his dorm up and listening to it. All about 50 of them in a huge floor party. It lasted about 2 hours as I played some 90's Dance Mixes, and he said he will give me pictures.
I learned also that by tomorrow morning his campus will know both my Username and IP to the station I'm told. I'm scaried....
I learned that this post, complemented by the images of KitKat's sig and avatar, is probably the most adorable thing ever posted on these forums. It almost doesn't belong.Quote:
Originally Posted by KitKat
i learned that if i sleep in for 1 hour, i still have time to post on gotwoot and not be late! Also i learned that people who smoke are have the odd ability to show up at the same time.
What a coincidence, I'm having my wake and bake as well.
Yesterday I learned that to become a Wal-Mart employee you have to, besides, sign shit tons of documents, spend 9 hours on your first work day to complete these online modules for all sorts of shit like pest control, food safety, etc.
But I finally made it... meat department whoooooo
Today I learned that the names of the 2 bombs that were sent by the USA during WW2 sent to Japan were named Little Boy and Fat Man. How original.
I learned that Organic Chemistry sucks... too much stuff to memorize >_<
Organic chemistry is the shit. Don't memorize, understand the nomenclature system. If you can do that organic chemistry is a breeze.
Today I learned how homosexual vector proofs are.
today i learned that canada is a great place when you come to think about it, also because of that i'm going to probably live there on my own and go to college there(not definate, but i'm really considering it).
today i learned that Venice has two airports (and guess which one i went to?) :(
I also learned that the walls in the Pensione in Venice are paper thin and you can even hear people BREATHING on the other side. Not worth it. :(
I also learned that RyanAir flights stop boarding exactly at 40 minutes before the flight departs. :(
i need a hug:(
Today I learned that Chuck Norris actually reads all those "facts" about him.
i.e. Chuck Norris's tears cure cancer.
Originally Posted by gr3atfull
Wow, what a coincidence, we just learned that in class today:) :eek:
I learned that Micheal Geist is on the Canadian legal team that handles internet law. He is the Law Teacher at the University of Ottawa. Now you learned something.