i dont think those spoilers are credible thats my opinion
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i dont think those spoilers are credible thats my opinion
The title of episode 39 contains a character name.
Lunamaria... Possible. But unless those spoilers are from a magazine scan, I'll have a hard time believing them.
The newest issue of Gundam Ace has spoilers for eps 37-40.
Ep 37 :- Darkness Of Lightning
The Chancellor, after hearing about Athrun leaving Gibraltar with Meyrin in a Gouf, gaves an order to shot Athrun down. Shinn, who's chasing Athrun down with Rey, gets into a dilemma of whether he should really follows the order. Shinn finallys comes to a decision and goes into "SEED" and shot Athrun....!
Ep 38 :- A New Flag
With the deadline set for the Chancellor's request for Heavn Base to turn over all LOGOS member hiding there apporaching, Shinn reveal his feeling for Luna. Understanding what it's like to those dearest to him, Shinn swears that he will protect Luna at all cost. However, EA land the first strike and under the fire power of the Destroy Gundam, ZAFT is on the losing side. Shinn, burning with anger, leads ZAFT back onto the upper hand.
Ep 39 :- Kira Of The Sky.
Lacus, after returning to PLANT, goes into hiding to look for that "Something" which can gives insight to the Chancellor's thoughts.
When she finally finds a piece of it, ZAFT forces prevents her escape. When all seems hopeless, Kira appears in the Strike Rouge.
Ep 40 :- The Golden Meaning
Under the praise of the Chancellor, Shinn gives his all at Heavn's Base. Having given up on dealing with Athrun, Shinn gets information regarding Djibril, after escaping from Heaven's Base, hiding in ORB.
Translation courtesy of MakubeX2 over at AnimeSuki's forums. It's a speedy translation so it might be difficult to understand or incohesive. I'll post another version if one comes out.
Different translation of the spoilers by W-General at AnimeSuki:
Finally parting ways with Dullindal, Athrun leaves Gibratar base.
Taking his helper Meyrin with him, he takes off on a Gouf.
After discovering that, Dullindal gave the cold order "Permission to shot him down"
Chasing after Athrun with Rey, Shinn is deeply troubled . Are they really gonna shoot him down? However, is the final answer that Shinn's gonna come up with really what Dullindal has instructed? Once again, Shinn breaks his SEED and goes to shoot Athrun...!
Dullindal demands the extradition of Logos members who have escaped into Heavens Base. During this time, Shinn confronts Lunamaria. Understanding the pain of losing the one he loves, Shinn promised to Lunamaria that "He will protect her." Suddenly, the EAF launches a pre-emptive attack. The overwhelming power of the Destroy Gundam herded the ZAFT forces. However with his burning vengeance, Shinn was even able to turn the tides of the battle, which had tilted towards the EAF.
Lacus, having returned to PLANT, has been searching "something" which has been concealed. It was something which may reveal Dullindal's true intentions. Lacus was finally able to get her hands on a fragment of that thing. However, just as she was about to return to Kira's side, ZAFT forces stand in her way. When all seems hopeless, Kira arrives in space with the Strike Rouge.
Shinn was praised by Dullindal for his valiant fight at heavens base. Discarding all the weakness he had during his diemma of whether he should fire at Athrun or not, Shinn was completely engrossed in his determination to get stronger. At that time, they received information that Djibril, who escaped Heavens Base alone, is hiding in Orb. The spearhead of Shinn's hatred begins to target Orb.....
Since when has it not?Quote:
Originally posted by: danholo
The spearhead of Shinn's hatred begins to target Orb.....
pretty cool spoilers....
its nice to know that meryin is going along with athrun to go to ORB so that they can join up with AA there. Then AA can have 1 more member... CIC maybe? (even thuogh its milli's job already)
so in the next opening i bet your going to see shin and lunamaria naked infront of destiny.
well i don't know if the spoilers are real or not but, if it is real i'm really disapointed there there showing strike freedom and infinate justice so late in the series.
although i herd some rumors that destiny might be 60 epiosdes
I hope so.
the time slot for destiny has been filled in october so its reported it will only run the regular 50 episode
Edit: but im hope it does run longer than 50 since its a great story because of shinn
you think it's a great story because of shinn
shin is the reason destiny was so fucked for the first 20 episodes, it didn't get really intresting till archangel appeared, alot people i know stopped watching it after episode 10, 11.
al they need to do from the start was put kira and athrun in gundams from the start that wold of been the best,
but i like how they're making shinn evil, thik the last 10 epiosdes r gonna be really crazy
i knew somebody was gonna say something when i posted that but for once let me explain myself in the typical gundam series the character thats annouced and say the story focuses on is the good guy but is shinn the good no he's slowing turning over to the dark side which makes the story intresting but fucks it up at the same time what im saying if the story is gonna revolve around shinn there gonna need a lot more episodes or else he is gonna die or join the aa on some bullshit. and finaly know this all people who have the balls to comment or quote me im more of a kira fan than a shinn fan though he is a welcome change im not very found of people who are mentally unstable
sorry bout the double post but on a side not apparently destiny's boomerangs can extend to become regular beam sabers says so here
when Destiny started it was known that some of the cast from Seed would make an appearanceQuote:
Originally posted by: solid01
you think it's a great story because of shinn
shin is the reason destiny was so fucked for the first 20 episodes, it didn't get really intresting till archangel appeared, alot people i know stopped watching it after episode 10, 11.
al they need to do from the start was put kira and athrun in gundams from the start that wold of been the best,
but i like how they're making shinn evil, thik the last 10 epiosdes r gonna be really crazy
and besides, if they immediately showed Athrun and Kira in suits at the start i would've stopped watching most likely
cause it would've felt as just a cheap clone of Seed, now Destiny is refreshing on it's own since it's not an exact copy
well u have a point.
butknow what would ave made a wicked story
if they focused on kira being the ultimate coordinator
if they did something like that it would have been crazy
It would also be cool if they turned the Astray manga into an anime to fill some holes. I've read the summary one of the Astray volumes and I find that it would be a really cool and worthwhile.
So back on topic, thus far, from just the information presented on Infinite Justice, it doesn't sound a powerful as Strike Freedom not any more powerful than the previous Justice. I did love how in GS, they could combine the two beam sabers together to make a kick-ass dual bladed beam saber. Does this remind anyone of Tekkaman Blade? (Look at my banner)
I demand more Jedi beam saber blocking beam rifle action!!!! Most awesome thing that could be done. I'm going to rewatch GS again just for this reason.
Yer astray would be cool as a series...Quote:
Originally posted by: TeknoXI
It would also be cool if they turned the Astray manga into an anime to fill some holes. I've read the summary one of the Astray volumes and I find that it would be a really cool and worthwhile.
So back on topic, thus far, from just the information presented on Infinite Justice, it doesn't sound a powerful as Strike Freedom not any more powerful than the previous Justice. I did love how in GS, they could combine the two beam sabers together to make a kick-ass dual bladed beam saber. Does this remind anyone of Tekkaman Blade? (Look at my banner)
I demand more Jedi beam saber blocking beam rifle action!!!! Most awesome thing that could be done. I'm going to rewatch GS again just for this reason.
IMHO Infinite Justice is hiding something, something that makes it as powerful as SF, other wise what was the point in rebuilding it.
And Tekno, i always preferred Saber to Blade
here too i would've felt that is would be a cheap cloneQuote:
Originally posted by: solid01
well u have a point.
butknow what would ave made a wicked story
if they focused on kira being the ultimate coordinator
if they did something like that it would have been crazy
since it would focus all on Kira again
i'm happy that Kira plays "back up guitar" in this series
although you can hardly say that because of his role in the series
but i do feel it nice to have an additional main character, Shinn
on another note, if they made a side story or a movie or something that focusses on Kira being the Ultimate Coordinator, that would be totally fine with me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
hey just wanted to let all you guys know out there if you didnt that GSD ending 4 will begin airing in july so expect to see it in episode 37 or 38
Don't confuse the liking of Shinn with the patience for Kira's reappearance. Though after seeing how Kira was first portrayed, I have to say a loved it, and I thank Shinn's character for that I guess.
For those wondering about Strike Freedom and its 8 DRAGOON weapon pods. Look at the long list for Infinite Justice. If you thought S. Freedom was overkill just look at Infinite Justice. I'm not gonna pity that thing, it definitely didn't get the short end of the stick.
Oh and the Doms. Limited-MP suits with beam shields. Jesus. And alil Zaku for good measure. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] Enjoy guys. Lets see if we can get some translations.
Dinn, Strike Freedom, Inifinite Justice
DOM Trooper
Zaku Splendor MSV