This was mentioned before. Teleportation has vectors, so reflect works on it too, probably in a different way though because there is no exact opposite direction for a teleported object.
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This was mentioned before. Teleportation has vectors, so reflect works on it too, probably in a different way though because there is no exact opposite direction for a teleported object.
in what ways does it have vectors there is no "start" and "end", its just appears there, inside him... she could probably teleport another human into him and he would explode because his body wouldn't be able to hold the mass. its instantaneous and thats the important part to counter his ability
in the end noone knows what anyone is capable of in this show, the only constant so far has been touma, who can't do shit but nullify everything, which itself is stupid again because he is able to nullify misaka's attacks, but not Accelerators plasma bomb
for example, the fire mage spells should've burned his skin to toast because the heat is there, no matter what, the moment they come close enough to "touch" them, touma should've suffered burning damage to a certain degree
the same goes for Accel's plasma bomb, even if he used vectors to do that shit, the plasma bomb should disappear once touma touches it, but there is no way he could ever touch a thing like that without dying first
You can believe that saving a girl is more difficult than surviving a nuclear explosion. I won't. We will never know since I very much doubt we will be seeing Academy City nuked to oblivion.
Liked Xel said, he allowed that one ordinary human bastard with nothing but a ridiculous technique of pulling punches beat him almost as badly as Touma with Imagine breaker, so in my opinion that also tells plenty of how well he would manage to deal with a nuke.
It has been said(can't remember the ep) that teleportation works through some kind of other dimension - it just moves object through it - and therefore it has vector - but not 3D one, but of higher dimension.
so.. wouldn't that mean that accel is capable of doing teleportation?
and what about his limits in terms of "power level"
why would someone like him even go for lvl6
what would change/improve? if he is able to control every vector, then he should be max-level already
Level 6 is basically unknown, so no one really knows if they can achieve it, and what results it would bring. The method is also in question because the entire Sisters project is pretty iffy for reasons already mentioned by posters before.
Accelerator cannot teleport because espers can only have 1 power. He can manipulate vectors but using the 11th dimension is different because it is an ability reserved to teleporters (as far as I know).
Accelerator can manipulate vectors, but he can not create them. That's why he leaps. I'm sure he could leap really high, but I'm not that sure of sustained flight at this point.
He's not able to teleport because he can not create the vector. While he can manipulate vectors, it's arguable as to whether he has to be able to conceptualise the vector.. in which case he would have to be familiar with the means of teleporting if he is to stop it. As to whether or not he can learn that from being touched by such a vector.. /shrugs.
The most iffy thing about level 6 is the classification: what even separates lvl6 from lvl5? I've defaulted to the level of reality warping (however that's measured), but decided that it was just something thrown into the story that will probably never get visited again since the project is now stopped.
His default 'reflect' will change the vector of teleport without his conscious action, but he by himself doesn't have access to that dimension, or maybe he doesn't know HOW to access it and how it works(contrary to the teleporters)... reversing the vector is just literally adding minus sign before each of coords.
and yes, he can create vectors- he did so in season 1 of index i think.
think of level six as achieving even more power - some kind of unknown barrier to overcome. He wants to overcome it just because it might exist. He doesn't even know what level 6 it - but he thinks that it is change to Übermench, or ÜberESPer. something beyond current realm of powers.
His default reflect is pure magic anyway, considering his clothes aren't exploding, he can use door knobs and eat food, and breath. The fact it just happened to disappear somewhere when he was saving Last Order makes it even more magical, by any reckoning. So, rejecting teleported objects isn't anything much.
The espers aren't far less mysterious than the magicians in the Index/Railgun world. They are merely less ritualistic, but it's all the same stuff.
I don't recall this...Quote:
Originally Posted by Xel
This discussion again... we have no idea if he can create vectors or not, for all we know he's just redirecting gravity as he pleases.
we also have no idea what vectors are..
i'm pretty sure temperature is not a vector for example
Actually ... depends how far you go. Atom vibration. And Vibration can be seen as movements, thus vector. But I don' have no Phds.
we also have no idea what vectors are..
i'm pretty sure temperature is not a vector for example
unless you go into molecular level, probably... don't know.
edit: oops meant to edit
and how does someone not create vectors in his everyday life?
everytime I move I'm creating a vector, by doing so I could for example increase my velocity with accel's power
his power is simply impossible to understand and thats horrible.. worst superhuman power - ever
He can create vectors by moving his body. For example, if he wants to fly up, he cannot simply fly. He has to at least step on the ground to create a vector, then he can manipulate it to propel himself like a rocket.
He cannot randomly create vectors out of thin air. He can just manipulate them, and he has to do it by touch too. I have never seen him manipulate a vector he was not in contact with. That means the vector he is manipulating will always have a new starting point which is the contact point with his body. This means that he cannot make objects fly in a zigzag pattern because he is no longer able to influence the vectors once it he no longer has contact with it. This is of course only about Accelerator in his normal state. His black wing mode is another thing altogether.
A vector is simply "A quantity having direction as well as magnitude, esp. as determining the position of one point in space relative to another." (google). I think if Accelerator becomes powerful enough, he can probably create and destroy matter by manipulating the vectors of its most basic parts, like subatomic particles. He obviously cannot do that yet though.
Mikoto isn't nearly as good at fighting strong espers as she is at giving the random punks and other weaklings a hard lesson. I guess it's mainly due to lacking the will to really fight till the end. She can dispose of weak opponents being sure not to cause any permanent damage, but there's no such luxury in a fight against genuinely strong opponents, so she's at a loss and fights below her level. That's quite a deadly sin when the enemy has no such reservations. Well, she will always have the main character shield, so I guess she'll be alright no matter what happens.
So out of Academy city's 7 Level 5s, 4 out of the top 5 have various abilities to control EMR. It'd be nice of the rest of them are somewhat varied. Frenda's my favourite out of ITEM. Sure, she'd be kinda shitty to know as a person but she's got plenty of cute sides that make her the most interesting compared to the rest.
Too bad Mikoto only uses her railgun against non-human targets. Given that lasers work in a straight line, I would have sent a railgun back down the tunnel and see what happens. They could have fried it if they had the same situational awareness that Mikoto has, but otherwise it should be too quick to react against.
It doesn't change your point but I thought to point out it's probably not a laser. The next ep preview says: Particle Destabilizer Meltdowner. So, it's not a laser, just your regular death ray.
But yeah, she should have done that, but I guess she would have been too worried somebody might actually get hurt (while she was all the time dodging lethal attacks).