My understanding is while the forces they are dealing with allow them to do very broad things, they are only able to do so much given their brain capacity. This narrows the scope of their abilities. All of their (except for that self-rezzing bastard's) abilities can be explained with minute enough terms, but they can only affect the world in one way.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
The frog doctor explained that Accelerator's greatest gift was his computational ability. That's a huge part of the reason why his ability extends as far as it does. Mikoto for example, can use the railgun while the Sisters can't because they are unable to detect the minute differences they'd need to control even with the goggles. Mikoto does it subconsciously.
It's like a highly specialized set of muscles, combined with muscle memory. Esper's probably could extend their abilities out further, but it only works if they can handle the increased load. It would be like learning to curl your tongue into a 'W' shape when you weren't born with the capacity to do it.
Magic, like you said, starts out very broad, but it takes more time and more sigils to do the more complex tasks.