global warming ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Printable View
global warming ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
We had several 90°F (32°C) days in March (end of winter) up on the northern east coast of the US.
This is payback.
(I did get to see squirrels on the ground, completely spread out on the ground like they were dead in order to give off as much heat as possible, because there was no shade for them.)
It's hot here as well, but its still summer here so yeah.
Bullshit. This has been the mildest summer I've ever had out here. Plus the weather now feels like its October.
I know I suck at BlazBlue online, I fall for a lot of the cheap crap over and over. Happens to me all the time in lots of games.
But I totally kick some guy's ass who was playing Ragna, and right as I win, the fucker rage quits on me at the last possible second. The first match I actually won in several days, and I get denied.
yesterday was a crash day.
My pc graphic card broke, my mums notebook's hdd is probably damaged, my electric guitar is not playing(probably potentiometer broke), good thing that i also have acoustic guitar, my ps3 would not output sound for a half of a day, my guitar hero red drum pad is not responding, and damned red octane put 3 kinds of screw's and i don't have a screwdriver for one type. All happened in one damned day. Oh, and also wi-fi signal was fading randomly, damned interferences.
After i get new graphic card i think I'll put my pc in Faraday's cage...
(ps I'm writing from my laptop)
You sure your military wasn't testing out some new electromagnetic-jamming weapon in your local neighbourhood?Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
That sucks.
No idea, that's why I'm putting my pc in Faraday's cage as soon as i get my new graphics card.
I bought a Dell Precision 690 ( yes, on ebay ! )
And the seller never replied to my question about something in the description... I got it today and it looks awesome. Went to plug it in though, and it takes a proprietary power cord !!!!! ZOMG!
I got a killer deal though... it's got 2 3ghz dual core xeons, 4gb, 4x 146gb sas, which i bought 4 750gb WD Raid ediitons to replace w\... got it for $605, and the same system from dell would be around $2,000 easy.
You mind sharing what seller it was? That's a really good deal. I'm due for a new machine, someone stole my laptop the other night. I'm wary about buying a whole computer on eBay unless it comes with a warranty though.
I'm getting it all set up right now, waiting on the hard drives to initialize (72% after like... 2 hours)
I would definitely keep this system if I needed one... it came better equipped than our 2nd most powerful server and that server ran us like $4500 18 months ago.
So I decided to finally clean up the basement and I noticed that my old PSX was laying about I figured I should put it away in its box. I've spent the past hour tearing up the basement looking for the box, plus my other system boxes (N64, DC, GC, SNES) and they are NOWHERE to be found. What's really annoying about this is the fact that I can't remember where I put them but I'm almost 100% sure my mom tossed them out during one of her cleaning binges. What is it with moms and moving things?
Ugh, I hate being sick. Not because of how it feels, but because I've gotten into such a good routine of eating and going to the gym that being sick completely throws a wrench in that. I've already missed two gym days and I'm freaking out. I completely understand that getting proper rest is important, but I can't convince myself of it.
I need to chill.
fahoumh : that sucks !
my mom was telling me that after I get everything moved in @ my house she is going to bring over all my stuff including my nes and snes + games. probably will also include 2 psx's, i don't know why I have 2 but I think they both work.
I know exactly how you feel man. It's a terrible feeling, wanting to keep in your routine but not being able to. I'm always guilty of getting back into my workout routine before I'm fully recovered, thereby prolonging my illness.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Now with the swine flu, the university is asking students to stay home if they have flu like symptoms to prevent the spread of germs. Good luck with that, considering how much attendance counts towards your grade in most classes nowadays.
I had a professor the other day who said if we missed more than one class we'd probably fail the whole course.
Not ten minutes later he said stay home if you feel like you have the flu. What do they expect us to do, anyway?
1) Not die, as that would tarnish the university's reputation.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
2) Fail the course, and provide the university with an extra year's tuition (or at least a summer course).
3) Not get the professor sick, because they like to have office hours so they can demean their students one-on-one, confident that they can do what they want because they have tenure and you can't do jack squat about it.
Did you present this conundrum to him in the class?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Option 4 includes showing up to office hours with swine flu, coughing all over the professor, and riding out the rest of the semester confident that he won't punish you for missing classes he himself could not attend.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
After tearing through the basement again, it seems I'm SOL with the boxes. Oh well, I guess.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
It's funny how sometimes you end up with doubles of things....if you have 2, the older one maybe doesn't work?
XanBcoo: I'm seriously ROFL @ Option 4
I did that before, sort of. The nurse didn't believe that I was sick and didn't want to give me meds or a pass slip. So then I coughed a loogie into a box of bandages on her shelf and she had to throw away the entire box to ensure sterility. Dumb b*tch.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
It took 3 hours to get from Markham back to Kitchener tonight. Traffic was backed up on the 401 heading West from Highway 25 all the way to Highway's about 20km between the 2 exits and it took over 1.5 hours. It was brutal, to say the least.
What, you're an Ontarian, fahoumh? That makes 5 of us now. Not a bad representation.
And on topic: I went to Home Depot yesterday to get some paint, because my roommate and I have been painting our new house but ran out. It turns out that that particular Home Depot is the only one in the whole lower mainland of BC that doesn't carry the particular paint we needed. Laaaame.
I've been an Ontarian all my life, KitKat. Who else besides us is from Ontario? And that particular store being the only one not to carry your paint in that whole area is hella lame.
I took my wife to the hospital a couple of weeks ago because she was having trouble breathing + numbness.... and the last time it happened they said one of her lungs wasn't really working so we went to the hospital.
They said "the estimated bill is $350" ok... coool... i thought it would be higher. they had us pay just $50 at the time...
SO... today we get a bill from them for $1050 !!! WTF! it's actually like $1700 and they've added a "discount" of $500+ and doesn't say why... But how do you go from $350 to $1050? that's 1050 is 3 time 350. If you give somebody an estimate, at least make it close.
had they told me my estimated bill was $1000 i would have been like... damn... and been ready to receive a $1000 bill in the mail. BASTARDS!@
Maybe you have to submit an insurance claim to cover some of the costs of the testing?
There are so many hot girls on campus, but if you act friendly or try to be helpful to any of them, they all think you're looking for love and act snooty or unfriendly in return. Sigh, it sucks being a nice guy.
Then confront them with their fucking attitude, you don't have to put up with that shit.
Well, to be honest, I would actually like to hook up with each and every one of them. It's not like I'm going out of my way to help out chunky ugly girls, so really it's my own fault for the most part.Quote:
Originally Posted by darkshadow
Thanks for the support though.
Both of my OS's on my main computer stopped working, no repair/system restore options seem to help. I guess I have to reinstall. Does anyone know if "Windows server 2008" starts loading forever when the expiration date is exceeded? (it is a trial). I think it expired a week ago.. Other than that nothing had really changed recently on it.
Suddenlink just warned me against copyright violations for downloading an episode of Requiem of the Phantom. They did this before a few years ago, when I had the new War of the Worlds movie on my hard drive.
This ever happened to anyone else?
Yeah a buddy of mine got a notice from his ISP when he was sharing Star Wars Episode I on newsgroups a few years back. Apparently LucasFilm was actively checking sites for the users sharing this movie and having the ISPs issue warnings to the offenders to cease and desist.
He stopped sharing the file, nothing else happened.
This dude I know has been getting DMCA notices lately for downloading Queen's Blade. His ISP (Qwest), actually terminated his internet access because of it.
Which tracker was the torrent from, as well as the episode?Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
They've been doing it to CANAAN recently, and Kara no Kyoukai a while back. All I can suggest is if you know your ISP is bitchy about this stuff to use DDL sites:
/deletes Phantom 23 torrent and downloads from above site.
edit: lol, just learnt Phantom is licensed by Funimation. Explains the aggressiveness.
I should have been clear. It was episode 2, I downloaded it from Nyaatorrents. I just read about the Funimation acquisition so I won't worry about it anymore. I will try the DDL sites, for some reason I just never got anything from them.
just guard yourselves with peer-guardian while downloading from torrents...
They can just get the information (ie your IP) from the tracker. As for whether that's enough for them to send you a notice, of if they have to physically download something from you to prove it, I'm not sure.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
they need to catch you downloading something from torrent - at least here. Take notice that most trackers are probably outside your country, and they would need to study foreign law to get idea how to force them to get their logs.
If they don't need those information in your country just download using proxy located somewhere in Russia or something.
I fried the clutch on my car this weekend. It's going to cost me about $1200 to get the clutch replaced. Only good thing about it is I get a stronger clutch disc and flywheel than the stock ones, so I can street race if I want to.
That really sucks, dude. It's funny how nothing that ever needs to be repaired/replaced on a car is ever cheap.
$1200?? What are you driving?
04 WRX STi. The clutch kit is $350, the new flywheel is $350, new tranny mounts, new short shifter with bushings, plus labor, so it comes out to about $1500. Plus I've had to rent a car in the meantime which will cost another $200. When it rains, it pours.
Good grief, man. My cousin has an '07 STi and he tells me they're not easy to work on. Well I hope at least the installation goes without a hitch.
Was having a text convo with an awesome actress chick (read waitress) and then after I asked her what she's doing this evening..... ..... .....I dropped my phone in the hot tub.
Seriously...I can see 3 text messages in my inbox, but the buttons don't work, so I can't read them. Now I need to get a new phone.
Edit: On the bright side, I had realized just a day or two prior that if my phone was to somehow break down, there were certain people I would have no way of getting back in contact with. Luckily I copied those numbers down.
Edit2: Also, thank god for google voice
Neighbors called police that me and my friend were playing too loud on drums/guitar.
a) it was before 10 PM(therefore legal here).
b) we weren't even playing loudly!
c) they could go to us and talk if they were annoyed instead of calling police.
and that this phone probably wont be released outside japan... I would love to have one.
I've always tried to give people a chance and talk to them directly when there are issues or concerns, especially if someone else brings them to my attention but won't say anything to the actual people involved. It's rarely worked out. Either the troublemakers were offended and defiant, or they thought I was the one with the problem with them, in which case they were offended and defiant. I'm learning it's best to backdoor people rather than give them a chance to correct themselves.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair
I'd wager if you take the battery out and dip the phone in de-ionized or distilled water then let it dry completely you may be able to get it working again.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
I've heard burying it into rice for a few days works as well.
Ohh, so since the phone is made by Asians, rice will make it all better? Is that what you're saying?? You racist bastard.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Unless you take care of the problem within a few hours then you're phone is pretty much screwed, though. I left myavatarphone in the washing machine a year or two ago, but I was able to save it because I acted quickly.
Basically anything that will suck the moisture out is going to be good for it. Leaving it under a hot lamp, burying it in rice, putting it in the fridge, etc. Best option is using those silicon pellets that come packaged with electronics, since that's what they're for in the first place.
I did that when i spilled coke on my phone and it started freaking out, worked like a charm.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Interestingly enough my phone appeared to have fixed itself.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
At first the buttons were behaving completely differently.
Then an hour or so later, it would refuse to boot up.
Then a few hours after, it would boot up, but no buttons worked, then it would shut down.
The next morning, same thing, followed by constant vibration.
Then I buy an iphone.
This morning I try it again, and everything works fine.
I have been collecting silica gel for while. Last weekend I finally bought a suitable oven safe container with a tight, stretching silicone wrap lid. Gotta regenerate the silica gel one of these days and keep it tightly under that wrap. Just in case I drop my phone into water.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Self-healing phones. What a terrifying future we live in.Quote:
Originally Posted by Assertn
No one ever tried an oven?
Symantec sucks balls. I said it. They suck so badly it's amazing that they're still in business.
my company spent $2000+ in january to renew our symantec license for updates, etc.... and yet i'm going to end up spending probably 2 hours today messing w\ this girls computer because symantec is unable to do it's job.
I'm installing vipre antivirus-spyware and am 99% certain that it will remove everything within 15 minutes of running a scan, whereas symantec just shows it to be quarantined over and over and does nothing to stop it from popping up all these windows, etc.
I honestly believe that the only reason symantec is still in business is because they have been around forever and so many people think of symantec / norton when they think antivirus software and people just aren't aware that there are much better programs available nowadays.
I'm not going to argue that Symantec sucks (preaching to the choir there), but if this particular girl's computer is going to be a problem, wouldn't this particular issue be with where she is going, or what emails she's opening?Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
I'm no IT expert, but spyware and adware doesn't just spontaneously congregate onto a single person's computer.
I hate Norton. It makes your computer run like molasses, and it's not even the best antivirus. Malwarebytes antimalware can run circles around Norton. Another Symantec product that sucks is Ghost. I was using Ghost to clone hard drives a few months ago, and it stunk. Terrible software.Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
Norton's in business because for some reason it still scores pretty well in tests. Anecdotal evidence all seems to point the other way though. Norton was my first antivirus.
I have to agree with this. She's obviously going to sites and clicking on prompts that allow these apps to install. I don't know of any antivirus that will stop something from installing if you click on "allow" or "ok" to the install prompt. Maybe she didn't keep the definitions updated.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I use Norton because, like Buff, it was my first and I haven't had any issues with viruses or spyware/malware/adware. Also, my PCs are all beefy enough not to notice any performance hits from NAV.
EVERY case of abortion in here became 100% ilegal, suddenly this country sucks a little bit more.
The same girl had a different rogue antivirus app come up yesterday..> I think somehow the vipre I installed got disabled... or something, I don't know yet. But I ran a quick scan w\ vipre and it came up w\ a whole new list of shit today. I didn't clean any of it so I could scan w\ symantec ( that my coworker re-installed) and that way I can show the comparison later on...
aside from the fact that norton is likely going to take 8 hours to scan and find less than the other program found in 5 minutes.
Just spilled scotch all over my bills.
I'm not sure which part of that is more upsetting/annoying. There's no drying most of them either. Ink is very alcohol soluble. The cell phone bill took the brunt of it luckily. I can pay that online.
(Who am I kidding? Of course it is the scotch)
shame about the scotch...
then again, are you paying the bills with checks? don't you have an arrangement that they pull the money straight from your credit card or bank account?
around here the 'bills' are just notifications ("we took this much money from you, because of A, B and C. if you think we're wrong, tell us in the next 30 days"), isn't it the same?
Hard liquor at 24? Break out the banjo and the moonshine, 'Red, we're havin' a hoe-down tonight!Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
I do that for my car insurance, but otherwise I like to know how much money I'm about to lose out of my checking account. Also gives me a bit more flexibility if I need it.Quote:
Originally Posted by Death BOO Z
I'm shooting myself in the foot (also shown in the photo, btw), but funny thing you should mention that...Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
These self-righteous crusaders of radical faith set up on campus (for everyone to see) of utmost taboo and forbidden graphics of genocide, starvation, hangings, racial symbolism and connotations as a comparison with aborted fetuses in order to support their pro-life beliefs. They were stubborn, defiant against security, handed out pamphlets and even brought their own children to join their rally.
The biggest problem is that they've been doing this for the last four years on campus.
well, they need to send their kids to collage. and the normal route doesn't apply when a couple has seven kids and no jobs (shouting and swearing randomly at people doesn't pay the bills, I've tried it).Quote:
Originally Posted by enkoujin
besides, if they do it long enough, then the kids can say in twenty years from now "collage? I don't have a diploma per say. but I've spent some years there, I'm totally qualified for burger flipping!" without actually lying.
if they come talking to you, just tell them that the coming of the anti-Christ has probably been avoided because of abortions.
By children, I meant their 7-11 year old children. A lot of the protesters looked like really young adults or in their early thirties.
Apparently, they set up tents, so they were back to rallying up again today.
While I do not have a care in the world if someone supports pro-life or pro-choice, it just seems really bad when other people and their beliefs try to superimpose their opinions on you. It is especially bad when they do it by attributing other events totally unrelated to what they are talking about (misinformation) and they refuse to comply with the law or other people's contrasting positions on these issues.
Public Library WiFi doesn't let me connect to any SSL encrypted pages.
i.e no email, no banking, no uni-work access.
Kind of sucks when you hoped to do something productive (and required the above services).
Nasty toe dude. Athlete's foot much? :0pQuote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Actually, that looks like a west coast floor.
I'm twenty-four, and I love hard liquor. Does that make me a redneck? I don't think so.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Sorry to hear about the scotch Ryllharu.
I misread the first post on the page as "just spilled scotch all over my balls."
Hard liquor at 24 doesn't necessarily make you a redneck. It would also make you the equivalent of a redneck in whatever racial category fits you.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
I'm white; I live in the country; and I drink bottom-shelf vodka like it's water; but I'm no redneck.
Hillbilly then.
Today in my Policy class it smelled of B.O. for the entire 1.5 hour lecture. It was ghastly and I think I know who the offender was. Why the fuck do some people insist on NOT using deodorant?
Blame the "All Natural" fad.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
Otherwise, maybe allergy in general. That sucks though.
There are countries like Bosnia, Macedonia, and India where they do not use deodorant. It's against the law in those places I think.
Does the "all natural" fad also include abstaining from soap? Because I don't think it's normal for someone who may not use deodorant but at least showers daily to smell so bad that people can smell them from 10 feet away. The worst part is that it's not even the summer time...or maybe that's a good thing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I can understand the allergy argument, but there has to be alternative products that serve that market.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Probably not, but the people still don't use deodorant/anti-perspirants.Quote:
Originally Posted by fahoumh
I am so fucking tired of these little shits running around my goddamn apartment complex. I ordered a business calculator and the delivery was confirmed yesterday. It's not here. I called the post office who contacted the carrier, he said he stuck it in my mailbox and some kid was trying to get him to give the box to him. I thought he would have locked the box but it's unlocked.
I hate living in the fucking ghetto. When your rent is 340 bucks you really get what you pay for. This place is a fucking nightmare.
that's bullshit...
when i was living in the apartments I'd have everything shipped to my office because i'd never be home for delivery, and if they left it on the door step it might not be there when i get home!
on the bright side.... $340 for rent is a bargain !
Pop Quiz~!
Is it snowing out? Yes/No
It is accumulating? Yes/No
In the temperature well above freezing? Yes/No
Why am I going 25 mph (40 kph) on the Interstate?!
To create more post for the bitching thread?Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
But i symphathize, slow drivers are among some of the most annoying people on earth.
they increased the toll roads around here from 55mph to 70mph but half of the people don't realize this, or they just refuse to drive faster than 60.
Actual Bitching from me.... People calling my cell phone and not leaving a message. There is a 99/100 chance that I'm not going to just call your number and be like.... somebody called me from this number... blah blah blah, NO.
I dont have a beeper, I have a cell phone which has voicemail. All you have to do is say who you are and i will call back... it takes 10 seconds.
Sick of the rude ass people at my school. Hordes of people running down the stairs on the left side. Do you drive on the left side of the road, huh!?
Well I guess you do in some countries. You know what I mean.
Then today this girl comes down the stairs as I'm trying to go up, in a narrow staircase near the library. And I have to practically lunge to the side to avoid this bitch while she stares off into space taking up the whole goddamn walk area.
Next time I'm going for a fucking kneecap.
I remember walking through a narrow doorway before, and this other guy came at the same time from the other side. We when we both moved our shoulders a little to indicate which way we were moving, we saw the other do the same, so stopped to let them go. It happened numerous times before we laughed and moved on. From a bystander's point of view, the shoulder movement was so slight (and plus there was no leg movement), it must have looked like we had a stand-off for a good 5 seconds.
No stairs though.
Stocks were doing great today, then one super analyst Dick Bove downgrades Wells Fargo and the entire market drops 100+ points. I wish I had that kind of market manipulation power. Or just the $2k I lost because of this Dick.
I feel the exact opposite. I fucking HATE voicemail. It's antiquated technology. It's a backwards system. I miss a call, so some idiot leaves me a message saying, "Hi this is Joe I was just trying to call you. Call me back"Quote:
Originally Posted by itadakimasu
No shit Joe! My cell phone has a little message that says "1 missed call from Joe". I know you were trying to call me. I know how I should call you back. Why do you waste my time leaving me this idiotic message. Now I have to log into my voicemail, type in my five-digit code, listen to your pointless message, and delete it. I probably won't check my voicemail for four or five days, so it'll be a moot point by then. I wish I could just disable voicemail so my phone continues to ring until I pick up or the caller hangs up.
Death to voicemail!
I want to learn about stocksQuote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I actually know very little about stocks and make all decisions based on gut feelings and headlines on financial websites like google and Marketwatch. Happily I am still on the positive side of the balance sheet, just less so because of what happened today.Quote:
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Originally Posted by Sapphire
Uh yeah that doesnt teach me anything
ah, touche
I never activated mine. I think I should have accessed it once to have it turned on, but since I share your hatred towards it, I surely didn't. I don't ever leave messages either in other people's voice mails. It would be very hard for me to do that anyway because the moment my subconsciousness realises a phone call connects to a voicemail, my thumb disconnects the call. Happens before my actual consciousness even knows what's going on.Quote:
Originally Posted by samsonlonghair
I do the same thing. When I'm ringing on behalf of someone and they didn't pick up, it always ends up as:Quote:
Originally Posted by Kraco
A: It went to his voicemail
B: Oh, then leave him a message.
A: I hung up already.
The hatred doesn't just cover the use of voicemail, but also the voice that says "The person you are calling is unavailable, to notify them of your call, plea-" [insert rage here].
The voicemail thing isn't so much a problem when voicemail costs extra money on top of your phone plan. Ah Canada, home of extortionist phone companies. On the phone plan I had for the last 3 years, I had the basic plan and no extras. No call display or caller ID, no voicemail, no text messaging, nothing. So if someone phoned me and I didn't hear my phone, I'd come back to a message that said, "1 missed call. Unknown." Not that I minded too much since I don't really like talking on the phone. I trained all my friends to email me instead as a faster way of getting in contact with me.
My biggest problem with mobile phones is that the vibrate option isn't as strong as I'd like it to be. It's especially a problem when I'm wearing shorts, since they fit looser than jeans and pants. Often, with my ipod plugged in, vibrating's the only thing that will alert me to a call. I'm buying a phone with proper music functionality next time.
Current bitch: Downloading a 17GB torrent that's now stuck on 80% with no seeds :(
I've often missed calls because I couldn't feel my phone vibrating while walking.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
I also get what I call Phantom Phone Syndrome, where I'll feel a little spasm or vibration or something at the top of my leg and instantly grab for a phone that either isn't ringing or isn't there at all.
I do that fairly often. Does that mean we crave human contact and are pathetic?Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I join you in your misery and loneliness.
it doesn't matter if I silence my phone before classes or not, I could go an entire week with my phone set to ring in full volume and have the nazi march as my ring tone. and still nobody will hear it.
so, right, Phantom phone, it's so annoying.
I'm getting sick : (
I have a not so good feeling in my chest and feel like i need to take deep breaths every so often. After last weeks swine flu paranoia @ work i'm hoping I don't have the swine...