So i copied from you and now you copied my copy? :p
It's pretty good for a first sig, keep working and you'll be a Lucifus wannabe like me in no time
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So i copied from you and now you copied my copy? :p
It's pretty good for a first sig, keep working and you'll be a Lucifus wannabe like me in no time
A bit you could say. I was messing with the styles since yesterday and saw that one looked good. But didn't really try it until after I saw yours.
I would lower that RyougaZell on the first one down just a little bit for even spacing, even though it's suppose to match the upper text in style. Second signature is a good improvement, and and it's fine as it is. Great work as usual, RyougaZell.
The Devil Survivor text does not match the RyougaZell and Yuzu ones. It would look much better with the same or similar font, but making the two names smaller and blurring them a bit to remove the tacked-on look they currently have should suffice.
Lol seeing Zell's work is kinda nostalgic, it's just like my first sigs looked like
His next step will probably be render extraction
Any font you can recommend Shinta? Or should I just reduce the font and blur it?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Will make this until I get home at night of course.
Render extraction?
Haven't really changed font size nor added blurs as recommended. I just had time after lunch (before returning to the office) to change the font to a more similar one.
New sig and ava. I should really branch out into some new styles one of these days...but anyways, here we are.
Great job! I love both of them, and that is not even because I am also a fan of the character you used.
The only thing I would ask to change would be the text for the name. Seems a little too plain compared to the rest of the sig.
Yeah, well that's probably because I forgot to back up my fonts a couple months ago when I reformatted my computer, and I haven't gotten around to downloading any new fonts so I was working with default fonts. I was just so annoyed when I realized I'd forgotten that because I had a nice little collection of my favourite fonts and the task of tracking them all down again is not one I'm looking forward to.
New avatar and sig set (my current). I've been playing unlimited codes as of late, so I got the urge to use Saber (particularly saber lili) in my sig and ava.
Comments please!
Nice, as always. The focus and theme around Saber is natural, so her attention caught my eyes pretty quickly. Keep it up. :p
new sig.. _____ sage mode
ahh i should add some whiskers
Sick coloring and blending Kage. Love it.
Ya should make an ava to go with it.
Are you sure thats allowed?Quote:
Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
You know, I had a feeling, but my suspicions wouldn't have been confirmed if not for that comment. :rolleyes: Just say'n.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
And nice sig Kage. Can't comment on the details, but it's pleasing.
Yes, I'm afraid I've to take a dim view of it, at the present time. Later, when the anime catches up, things would change. At least if I'm interpreting correctly what's going on, not being a manga reader, myself.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
So, please postpone using this sig, Kage. Quite a cool piece of art otherwise, I've to say, though.
Sickening signature, Kagemane_no_Jutsu! Some whiskers would indeed be badass, too.
New avatar and signature from K-ON.
Comments are welcome.
I hope people start posting here again. A new season means new material for sigs and the like.
The avatar looks quite fine, but the signature has a striking red about it. It's very... velvet.