hmm lets see....awhile ago cant remember but i had to for Rizon so i figured it out then i think Haku helped me...or maybe it was kAiQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Printable View
hmm lets see....awhile ago cant remember but i had to for Rizon so i figured it out then i think Haku helped me...or maybe it was kAiQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
i hardly ever post here because I figure if you weren't in IRC you don't deserve to see the funny shit that went down, but this was too funny to pass up.
To fill you in, somehow or another the IRC channel has recently gotten a larger female population. Last night we started a little game.
"Who is Worthy of Having DO's Babies?"
It started like most days on IRC do, with DO being an insane rambler
[23:35] <DragonOutlaw> rahhh i cant wait until sarah comes back
[23:35] <Doiha> sarah?
[23:35] <AngelEyez> KitKat
[23:35] <DragonOutlaw> Doiha won't know her anyway
[23:35] <Doiha> 9.9
[23:35] <Masamuneehs> there's another girl out their Doiha, pretty damn good competition for you too. If you want DO's babies you better step it up a notch
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> yeah
[23:36] <Doiha> >_>;
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> Your photoshop skills wont be enough
[23:36] <DrAgE> :o
[23:36] <Doiha> i don't want DO's baby... who would
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> nor your drawing
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> everyone
[23:36] <____NOOB-LINE____> doesn't matter as long as terra exists
[23:36] <AngelEyez> Mini Deee Ohhhs o.O
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> everyone
[23:36] <Doiha> i'm not everyone!
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> Doiha stop lieing
[23:36] <DragonOutlaw> you do
[23:36] <Doiha> lol na ah
[23:37] <DragonOutlaw> liar
[23:37] <Doiha> liar
[23:37] <Masamuneehs> Interview time, Doiha, AngelEyez, first question:
[23:38] <Doiha> >.>
[23:38] <Doiha> my lawyer told me not to answer that question
[23:38] <Masamuneehs> It's 2AM, your hubby (DO) comes back from a night out, reeking of booze and strip club pootnany. He demands you make him a delicious meal. What do you serve him?
[23:39] <DragonOutlaw> lmao @ Masa
[23:39] <DragonOutlaw> WHAT DO YOU MAKE
[23:39] <AngelEyez> A sammatch?
[23:39] <Doiha> ummm
[23:39] <Thi3f> I'd serve you some hot steaming love DragonOutlaw
[23:39] <Doiha> boiling water?
[23:39] <Masamuneehs> ... I think Thi3f wins that round... 0_0
[23:39] <AngelEyez> Lol
[23:40] <DragonOutlaw> Thi3f: 1 AngelEyez: 0 Doiha: 0
[23:40] <Doiha> DO marries Thi3f~ yey
[23:40] <DrAgE> cold shower might be good too.
[23:40] <DragonOutlaw> ok
[23:40] <Kraco> Curry-rice without curry?
[23:40] <DragonOutlaw> NEXT ROUND
[23:40] <Doiha> ne, masaaa~ put a better character in your question~
[23:40] <DrAgE> grapes... i didn't know you went that way.
[23:40] <DragonOutlaw> no Doiha
[23:40] <Doiha> lol
[23:41] <Thi3f> DrAgE, I'm 46% gay
[23:41] <Masamuneehs> ok, question 2: You are having a romantic evening with your one true love (DO). Things heat up after the candelit dinner and you go to the bedroom. One things lead to another and soon he's whispering into your ear, "I want to do you in the ass." How do you respond?
[23:41] <Thi3f> According to an internet test
[23:41] <darkshadow> rofl
[23:41] <DrAgE> lol
[23:41] <Doiha> lol
[23:41] <Thi3f> I'd respond with "Two inches will probably not hurt, go for it"
[23:42] <darkshadow> LOL
[23:42] <DragonOutlaw> -1 for theif
[23:42] <DrAgE> lol
[23:42] * Masamuneehs LOL for real
[23:42] <DragonOutlaw> :P
[23:42] <Doiha> eto... "F$%/ u" would be prolly my answer
[23:42] <DragonOutlaw> oh yeah
[23:42] <AngelEyez> I don't think I'll comment >_>
[23:42] <DragonOutlaw> +1 for Doiha
[23:42] <DragonOutlaw> doiha wins the round
[23:42] <DrAgE> oh oh now DO is excited.
[23:43] <Doiha> lol
[23:43] <DragonOutlaw> doiha takes the lead in round 2
[23:43] <Thi3f> :<
[23:43] <Doiha> what do i win?
[23:43] <Doiha> >.>
[23:43] <DragonOutlaw> Thi3f: 0 AngelEyez: 0 Doiha: 1
[23:43] <DrAgE> Ae is yet to respond..
[23:44] <Masamuneehs> moving right along then. Question 3: You accidentaly erase your hubby's (it's obviously DO again) hard drive, erasing countless years of loli p0rn and anime. He comes home and doesn't yet know. He walks over to the computer. You...
[23:44] <DragonOutlaw> oh noes
[23:44] <AngelEyez> Lol
[23:44] <darkshadow> lol, do kills all
[23:44] <DragonOutlaw> my hds
[23:44] <Doiha> hide?
[23:44] <AngelEyez> Buy DO dual core
[23:44] <DragonOutlaw> :O
[23:44] <Thi3f> I tell him it's ok, he can borrow mine, which is bigger btw
[23:44] <DragonOutlaw> ae wins it
[23:45] * Doiha is poor~
[23:45] <Masamuneehs> Time for the Lightning Round. First person to give the correct answer wins. Speed is the key here ladies (...and Thi3f...)
[23:45] <DragonOutlaw> lol
[23:45] <DragonOutlaw> its a tie between ae and doiha
[23:45] <Doiha> >.>
[23:45] <Thi3f> I feel special
[23:46] <DragonOutlaw> Thi3f lost his point
[23:46] <Masamuneehs> The question is: Where are you on a Saturday at 1130PM?
[23:46] <Doiha> lol
[23:46] <Doiha> bed
[23:46] <Thi3f> What timezone?
[23:46] <Doiha> xP
[23:46] <darkshadow> like in general <_<
[23:46] <Masamuneehs> AngelEyez?
[23:46] <DrAgE> i was sleeping with myself.
[23:47] <AngelEyez> Iono >_>
[23:47] <Thi3f> Dancing with myself
[23:47] <Masamuneehs> I'm sorry, the correct answer was: Wherever DO wants you to be.
[23:47] <Thi3f> lol
[23:47] <Doiha> eto... i'm awake since 5 am in saturdays... so... no way i would make it will that time
[23:47] <DragonOutlaw> you guys allsuck
[23:47] <Thi3f> Fuck that. DO is my ho, not the other way around
[23:47] <Doiha> lol
[23:47] <DrAgE> masa and how do you know that exactly?
[23:47] <Doiha> *till
[23:47] <DragonOutlaw> me gives Thi3f negative points
[23:47] * DragonOutlaw gives Thi3f negative points
[23:48] <Thi3f> You missed a slash DragonOutlaw
[23:48] <DragonOutlaw> got it before you
[23:48] * DrAgE gives Thi3f a cookie..
[23:48] <Thi3f> Ok, so, Thi3f: -1, Doiha: 1, AngelEyez: 1?
[23:48] <DragonOutlaw> yeah
[23:48] <Thi3f> -1 isn't too shabby, if this was golf that is
[23:48] * Kraco has quit IRC (Software caused connection abort)
[23:49] <Doiha> 9.9
[23:49] <DragonOutlaw> Doiha wants to break the tie
[23:49] <DragonOutlaw> badly
[23:49] <Doiha> iie
[23:49] <Masamuneehs> Final question (and then I have to let someone else take over this fantastic show): The greatest tragedy of all occurs, you lose your soulmate and sexbronco (DO) in a car accident. The day of the funeral comes and you are to speak before all of his countless friends, family, and mindless IRC minions. What do you say to sum up his life?
[23:49] <Doiha> i'll go away soon
[23:49] <Doiha> xP
[23:49] <darkshadow> lol
[23:49] <Thi3f> Uh, I wouldn't say anything, DO doesn't have any friends that would come to the funeral
[23:49] <Doiha> lol
[23:49] <darkshadow> do owns me like a truck, came to mind
[23:49] <AngelEyez> Lol
[23:50] <DragonOutlaw> +1 darkshadow
[23:50] <Thi3f> Which is why he's on IRC all the time
[23:50] <DragonOutlaw> not all the time
[23:50] <Arcness> if DO isnt alive, none of you will be either
[23:50] <Thi3f> Liar liar
[23:50] <Doiha> maybe "who's next?"
[23:50] <DragonOutlaw> and negative points for Thi3f
[23:50] <Doiha> ?
[23:50] <Thi3f> Shit, -1
[23:50] <Thi3f> -2*
[23:50] <Doiha> ok! i'm gone
[23:50] <Arcness> and proceed to murder all in the room
[23:50] <Doiha> bye bye cya... at... morning? xDD
[23:50] <DragonOutlaw> this shows none here is fit to bear do babies
[23:51] <Doiha> party~
[23:51] * Doiha has quit IRC (Quit: =* -=SysReset 2.53=-)
[23:51] <DragonOutlaw> Doiha is gonna nail a guy tonight
[23:51] <DragonOutlaw> you all suck
[23:51] <DragonOutlaw> fuckers
[23:51] <Masamuneehs> she certainly seems to have the penis for it...
[23:51] <darkshadow> :)
[23:51] <Arcness> >_>
[23:52] <Arcness> i killed all for you :p
[23:52] * DragonOutlaw kicks teh gameshow sign down
[23:52] <Arcness> ._.
[23:52] <DragonOutlaw> you all suck - haku
[23:52] <Arcness> :D
[23:52] <DragonOutlaw> minus
[23:52] <DragonOutlaw> :p
So it seems despite the influx of ladies on the GotWoot IRC channel, there is still nobody worthy enough to nurture the next generation of DeeOhhhhhhs... except maybe Haku...
Well, outlaws are very well known to dashily enter, charm the ladies, doing the trick, and then vanishing into thin air before the responsibility begins. Heedless to speak about willingly nurturing the next generation under those circumstances.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Kraco, just a reminder Haku is a man and so is Thi3f for that matter.
Great game show masa.... i will be looking forward to the next one.
Well, I wasn't altogether serious with my post, now was I? It's a game, so it doesn't matter.Quote:
Originally Posted by dragonrage
But I have to say it was quite Impressive of Masa to suddenly come up with such detailed questions. It was almost as if he had designed them beforehand. Must be one of the fruits of having been living in Italy for a while now.
<Doiha> Kai's having my kids.
Kai, we already know who wears the pants in that relationship. That line proves that...Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
anytime DO is in channel is funny, there are just so many insults that piss him off to crazy levels. I wonder what the next game show will be, Masa, Me , or .....some other person
There is no pants wearing in any good relationship :p
I agree, but you have to keep them on, atleast in public.Quote:
Originally Posted by kAi
Edit: Kai, ic that you are not wearing your mask. So that is what the devil looks like when he is not hiding his face. But the again you could have always stolen another mask, if you are infact the "devil".
This one is very long, but its hilarious.
[21:27] <Chaos> straw.....
[21:28] <Z> what?
[21:28] <Z> who came as Zinobi?
[21:28] <Z> CK?
[21:28] <Doiha> boring~
[21:28] <Z> im not gonna use that name
[21:28] <Doiha> calvin klein?
[21:28] <Chaos> ?
[21:28] <God2> ok, it wont let me register
[21:28] <Chaos> lol
[21:29] <God2> theres always something wrong with my password
[21:29] <Z> dumbass
[21:29] <Chaos> god2=dumbass
[21:29] <Chaos> god2
[21:29] <Chaos> then your passwords suck
[21:29] <Chaos> then again
[21:29] <God2> it says it should be 5 characters long atleast
[21:29] <Chaos> the 1 Z made for this nick
[21:29] <Chaos> isn't that great
6[21:29] * Z /msg nickserv register password email
4[21:29] <Zinobi> Z sucks
[21:29] <Z> lol
[21:29] <Z> who are you?
[21:29] <Assassin> ok, if the following ppl dont respond, the[21:29] <Z> who are you?
[21:29] <Assassin> ok, if the following ppl dont respond[21:30] <Chaos> speedfreek
[21:30] <Chaos> was here
[21:30] <Chaos> he spoke a lot too
[21:30] <LFKer> boot 'em
[21:30] <MR_CAPSLOCK> just too fast
[21:30] <God2> GODDAMMIT
[21:30] <MR_CAPSLOCK> you couldn't see
[21:30] <God2> fuck it
[21:30] <Assassin> i need logs as proof
[21:30] <Chaos> <speedfreek16> :D
[21:30] <Chaos> there
[21:30] <MR_CAPSLOCK> he was too fast for the logs even
[21:30] <Chaos> lol
6[21:30] * Z gives God2 the evil eye
[21:30] <Z> you better register
6[21:30] * God2 pokes his eye out
[21:31] <God2> Z, go away
3[21:31] * Gotwoot sets mode: +h Assassin
[21:31] <God2> dont be a dick
6[21:31] * Z doesnt need that one it was made of glass
[21:31] <Chaos> ASSASSIN IS A HOP!
[21:31] <Z> Register your nick
[21:31] <Chaos> WOO HOO
3[21:31] * WebUser2553 was kicked by Assassin (comming back?)
[21:31] <God2> i cant
[21:31] <Chaos> time for some naruto filler getting
3[21:31] * Arinohyoshi was kicked by Assassin (comming back?)
[21:31] <Chaos> "/msg assassin xdcc list"
[21:31] <Chaos> :)
[21:31] <Z> well if it helps the pass i put for it was newee
4[21:31] <Zinobi> I suck
[21:32] <darkshadow> it seems ass ass in is cleaning up the channel
4[21:32] <Zinobi> <------sucks
[21:32] <Chaos> ^^^sucks
[21:32] <God2> i concur
[21:32] <Z> God2 you suck too
[21:32] <Z> dont worry
4[21:32] * Zinobi and god can suck together
[21:32] <MR_CAPSLOCK> suck each other
[21:32] <God2> ......
[21:32] <Z> gross
[21:32] <God2> go away
6[21:32] * Doiha kicks DO
4[21:33] <Zinobi> all hail MR_CAPSLOCK
4[21:33] <Zinobi> ...
[21:33] <DO> ?
3[21:33] * Joins: dragonrage
[21:33] <Doiha> bored =D
4[21:33] * Zinobi blows God2
[21:33] <God2> Z is MR_CAPLOCK's bitch
[21:33] <Chaos> freak
6[21:33] * Assassin steals the 'iha' from Doiha's name
[21:33] <darkshadow> this "hardcore gamer" is gonna play some more grandia 3!
4[21:33] * Zinobi is MR_CAPLOCK's bitch along with God2
[21:33] <Doiha> assassin or thief?
3[21:33] * darkshadow is now known as DS|grandia3
4[21:33] <Zinobi> God2, i'm off duty now, go fluff his pillow
[21:33] <Assassin> both
[21:34] <MR_CAPSLOCK> better yet, make some cloud
[21:34] <MR_CAPSLOCK> i hear those are soft
[21:34] <Doiha> 9.9
4[21:34] <Zinobi> yes master
[21:34] <DO> umm ok
[21:34] <God2> ....
4[21:34] <Zinobi> while i'm at it, i'll buy CK and DO a beer
4[21:34] * Zinobi hands DO a beer, congrats on finishing your finals
3[21:34] * Parts: LFKer
4[21:34] <Zinobi> by the way i suck
[21:34] <Chaos> cool, beer
[21:34] <Doiha> so... if u finished ur finals...
[21:34] <God2> its not beer
[21:34] <Doiha> are u going to help me with mines?
[21:34] <God2> its piss
[21:35] <God2> THROW IT AWaY
4[21:35] <Zinobi> no god
4[21:35] <Zinobi> i gave them beer
[21:35] <DO> Thanks Zinobi
4[21:35] <Zinobi> piss was what you wrapped up for your mom
[21:35] <DO> and Doiha
[21:35] <DO> hell no
[21:35] <Chaos> lol
[21:35] <God2> and how did a 14 year old such as yourself
[21:35] <Doiha> meaaaannn
[21:35] <Chaos> DO what year are you in?
[21:35] <Z> who the hell is Zinobi?
[21:35] <DO> penis year
[21:35] <God2> get a hold of beer
4[21:35] <Zinobi> Zinobi is the biggest idiot
4[21:35] * Zinobi sucks
[21:35] <DO> btw Doiha i got a source for jrock music
[21:35] <Z> if Zinobi has beer Z
[21:35] <Z> does too
[21:36] <DO> they send me stuff on a ftp
[21:36] <Chaos> DO what year in college?
[21:36] <Doiha> >>?
[21:36] <DO> I told you ck
3[21:36] * God2 is now known as The_CookieMonster
[21:36] <Chaos> penis year?
3[21:36] * Z is now known as God2
3[21:36] * Joins: Budweineken
[21:36] <God2> lol
3[21:36] * God2 is now known as Z
4[21:36] * Zinobi has no life
[21:36] <DO> yeah s0n
[21:36] <DO> i told you guys all this fuckers
[21:36] <Chaos> DO, there you go talking about penis again
[21:37] <DS|grandia3> DO
4[21:37] * Zinobi loves the penis
[21:37] <DO> im not even special enought to be remembered
[21:37] <Doiha> hai
4[21:37] <Zinobi> thats why
[21:37] <DO> you dont even know my age
4[21:37] * Zinobi serves others
[21:37] <DO> yeah ds?
[21:37] <Doiha> ummm 14?
[21:37] <DS|grandia3> some peeps at gamespot said there might be a big re5/dmc4 unveiling before tgs
[21:37] <DO> Woot :)
[21:37] <Z> yay
[21:37] <DO> Yeah Doiha
[21:37] <DO> im 14
[21:37] <Doiha> yey ^^
[21:37] <Z> sweet DO
[21:37] <DO> no im only 8
[21:37] <Chaos> DO i was just gonna congratulate you
4[21:38] * Zinobi sucks SOOOO BADLY
[21:38] <DO> who knows my age
[21:38] <DO> i told you all it
[21:38] <MR_CAPSLOCK> 20
[21:38] <Chaos> really...
[21:38] <MR_CAPSLOCK> 6
[21:38] <Doiha> 21
[21:38] <DO> and whats my first name
[21:38] <Chaos> AE knows
[21:38] <MR_CAPSLOCK> bruce
[21:38] <Z> Bill
[21:38] <The_CookieMonster> 17
[21:38] <Chaos> .......
[21:38] <Chaos> he asked his first name
3[21:38] * Z is now known as God2
[21:38] <DO> wrong wrong wrong wrong
[21:38] <Chaos> and this idiot says
[21:38] <Chaos> "17"
[21:38] <DO> you all suck
3[21:38] * Zinobi is now known as Z
[21:38] <dragonrage> DI suck
[21:38] <Doiha> 86
4[21:38] * Z sucks
4[21:38] <Z> so bad
[21:38] <dragonrage> DO*
4[21:38] <Z> i suck horribly
3[21:39] * The_CookieMonster is now known as Zinobi
4[21:39] <Z> i want to screw you guys up the ass
[21:39] <Zinobi> I LIKE COCK
[21:39] <DO> sarah and ae know the most about me though
[21:39] <Zinobi> I LIKE cOCK
[21:39] <God2> dammit
[21:39] <dragonrage> now what are we talking about
4[21:39] <Z> I love it up the ass
[21:39] <DO> the lack of info you guys have on me
[21:39] <dragonrage> sarah oh i miss her so
[21:39] <DO> losars
[21:39] <Chaos> this is funny
4[21:39] <Z> i'm so sorry master
[21:39] <dragonrage> her presence is missed on the forums
[21:39] <Doiha> 9.9 pff
4[21:39] <Z> i will research and stalk you
4[21:39] <Z> day and night
[21:39] <God2> what the fuck is going on?
4[21:39] <Z> until i learn your age
4[21:39] <Z> and your name
[21:39] <Zinobi> lets all agree to switch back to our normal nicks
[21:39] <dragonrage> hello Doiha
[21:40] <God2> ok Z is God2
[21:40] <DO> go for it
[21:40] <Doiha> hello dragonrage
4[21:40] <Z> I'm not god2
[21:40] <God2> but i have no idea who Zinobi
[21:40] <dragonrage> how are you?
[21:40] <DO> one person here that knows my age
[21:40] <Zinobi> I LIKE COCK
4[21:40] <Z> I am Zach
[21:40] <God2> is
[21:40] <DO> and first name
4[21:40] * Z loves to be gay
[21:40] <Doiha> fine...
[21:40] <dragonrage> cool
[21:40] <Doiha> i know that xP
6[21:40] * Zinobi likes it up the ass
4[21:40] * Z 's favorite movie was brokeback mountain
[21:40] <God2> whats wrong with being[21:40][21:40] <DO> first person to find out
4[21:40] * Z might have spelt it wrong know that cowboy one...
[21:40] <MR_CAPSLOCK> everything is wrong with being gay
[21:40] <dragonrage> let me guess you have no idea who i am right?
[21:40] <DO> gets op's for 2 days
[21:40] <Doiha> chris~
4[21:40] <Z> First person to find out what
[21:40] <dragonrage> lol
[21:40] <God2> Joshua
4[21:40] <Z> your name?
[21:41] <Chaos> isn't that
[21:41] <God2> Joshua
[21:41] <Chaos> wilik's name?
[21:41] <Zinobi> ok
[21:41] <Zinobi> ok
[21:41] <DO> find out name + age
[21:41] <MR_CAPSLOCK> bruce
[21:41] <Zinobi> wait
[21:41] <dragonrage> no
[21:41] <MR_CAPSLOCK> it's bruce
Didn't fit in 1 post.
[21:41] <DO> my name and age
[21:41] <Doiha> xP
[21:41] <Zinobi> who is choas?
[21:41] <MR_CAPSLOCK> i don't need research, it's bruce
[21:41] <Chaos> Chaos is
[21:41] <Chaos> CK
[21:41] <Chaos> stupid
[21:41] <God2> Joshua 24
[21:41] <DO> it isnt :p
[21:41] <Zinobi> ...
[21:41] <Doiha> lol was just ur name~ cheater
[21:41] <Zinobi> i cant tell
[21:41] <Chaos> who would i be
[21:41] <Zinobi> with all
[21:41] <Zinobi> this
[21:41] <God2> Joshua 24
[21:41] <DO> need age
[21:41] <Assassin> Joshua, 24
[21:41] <DO> and no
[21:41] <Zinobi> nick switching
[21:41] <God2> Joshua 24
[21:41] <DO> wrong
[21:41] <Assassin> 0.o
[21:41] <Chaos> Doiha
[21:41] <Zinobi> I LIKE COCK
[21:41] <Chaos> i thought you knew DO
[21:41] <Chaos> in real life
[21:41] <Assassin> Joshua, 27
[21:41] <Zinobi> i do
4[21:41] <Z> someone
4[21:41] <Z> please
[21:41] <dragonrage> what the fuck is going on here?
4[21:41] <Z> find me a new master
[21:41] <MR_CAPSLOCK> Bruce, 40
[21:41] <Doiha> lol
[21:41] <DO> Doiha can't play coz shes a cheater
6[21:41] * dragonrage is lost
[21:41] <Chaos> ...
[21:41] <Zinobi> TIMEOUT
[21:41] <Chaos> dragonrage
[21:42] <Zinobi> lets all switch
[21:42] <Chaos> this is messed up
[21:42] <Doiha> EHH???
[21:42] <Doiha> i don't cheat
[21:42] <DO> lol
[21:42] <Zinobi> to our regular nicks
4[21:42] <Z> switch?
[21:42] <DO> ok heres the rules
6[21:42] * Doiha cries
[21:42] <DO> ONE
4[21:42] <Z> and where should i switch to
[21:42] <DO> find out my name and age
4[21:42] <Z> yes master
[21:42] <Assassin> i just remembered, Wilik is joshua
[21:42] <DO> and you get op's for 2 days
6[21:42] * dragonrage hands Doiha a tissue
[21:42] <DO> you need to give me both name AND age
[21:42] <Zinobi> go back to your original nicks
4[21:42] <Z> 2 asses and 1 way in, i said that already
[21:42] <God2> Z shut the hell up
6[21:42] * DO pats Doiha
[21:42] <DO> you all have 24 hours
[21:42] <Doiha> xP
[21:42] <Chaos> lol
[21:42] <Chaos> 24 hours
[21:42] <DO> then i'll just op myself
[21:43] <God2> Are we switching back?
[21:43] <dragonrage> heemmm i know DO name.... what was it again?
[21:43] <Chaos> where the hell are we supposed to go
[21:43] <DO> :p
[21:43] <Doiha> bleh too much work
[21:43] <Chaos> to find that out?
[21:43] <MR_CAPSLOCK> Bruce, 40
3[21:43] * Zinobi is now known as God
[21:43] <DO> use irc
[21:43] <DO> or wait for AngelEyez
[21:43] <DO> to come active :p
[21:43] <Chaos> angel won't do it
[21:43] <DO> first person to pm gets it
[21:43] <Chaos> she'll use it for herself
[21:43] <Chaos> and become an OP
[21:43] <DO> i'll use timestamps
[21:43] <Chaos> now theres a god and god2?
[21:43] <God> god2, give me back my name
[21:43] <DO> trick her?
[21:43] <God2> God2 go to Whitebeard
[21:43] <God> um
[21:43] <God> no
[21:43] <DO> go back to your names
[21:43] <God> give me back my nic
4[21:43] <Z> I must pledge myself to someone
[21:43] <God2> wtf?
[21:43] <DO> 10 seconds
[21:43] <Chaos> wait
[21:43] <Chaos> isn't there an extra person?
[21:43] <Assassin> wait, whats the prize? ops?
[21:44] <dragonrage> whois DO
[21:44] <God2> Joshua 24?
[21:44] <DO> yeah
[21:44] <God> ya
[21:44] <DO> ops
[21:44] <DO> and i said pm
[21:44] <God> who is Z?
[21:44] <DO> and your wrong
[21:44] <Chaos> Theres an extra person
[21:44] <dragonrage> DO is 24 name dexter
[21:44] <Chaos> God and Z switched
[21:44] <Chaos> but who was Zinobi?
[21:44] <Chaos> or now Z?
6[21:44] * Doiha sleeps on the floor
4[21:44] <Z> I am nobody
[21:44] <DO> stop that whois
[21:44] <Chaos> he's a bot?
[21:44] <DO> bah
[21:44] <Chaos> lol
[21:44] <God> whats wrong with U!
[21:44] <DO> and you cant use the forums
4[21:44] <Z> Whats wrong with who
[21:45] <Chaos> WHO THE HELL IS WHO
[21:45] <Chaos> God2 who are you
[21:45] <Chaos> Z who are you
[21:45] <God> God2 is Z
[21:45] <Chaos> god who are you
[21:45] <DO> god2 is Z
[21:45] <God> i am God#2
4[21:45] <Z> i am Z
[21:45] <God> God2 is Z
[21:45] <MR_CAPSLOCK> no, i am Z
[21:45] <Chaos> ..
[21:45] <Chaos> LOL
[21:45] <God2> what the hell
[21:45] <God> and i have no idea who Z is
3[21:45] * DO sets mode: +m
[21:45] <Assassin> lol
3[21:45] * DO sets mode: +v Doiha
[21:45] <Doiha> ...
3[21:45] * DO sets mode: +v MR_CAPSLOCK
[21:45] <Assassin> take that suckas!
3[21:46] * DO sets mode: +v DS|grandia3
[21:46] <MR_CAPSLOCK> muhaha
3[21:46] * DO sets mode: +v Chaos
[21:46] <DO> explain Chaos
[21:46] <Chaos> Explain what
[21:46] <Chaos> Whats going on?
[21:46] <Chaos> Well
[21:46] <MR_CAPSLOCK> God2 is Z
[21:46] <Assassin> explain dammit!
[21:46] <DO> yeah
[21:46] <DO> wasnt paying attention
[21:46] <Chaos> God2 is Z
[21:46] <DO> ok
[21:46] <Chaos> God is God#2
[21:46] <DO> ?
[21:46] <Chaos> and Z is me
[21:46] <DO> lol
[21:46] <Chaos> lol
[21:47] <Chaos> :)
[21:47] <DO> register your names
[21:47] <Chaos> yes thats right
4[21:47] <Z> i am me
4[21:47] <Z> woo hoo
[21:47] <DO> or i'll take them all
<DO_likes_DBZ> what?
* DO_likes_DBZ is now known as
<DO_always_wins> STOP IT
<DO> lol
<DO_always_wins> whos changing my name?
<DO> no one
<DO_always_wins> GODDAMIT
<DO> >.>
<Assassin> lol
<Z> DO obviously
<DO_always_wins> IM GOING INSANE
<God2> that you are
* Quits: DO_always_wins (Quit: )
<DO> lol
<Chaos> lol
<God2> awesome
<DO> anyway
<Doiha> ñ.n
<Assassin> nice
<Chaos> DO ftw
**a few min later DO was handing out ops and taking them away instantly.
* DO sets mode: +o Chaos
<Chaos> just give me 2 sec
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* DO sets mode: -o Chaos
* Joins: Z
<DO> lol
<Chaos> WOOOOO
<Chaos> i got it off
<Z> -_-
<Assassin> lol
* DO sets mode: +o Chaos
* DO sets mode: -o Chaos
* DO sets mode: +o Chaos
* DO sets mode: -o Chaos
* DO sets mode: +o Chaos
* DO sets mode: -o Chaos
* Chaos wasn't paying attention
<Chaos> keep going
* DO sets mode: +o Chaos
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
<DO> lol
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Joins: Z
<DO> lol
<DO> m00
<DO> and such
* Assassin sets mode: =o Chaos
<Z> ....
* Z was kicked by Chaos (hah)
* Assassin sets mode: !=o Chaos
* Joins: Z
* DO sets mode: -o Chaos
<Chaos> lol
<Z> ....
* DO sets mode: +o Z
* DO sets mode: -o Z
* DO sets mode: +o Z
* DO sets mode: -o Z
* DO sets mode: +o Z
* DO sets mode: -o Z
* DO sets mode: +o Z
* DO sets mode: -o Z
<DO> hes so slow lol
<Chaos> that was an extended period of time man
Z had his chance...he was just reeally slow.
<Z> ....dammit
**A few hours later**
<Chaos> ./)/)
<Chaos> (o.o)
<Chaos> (")(")___O ZzZzzZz
<Chaos> bunny with tail sleeping
* You were kicked by Deadfire (STFU NOOB!)
* Attempting to rejoin channel #gotwoot
* Rejoined channel #gotwoot
<Deadfire> thats 2 of 3
<Chaos> Deadfire
<Chaos> you must've had a rough childhood
<Chaos> how can you resist
<Chaos> a bunny
<Deadfire> I had a Bunny once
<Deadfire> it's name was thumper
<Deadfire> and it proved it's namesake when it was nothing but a thump for that bus
<Deadfire> :(
<Chaos> and thus explains deadfire's hate for bus drivers
<Chaos> now...bunnies?
<Deadfire> your posting that one
<Chaos> ...
<Chaos> should i?
<Chaos> since you suggested it
<Deadfire> if you want
.:21·12·23:. «Z» so who wants 5 pos rep on the forums?
.:21·13·34:. «Z» how bout 10?
.:21·13·52:. «WASD_FTW» how bout 10 neg? i'll take 10 neg
.:21·13·58:. «DrAgE» Z go and try to fuck yourself.
.:21·14·10:. «Z» DR thats a difficult thing to do
.:21·14·19:. «Z» you want 10 neg?
.:21·14·25:. «DrAgE» well go and try
.:21·14·32:. «WASD_FTW» ya i want 10 neg
.:21·14·33:. «Z» DR you dont get it
.:21·14·36:. «Z» i have
.:21·14·39:. «Z» ok
.:21·14·41:. «WASD_FTW» i wanna surpass naruto=pwnage
.:21·15·00:. «Z» WASD_FTW all you have to do is answer this question
.:21·15·04:. «Z» PM
.:21·15·12:. «WASD_FTW» huh
.:21·16·38:. «Z» youve got...4 hours
.:21·16·54:. «WASD_FTW» i'll have the answer within 5 minutes
.:21·17·04:. «Z» ok
.:21·17·11:. «WASD_FTW» david courtney lyrics
.:21·17·25:. «Z» howd you know?
.:21·17·32:. «WASD_FTW» i'm just a genius
.:21·17·34:. «Z» did you use google?
.:21·17·35:. «WASD_FTW» now gimmem y 10 neg
.:21·17·42:. «Z» ok\
.:21·17·50:. «Z» your DS right?
.:21·17·53:. «WASD_FTW» yes
.:21·18·04:. * WASD_FTW muhahahahahahahahahaha
.:21·18·08:. «WASD_FTW» no i'm not, don't rep hiim
.:21·18·22:. «WASD_FTW» naruto=pwnage
.:21·18·23:. «Alan_Wake» are you out of your mind
.:21·18·24:. «WASD_FTW» send it this way
.:21·18·34:. «Alan_Wake» thats BoC!
.:21·18·35:. «WASD_FTW» i'm naruto=pwnage
.:21·18·38:. «Alan_Wake» thats BoC!
.:21·18·39:. «Alan_Wake» thats BoC!
.:21·18·39:. «Alan_Wake» thats BoC!
.:21·18·50:. «WASD_FTW» that is incorrect
.:21·18·53:. «WASD_FTW» i'm naruto=pwnage
.:21·19·13:. «WASD_FTW» i'm stealing his wireless signal
.:21·19·14:. «Alan_Wake» -_-
.:21·19·25:. «WASD_FTW» with my new computer
.:21·20·24:. «Z» hi
.:21·20·34:. «WASD_FTW» are you done?
.:21·20·40:. «Z» no
.:21·20·43:. «Z» but uhh
.:21·20·46:. «WASD_FTW» get on it then!
.:21·21·10:. «Z» who am i repping?
.:21·21·13:. «WASD_FTW» naruto=pwnage <- send it this way
.:21·21·39:. «Alan_Wake» omg
.................................................. ...........
.:21·22·59:. «Alan_Wake» and no im NOT sharing :evil
.:21·23·23:. «Z» vBulletin Message
.:21·23·24:. «Z» You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to naruto=pwnage again.
.:21·23·32:. «Alan_Wake» omg
.:21·23·33:. «Alan_Wake» Z
.:21·23·35:. «WASD_FTW» darn
.:21·23·35:. «Alan_Wake» its BoC
.:21·23·37:. «Alan_Wake» dammit
.:21·23·41:. «WASD_FTW» how many did you give me so far?
.................................................. ..............
.:21·42·15:. «Z» naruto-pwnage shut up we all know that
.:21·43·19:. * Chaos is back
.:21·43·22:. «naruto-pwnage» what????
.:21·43·27:. «Chaos» More game shit?
.:21·43·28:. «naruto-pwnage» what are you talking about
.:21·43·35:. «naruto-pwnage» i've been quite silent
.:21·44·16:. «Chaos» my guess would be that they don't like you
.:21·44·33:. «Z» yeah chaos naruto-pwnage got here some fucking way
.:21·44·47:. «Z» we should both give him like 5 neg reps
.:21·45·01:. «naruto-pwnage» i want neg
.:21·45·03:. «naruto-pwnage» give me neg
Can you believe this guy? I can't.
nice job editing :D
who the fuck is alan-wang?
Chaoskiddo its darkshadow
seriously, guys......stop posting ur irc logs. learn to edit. and above all, know what you should and shouldn't post.
any irc quote you post here shouldn't be more then like 10-15 lines. and it should be an actualy joke, not a conversation that takes multiple posts. like seriously, if you're going over the max word limit in ur post, something is wrong.
granted, there are exception. the occasionall noob bashing which just can't be cut down. but that happens like once every 18 months. the last 4 pages of this thread are full of giant convo's with absolutely no editing.
You've all ruined the 1 thread i actually liked to read. If you wanna know how to make a proper post, go back to some of the earlier posts/quotes, and follow thier example.
oh, and just so you know, anyone who replies with a smart ass comment telling me to quit complaining etc will get a warning for useless posting. If you want to reply, make it something more then just a "stfu" type comment......those are reserved for the channel.
Would my previous post be considered okay or not okay? I thought it was pretty amusing when it happened, and it *could* qualify as noob bashing. I don't know, what's your take Assassin?
i'll be honest. i didn't care enough to read it. but atleast its all in one post.
Sup, Assassin well i think it would be helpful if you point out who needs to try and edit there work or not myself included. Personally i think if there are multiple convosation going on and the one isn't relavent it should be left out, because the people who were there in the channel at the moment will understand, the people who aren't won't. Why? It is not relavent and it takes away from the point you are trying to carry across, I am certainly not one to speak since my grammar sucks something awful.
Kai and Arcness were kind enough to point our some of the older posts that were funny and i gotta tell ya, i wish i was there. Ofcourse they did not do that knowingly, they were just sharing past experiences with one another. Awwww how cute, the Devil does have friends.
who needs to edit thier work? pretty much everyone who's posted in the past 4-5 pages (fyi, my personal settings are 40 posts/page or something like that, so whatever that corresponds to for each member).
I think the only example of a long conversation type post which is acceptable (ie: funny even though its alot to read) is this one about the webuser asking for porn. Note how its nicely edited and stuff. The main problem with some of the recent posts is that everythign is in there. EVERYTHING.
The conversations mite be funny on irc, but thats usually because theres alot of backgrround stuff thats happened, inside jokes that have developed etc. Thats why it requires like 2834 words and multiple posts by a single user.
Also, your completely right about that multiple conversation point. Hell, it doesn't even have to be multiple conversations. Take for example, our recent conversation with FinalNova about his wiccan theory. Sure it was funny and we all got a laugh out of it, but i wouldn't post it here cuz it was huge. And some of the shorter stuff, only the 6-7 people who were there would find funny anyway.