Fuck you man. No seriously, FUCK YOU!
Now how the hell am i supposed to unsee that? :(
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Remind me if I'm wrong, but Rubel was actually a spy for the other side (ie the side the Organisation is fighting this great war with), right?
It doesn't help these guys that he seems to know the most out of all of these guys.
Anastasia's nice, but I'll wait a bit longer for her to grow on me.
I really don't notice all these "ass shots" etc. Looks fine to me.
Isn't it a bit late to be introducing new characters, especially if they are just going to get killed off?
Priscilla's hand was supposed to be preventing Raki's infection right? What happened when it was removed?
I guess that's what the "cliffhanger" is supposed to be, just like "what's happening to Claire" was meant to be from last time.
It comes down to whether the suppression was a one-off thing (like Pricilla's arm "killed off" the parasite), or whether both were "alive" an existed in a balanced state. I'm more inclined to believe it's the second idea.
For all we know, the arm might have infected Raki as well. So, the balance could still exist. I'm not inclined to think the next time we see Raki he's going to be a mindless zombie warrior with very limited battery life.
mangastream / binktopia
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Fun chapter for Ark at least.
She uses her hair and steps on that? Okay...must be as strong as steel-wires when infused with Youki.
Oh, was that it?
I saw her feet flutter in some panels and thought it was some momentary awakening ability in her legs or some shit. Yours makes sense. What doesn't make sense was the translation stated that she attaches the hair to the youma, but that it doesn't restrict their movement.
So... what's the point?
Oh. The chick wasn't enough?Quote:
Originally Posted by ark
Unlike some, it takes more than a hot piece of ass to make me enjoy a series.
Then again...
mangastream / binktopia
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I honestly can`t remember any of these characters besides the north people.
thanks for the claymore manga upload
Hmm, was was fairly sure last week that these out-of-control new guys were the organisation's latest attempt at creating male claymores again based on Rakki. Either way, this makes sense enough. On the other hand, where do normal youma come from? ABs, claymores and all are created from youma hybrids, yet we have no idea where these youma samples even come from.
Meh, I REALLY would enjoy this story much, much more in anime-form. I guess there arent even rumors about a continuation, eh?
Boring chapter
Sure the anime had some awesomness to it, fights in dark places, special effects, easy to read action most of the time.
Things that are hard to get on paper.
Did I mention the Claymore OST was sick?Quote:
Originally Posted by David
Chapter 113
Fuck ya.
on my Miria?
someone has got to pay for this!