You want to learn how to not restraint yourself? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
I learned something else today, I learned when DO has nothing else to say he starts talking about his dick.
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You want to learn how to not restraint yourself? :confused:Quote:
Originally Posted by Honoko
I learned something else today, I learned when DO has nothing else to say he starts talking about his dick.
It'd be a novel reaction :pQuote:
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
Today I learned why the same side of the Moon always faces the Earth, apparently tidal forces, like the ones that create the tides, act on the moon just as much as they act on the earth.
Long ago the moon was actually hot and gooey, before the cheese cooled down enough to warrant staging the moon landing because of the giant bacteria creating the Swiss-ness. Anyway, the Earth, being much bigger than the moon, pulled the spherical moon along it's equator making it look less like this ( ) a little more like this { } the tiny little points are closer to the Earth and have more mass then the other parts of the moon, so when the moon tries to rotate the pointy part away from Earth, Mama Earth starts yanking back on the moon, reducing the energy the moon has to rotate with, and consequently billions of years later people look up at a defeated moon that has lost the ability to turn faster than it goes around us thus we always see the same side.
I also learned the GW has a place where I can share random tidbits like this with other people, aren't forums just amazing!
The moon's orbit is also growing at about 4 cm per year. This is because of more wacky effects of gravity. The moon pulls Earth's oceans slightly away from it, creating the tides. But because the resulting tidal bulges are closer to the moon than the center of earth, the gravitational force is therefore stronger. The tidal forces create friction between the Earth and it's oceans, causing Earth to slow down slightly and it's oceans to end up somewhat ahead in their rotation. This in turn causes the moon to be affected by the gravitational force of the tidal bulges, pulling it forward in it's orbit (since the Earth and its tides spin faster than the moon orbits around them - it's like the tidal bulge is tugging the moon behind it as it rotates). The growing distance has been proven to be true because astromers can bounce lasers and shit off of reflectors on the moon left there during the Apollo missions and judge the distance from that.
Apparently all of that means that Earth's days are growing slightly longer over time as well. The actual measurement escapes me.
Originally Posted by Chaoskiddo
I also learned something today, ChaosKiddo is a worthless sack of crap
I learned that nintendo called it's new system "Wii"
Also i learned there are a ton of horrible jokes for the Wii
"Hey lets connect our Wii together with wi-fi"
"Hey don't break my Wii"
Today I learned that driving with 2 hours of sleep is not fun.
I heard that black Wiis are bigger than white Wiis.Quote:
Originally Posted by woofcat
Today (over the last three days) I learned that I'm in love with Neil Strauss. It's the first time in my life I seriously have idol worship. I feel like a little girl who has met her favourite boy band. :)
Today i learned that there is an actual cartoon with Chuck Norris in it. What will cartoon network show next.
Originally Posted by dragonrage
Gotta love the horrible voice acting, skipped animation frames, and life tip by Chuck at the end of the episode.
Anyway, uh... today I learned that growing my hair out wasn't such a good idea, because I can't see anymore.
They showed Chuck Norris Karate Kommandos on Adult Swim on April Fools day instead of Inuyasha. I welcomed the decision. I mean, Inuyasha might have a slow-developing romance and boring action scenes and story, but it does not have Super Ninja, which is probably the most ridiculous, yet most badass name for a villian. Ever.
And of course, not even someone named Super Ninja can stand up to Norris' lethal kicks. They also showed a similar cartoon starring Mr. T.
@Genma: I also started to find long hair annoying. Especially on windy days. If you happen to catch a powerful breeze coming from behind you, you can't see a goddamn thing.
Today, I learned that 1/9 women gets breast cancer.
I learned today (if by "today" I mean, around 14 months ago) that while women cannot get testicular cancer, for obvious reasons, men can get breast cancer. Plus I learned that Ultimate Spiderman rocks.
Today i learned that God#2 wishes he had Spidey Sense. If I were him, I'd be wishing for common sense.
Today I learned that Best-buy bought Toshiba media center laptops require something like an hour and a half worth of uninstall-time, intermediate registry editing skills, and familiarity with sysinternals "autoruns" application to purge all the horrible invasive nagging crapware that comes preinstalled.
If they had given me a winxp media center edition install cd instead of a system restore cd, I would have just formatted to save time.
(and no, I didn't buy it, my department's director did ... and handed it to me to set up for him)
It's a nice machine, but seeing how craptacular it is was before I got rid of the unnecessary and excessively resource-hungry bits, I have learned a valuable lesson: never, EVER buy a pc from a big-box retail store, unless you've got time to waste futzing with the horrible stinking pile of software that will inevitably come on it.
And to think you need to pay $189 CDN for me to do this for you when in the store. Even then I don't do all of it. As well all laptops you get from us have that same problemQuote:
Originally Posted by complich8
That's kind of strange... If you buy a license to the software, it's nasty they don't give an install CD. Too bad you didn't have any install CDs from other sources lying near at hand. MS also takes much more than the media cost, if you get the install CD from them (although I paid only a fraction of what I was supposed to pay years ago due to a euro / old national currency confusion, but that's an isolated case).Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Originally Posted by Genma
I shake my fist angrily at you both!Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
Today i learned that people often really really really miss the point. This guy makes install Alboy locks on this Jank door that could be kicked down in about 5 seconds. We tried to point out that no matter how much money you spend on locks if the door can be kicked down or a window broken it kinda makes spending the money useless.