ahh im to lazy for that its there so if you guys wanna ask a question go there and guardian will answer most likely or somebody else i dont know. you guys decide you know what they say "knowledge is power"
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ahh im to lazy for that its there so if you guys wanna ask a question go there and guardian will answer most likely or somebody else i dont know. you guys decide you know what they say "knowledge is power"
But in GS and GSD...the PLANT are not spinning? I am not sure but they seemed to be 'standing' still all the time..perhaps it is different era from Universal Century whereby the original 'spinning' space colonies were built.
Originally posted by: gundamseed84
But in GS and GSD...the PLANT are not spinning? I am not sure but they seemed to be 'standing' still all the time..perhaps it is different era from Universal Century whereby the original 'spinning' space colonies were built.
Time to put that damned AP Physics knowledge to some use... Let us assume that gravity is a field effect force, which I think it has been observed to be, and we'll also assume that the PLANT's have some kind of artificial gravity field generators. These generators are most likley installed at both ends of the PLANTS, that said, because this field extends from the floor of the colony the further you get from the ground the lower the strength of the pull... now, it would likely require around 100 million metric shitloads of energy to create a gravitational field of about 1G uniformly distributed throughout the entire colony...air and ground alike... therefore the 1G portion of this field probably extends a short distance from the floor of the colony and drops off quickly the higher you go, so if an MS were to boost up from ground level it could probably excape the 1G gravity well of the artifical field and then experiance less and less gravity at higher and higher altitudes. This would explain how Gaia and the Zaku's could fly as they had much less downward acceleration to fight on the colony.
Something else to talk about, which might actually be relevent to the plot, I just reviewed episode 26 or 27 and I noticed that Dullindal had on his screen the same spec sheet for Destroy that Djibril was looking at while dressing down Neo/Muu over his failures... Did anyone else notice this and does anyone have any idea what it might mean about Dullindal. He couldn't have had intel that good, or if he did he must really be an ass not to have tried to stop it's development.
In other forums of GSD..it was discussed about the identity of Dullindal. My guess is he might be one of the Logos too...just that he wanted to rule by himself..thus trying to get rid of the other Logos. His method is to gain support from all people, even some soldiers from EA might volunteer in the 'kill LOGOS' project. That is one reason why he has the blueprint of Destroy..and also the information of all the members in LOGOs...when these information should be kept top secret among the organisation itself. See the irony..he blamed the Logos for the ones promoting wars and earn money thru manufacturing of MS...but he himself indirectly support the Logo's actions. From the beginning of the GSD we can see how much of zaft's forces has changed...and it went on a big scale in creating new MS like the Zaku series..not forgetting that Zaft is the one producing almost all the Gundams. In a meeting with the Minerva crew, he said he will do something about the Logos...yet what was behind him at that time was one of the newest MS, Gouf, which most probably is produced by the Logos and bought over with $$$.
Actually I was thinking of Heliopolis(sp?), I completely forgot that they stole those three from PLANT.Quote:
Originally posted by: gundamseed84
But in GS and GSD...the PLANT are not spinning? I am not sure but they seemed to be 'standing' still all the time..perhaps it is different era from Universal Century whereby the original 'spinning' space colonies were built.
i disagree because logos has a great deal of hatetred towards coodinators also the blue cosmo a division of logosQuote:
Originally posted by: gundamseed84
In other forums of GSD..it was discussed about the identity of Dullindal. My guess is he might be one of the Logos too...just that he wanted to rule by himself..thus trying to get rid of the other Logos. His method is to gain support from all people, even some soldiers from EA might volunteer in the 'kill LOGOS' project. That is one reason why he has the blueprint of Destroy..and also the information of all the members in LOGOs...when these information should be kept top secret among the organisation itself. See the irony..he blamed the Logos for the ones promoting wars and earn money thru manufacturing of MS...but he himself indirectly support the Logo's actions. From the beginning of the GSD we can see how much of zaft's forces has changed...and it went on a big scale in creating new MS like the Zaku series..not forgetting that Zaft is the one producing almost all the Gundams. In a meeting with the Minerva crew, he said he will do something about the Logos...yet what was behind him at that time was one of the newest MS, Gouf, which most probably is produced by the Logos and bought over with $$$.
i think that the chairman is just using logos to justify his actions also its seem that the chairman doesnt want to rule the world just wants to destroy everything. as far as the new ms goes who know and who cares there just ripoffs any way
Not neccessarily. Some of the members might, but personally I believe that Logos itself is just using that as an excuse to continue the war.Quote:
Originally posted by: Dannynonsense
i disagree because logos has a great deal of hatetred towards coodinators also the blue cosmo a division of logos
i think that the chairman is just using logos to justify his actions also its seem that the chairman doesnt want to rule the world just wants to destroy everything. as far as the new ms goes who know and who cares there just ripoffs any way
true since there are the merchants of death they make money off of war, however in this point of the series that informatiion will not be disclosed. but it would be real lame if he was part of logos it would bring up the question why wasnt dijbril aware of his actions
Very simple. He decided it was time to cut ties with Logos and wipe out any knowledge of his association with them. Despite everything he is doing, he is being VERY careful to make sure he looks like a hero to the masses.
If Dullundal was indeed once apart of Logo, it would mean he would have a lot of information to work with. LOGOS works jointly with each other to maximize their profits. Dullundal saw his chance with Destroy and used its defeat to propell his plan to eliminate LOGOS to control the world by being the savior.
This is what I think.
Also, I doubt they're using Gravitational Generators. Like you said, it takes too much energy. It's easier to spin and use the centripical acceleration as a subsitute for gravity. The reason why Gaia might have been seen as flying in the earlier episodes is because the gravitational force decreases as an object draws nearer to the center of the spin. This has to do with torque.
After eps 35, Shinn has been crossed the board to the other side as a pawn and upgraded to a rook.
(Yes, if you watched, you'll notice chess references.)
Woa, so those chess peices do symbolize the characters, literally then.
Ok, on a slightly different matter. Although Shinn and Dullindal have very little characteristics in common, I couldn't help but notice a kind of similarity. For an example: Dullindal and Klueze used to be friends that discussed ideals and values together. Shinn and Rey are friends (for now), and they too exchange ideas and values. Dullindal has dark hair, while shinn has dark hair too. Rey is a modified clone of Klueze, so they're kind of alike (correct me if i'm wrong). In a way, I'm wondering if Dullindal is possibly looking into Shinn as a successor to him to lead Zaft, like how Rey is in a way kind of the successor to Klueze.
Also, is there a possiblity of Stellar coming back into the series alive? Perhaps the EAF sent in a secret dive team to retrieve her body and revive her by pumping drugs into her (right after the battle, and the cold water probably helped preserve her).... this seems to be very unlikely, but i was just speculating.
The Pawn hasnt actually crossed the board though, its got the White King in check in ep 35, maybe in ep 36+ we'll see a different piece to represent Shinn showing he has crossed the board and anyway wouldnt Dullindal make him a Queen if he could cause are far as i know you can make a pawn a Queen, but atm Shinns simply a pawn. Im assuming Kira is the White King since Lacus is the White Queen and i think AA is the Bishop in one of the shots. Makes me wonder what piece Rey is, cause after ep35 i clearly see alot of Rau in him...
And it makes me wonder what Athrun becomes...never heard of a black piece switching over to white in Chess [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
In another thread I had mentioned it being more of a chess/checkers hybrid (since taking the king isn't enough), maybe Othello is added in there as well.
i dont know about all that i think the chairman is only good at playing chess not checkers and othello (no comment)
It think Rey is the knight [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
I've noticed there are a bunch of Shinn haters around. Personally, I think that having an arrogant asshole as the main character is a breath of fresh air. Plus, unlike Heero, Shinn actually HAS a reason to be an ass.
Plus, the way the Impulse beat Freedom was pretty ingenious. Yeah, one could argue that Kira wasn't trying to kill Shinn, but the fact that Shinn took that into consideration and beat the "Ultimate Coordinator" says alot about his ability.
Anyway, onto Ep 36. From what we know about Destiny and Legend, I'm betting that Athrun is gonna refuse Dullindal's offer and take off, leaving Rey to pilot Legend. It'll be interesting to see Rey get an actually Gundam.
And finally, does anyone find it amusing that whenever a Gundam gets destroyed in this series, there's another one to replace it off the bat?
More likely, its how they manage to manuture the new model after the destruction of so and so model in this show. Their timing is just unreal, yet sort of welcomed, as shown on Shinn's face when he received Destiny.
Athrun nvr accept Legend..he might take off in Gaia as mentioned....but I wondered y he need to make a big stir? He could use his FAITH authority and get an MS easily instead of using force..
Call it a hunch...but I think Athrun will get away in a Gouf.