Will I be disappointed if I hope to see humans finally push back against Ainz instead of being defenseless Musou-cannon fodder? :/
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Will I be disappointed if I hope to see humans finally push back against Ainz instead of being defenseless Musou-cannon fodder? :/
I forgot that Overlord was here for a Season 4.
Not much to add this episode aside from Ainz now delegating a lot.
It was pretty meh overall but these parts are usually the ones I enjoy way more than him being OP and squashing everything.
His view about adventurers was quite interesting. Explorers, instead of exterminators. Indeed
And while I enjoy Albedos longing for Ainz, this time around, she laid on *especially* thick in a childish way... I hope this was just some kind of reintroduction to the whole thing.
The episode was easy to watch, but ... I REALLY hope we'll get some actual plot finally. If this is just more of Ainz' one-sided world conquering, then it will be just as boring as season 3.
The only potential conflict seems to come from within. That nazi guy of his might start acting up now that Ainz told him "do stuff that I didn't tell you to do", which btw was really dumbly worded by him, lol.
The issue also is that Ainz doesn't seem to have any personal goals beyond conquering more land in hope of meeting his old friends. Every time I see Albedo lusting after him, I wish Ainz would try to attain a body made of flesh, a human body, like, that could become an interesting goal. It might also make him physically weaker, putting to test the loyalty of his underlings. And yes, he would finally be able to FUCK Albedo, because ffs, I want a sex scene between the two SO badly. No, I don't even need to see the scene, just fade to black, but have it 100% implied. It's not secret that I hate "gay" heroes, but Ainz isn't even at the starting line of being "gay", he's got no dick at all. Give him the D!
Animation looked somewhat cleaner than what I remember season 3, did the anime get a budget increase?
Anyway, of course, I will keep watching this. Too invested at this point. I hope humans can find a way to fight back.
He has always been delegating a lot because he doesn't really know or understand what's going on. Demiurge, especially, is the one running the show. Nazarick itself, internally, functions more or less automatically on its own, so Ainz is left the role of setting the mood, in a manner of speaking, like trying to limit the amount of humans killed to tens of thousands instead of hundreds of thousands, which would be all the same to the likes of Albedo or Demiurge. The most important job for Ainz is to simply pay attention to all of the underlings, especially the ones most carefully handcrafted by the players, since he is their only remaining god.
The original game had a lot of fighting action, I believe, but exploration must have been equally important. Plus the fighting probably wasn't as monotonous as for the adventurers of this new world. Fighting new kinds of opponents in previously unknown lands would be more adventurous, inherently, than just leaving the same old home town day after day to put down the same kind of packs of wolves, goblin gangs, or errant skeletons.Quote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
"Pandora, I'm gonna need you to knock off that Nazi shit. It doesn't test well."
Apparently Ainz still loves the uniform, though, seeing how he would like to have the folks of Nazarick wear one. But then again, Pandora's uniform isn't particularly Nazi. It could be any uniform from the pre-WW2 time, all the way back to the late 19th century.
Oh my... Youtube threw old Overlord clips at me and now I just realized that the "sniff" he did on Albedo wasn't just "only" the typical "females smell so nice"-stuff.
He recognizes the smell because Albedo keeps sneaking into his bed and he noticed a floral scent on his bed in Season 2. Although it was shown again at the very beginning of this season, I didn't make the connection.
I chuckled quite a bit.
S4 Episode 2:
And THAT was a shit episode :/
I don't understand how this anime can afford to waste an entire episode on this boring, uninteresting side event. This doesn't need 20 minutes. And it's exactly the kind of happening that made me dislike season 2 and 3: Human stoopid and weak, Albedo smart and powerful.
We get it. Humans are vastly inferior to Ainz' troops. We had 3 full seasons of establishing that. Can we PLEASE focus on mankind's counterattack now?!
Since I'm a horny weeb, I would have actually loved a side plot featuring a human man trying to court Albedo, except in a smarter way that might have a chance to exceed, something like meeting with Ainz and proclaiming "Ainz-sama, I hereby announce the beginning of my courtship of the beautiful Albedo. Albedo-sama, I realize how daring my desire is, me, a worthless human, attempting to win the heart of powerful demon lady such as you. But if you will grant me only one wish, then please tell me today what it'd take for you to be with me instead of Ainz-sama." And then there'd be plenty of possibilities from there, like him training to become stronger, probably failing, but maybe still manage to start some tiny emotion within Albedo, and so on.
But no, we get a dumb idiot who won't accomplish anything. UGh.
Yeah, that sucked. Albedo isn't as interesting as Ainz.
I like Albedo, but I didn't like the episode either.
But it seemed to be some kind of setup episode... so maybe the next one is more interesting (or the one that brings this part of the storyline to its conclusion).
I wouldn't be surprised if they just kill all of them and blame the stupid baron's son for it. From what I understood, they gathered a lot of heirs and "new nobility" from the aftermath of the invasion.
I think the more interesting scene of this episode was the post ED scene where Albedo dismissed a shadow tracking the princess so they can talk about their crush.
Not just because it's funny in a sickening way, but also because Albedo seems to "enjoy" the presence of the princess and doesn't entirely considers her to be a maggot like every other human.
Side tangent alert:
I watched season one years ago when it aired and remember thing it was okay.
Missed a few seasons, and tried to rewatch a couple weeks ago to be 'ready' for this season. Got through season one again, and... couldn't bring myself to continue to season two. Does the glacial pacing ever improve, and is the story as a whole more interesting than 'Ainz and/or minions accidentally steps on and crushes humans while doing his own thing?' I see Mfauli complain about alack of tension... is that generally the case, or do others see more of a struggle happening?
Thanks for chiming in.
The struggle is more on the "NPC" side and that's roughly how the anime works anyway.
For Ainz and his minions it's more like a steamroll, probably forever, but at the very least until now.
The later seasons will more often than not be seen from a point of view of his minions or his conquests/enemies, alongside the point of view of Ainz as well.
I think season 2 or Season 3(?) - The Lizardman Arc, is basically 3/4 from the PoV of NPCs.
And then later it's Sebaz (the butler) and the hero groups. Ainz will still give his thoughts, but he is rarely the main focus like he was in season 1 when he adventured as Momon or fought Shalltear
There is no struggle among the npcs, though, when they just keep losing.
nefligh, you seem to have read my postings, so let me tell you: I didn't lie, lol. And as for the glacial pacing ... oh boy, I hope you enjoy watching several episodes about the culture and biology of lizard people.
Since when do you have to win to struggle.
They don't even lose all the time.
They fight stuff aside from Ainz as well.
Struggling when their defeat is predictable from the beginning is not a satisfying struggle. And I can't remember a time they won.
Okay, thanks for the insight, guys. Looks like Overlord probably isn't the show for me.
Could you guys not feel Albedo barely containing herself and wanting to kill all these fuckers on sight?
That was tense man.
It's not "whether she could" but "whether she would".