Originally Posted by Ryllharu
lol... that's how Claymores power up. take pieces of their enemies (and friends) and add them to themselves.
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Originally Posted by Ryllharu
lol... that's how Claymores power up. take pieces of their enemies (and friends) and add them to themselves.
Maybe Priscilla was seduced by him. You know, maybe these Awakening Beings actually need some love in their life. Otherwise, how could Duff feel so bad when he's been threatened to be broken up with?Quote:
Originally Posted by oyabin
I don't think so. Although you can just rip off a Claymore's body part and stick it as your own, it would take considerable amount of time to get use to the part and suffer the effects that come with it. Clare is still having trouble controlling Irene's arm. If she didn't learn the basics of Flash Sword, I bet she would have turned into an Awakened Being when she was fighting Orphelia.Quote:
Originally Posted by Darknodin
It's also possible that that's not the case. Consider that Clare has made herself look and sound masculine just by sort of "adjusting" parts of her body. Is that a byproduct of her having partially awakened, or can all claymores do that?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
I dunno ... but it seems like an extremely-powerful awakened being like her could pretty effectively hold herself in whatever form she wanted, within some constraints...
I didn't like the way Eclipse translated Dwellers of the Deep. I preferred the manga scanlations translation of "Abyssal One" for Riful and the others.
I agree with Animus.
Also, I vote that the creator of Claymore change the name to Claremore. :)
I think powerful awakened beings can basically shape shift with ease. The thing Im wondering about is if Loli-Claymores exist (the image of a blonde, silver eyed freaky loli comes to mind), and if they do, why arent they appearing on the show.
If they actually do this series may go up to my top 5 anime of all time.
There's still time, who knows...I don't see why Riful would choose to be a little girl. Either she was a little girl when she stopped aging, or she's just plain weird, for which there is a pretty strong case I guess. But to the former, I remember Irene saying they didn't age so I would think that implies that if the Organization performed the Claymorization process on a kid then that kid would stay a kid permanently. Who knows what they did back in those days.
I thought the nameless Awakened Ophelia killed looked fairly young as well. Perhaps like Yuki suggested their human forms are from when they first became full-fledged Claymores and stopped aging. Riful was also the youngest Claymore to ever reach Number 1 status, and she was in the first batch. Maybe in their human forms, Awakeneds revert a little.
Gosh, every Claymore that shows up seems to be better then the last. I don't think I've seen a character yet that I dislike. As much as I like Galatea her move doesn't seem that good against Awakened Beings unless they are idiots. Also why wouldn't he be attacking her with his full power from the get go?
Because Duff is a bit of a idiot and likes to play with his victims and he wouldn't get much play time if he just squashed them right away would he?
And so far we haven't seen much of ABs being anything other then savages until Riful and Duff and the two other Abyssal Ones(and most likely Priscilla), so then her move should work pretty good.
The Male Awakened didn't seem savage at all.
True, neither male awakeneds seemed savage, but I think that kinda thing differs according to individuals.
I don't think that Duff overcame Galatea's yoki manipulation technique by puting more force into the attack, though that's how Riful explained to Clare. I think it was more to do with willpower that time. He didn't want to break up with Riful, and attacked with all his might AND will.
But that doesn't make Riful's explanation wrong neither. I can imagine, the stronger you are, the more yoki you'll put into your attacks, and the harder it is to significantly alter the course of that yoki. But as we've seen so far in this series, willpower seems to have a tendency to overide all these rules.
Savages was probably a bad choice of words. What I ment was that they seem to go all out more or less without thinking about, and they seems they can sometimes get a bit emotional and then Galatea's move should work perfectly.
Yeah, I don't want Clare to take more body parts, "Claymore" would turn in "Pimp my Clare". Eclipse's translation was off too.
Add Jeane turned into a butterfly or somethin ...
So first, how are they gonna win against Duff AND Riful.(Odd that sounds like some Perfect Shield and Perfect sword combo to me)
And is there any chance that the one-eyed claymore that killed Irene would just walk in and help ?
I don't see a reason why to do it... they sent Galateo after Clare, I don't think they would send another top 5 Claymore after Clare, she should have more important things to do than to worry about number 47.
Yea I doubt she would enter the cavern just to help her fellow Claymores. Galatea was ready to leave Jean even though she knew she was there and ready to turn since it wasn't part of her mission.
Loving this anime so far, a question tho.. does anyone know how long this show will be?
30,40,50+ eps? ^^
26 episodes for now, but you can expect a second series later on.
I was joking when i talked about body parts. happened once but i doubt it will happen again.
two 26 ep seasons would be kinda cool for this series (52 is the sweet spot for deep series imho)
ah, only 26 .. ill keep hoping for a second season after its over then :)
thx anyway