[MangaStream & Binktopia] Fairy Tail c.241
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[MangaStream & Binktopia] Fairy Tail c.241
Fairy Tail certainly didn't fail to pick the most obvious background and thus the solution for this fight.
Oh, well, it's not like after 241 chapters I wouldn't be used to it.
... fuck this, just let me see Natsu use Dragon Force again
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Fairy Tail c.242
It was funny how Pantherlily suddenly is scared of lighting. I laughed when Happy teased him about it.
I didn't like how Lisanna told Lucy to stay besides Natsu though.
And now that Zancrow revealed that Ultear killed those that Meredy loved... Meredy needs to stick by Juvia in Fairy Tail (even if Archie thinks there are too many 'Vegetas')
Assuming there are enough missions for everybody, acquiring new mages that way is a jolly good method. It's not hit and miss like raising them from kids; you instantly get lots of firepower with no prior investments. It's also safer than simply accepting a stranger from the streets who could have whatever manner of underlying reasons.
Well... the request board always seem to be full, even with so many background characters, so I think there are enough jobs for all.
One thing I've noticed too is that Fairy Tail's youngest member currently is Wendy... whereas flashbacks shows that most of the current 'young ones' joined as kids (Natsu, Gray, Erza, Mirajane, Elfman, Lisanna, Cana, Levy) younger than Wendy's current age.
That's a very good point. Many of the current members are at an age where they could procreate at any moment, I believe. It's anybody's guess why they aren't. But one would still assume they soon will (although not necessarily during this manga unless there's a time skip).
Hmmm... we know the age of very few characters actually... Lisanna's tombstone said she 'died' at 15 and two years have passed from that... so the ages of the rest are just approximates. I believe Natsu (and most of the young ones) would be older than her and younger than Mirajane (who would be the same age as Erza). Levy, for instance, I believe has the same age as Lisanna.
Thus... most of the young ones would be between 17 and 20. I think Natsu is 18~19 while Erza is 20.
Seeing as the only ones who are parents are Makarov, Gildartz and Macao... lets ignore Makarov. Gildartz is 45 and Macao is 36... if Cana is about 18~19 and Macao's son has less than 10... they had children at around 24~26
So yeah... I think none of the characters will have children of their own unless we do get a time skip. Plus none of the pairings (except Bisca and Alzark) seem to be officialized in any form (Natsu/Lucy, Natsu/Lisanna, Gray/Juvia, Gajeel/Levy)
I was thinking more about why aren't children (orphans like most of them) have joined lately.
And speaking of the 'Vegetas' as Archie calls them... the only one who would fit this role is Gajeel. Neither Juvia nor Wendy fill the category... and only those 3 have joined lately. Lucy doesn't count.
We don't see any of the kids because they're not important to the plot
Anyway someone change the thread's title to Manga: Fairy Tail, why should this one be named differently from any of the other manga threads?
Probably because it's not in the manga forum. Now stop waiting my time with your idiocy, the dumb stick couldn't have hit you that hard.
So, stop the trolling. Don't have much patience for it at the moment.
Lyon and Meredy. At least learn the names.
[MangaStream & Binktopia] Fairy Tail c.243
I await the inevitable Hades speech saying how he created Fairy Tail and the shock of everyone.
BTW... Archie is so gonna love this chapter :D
When Hades said "Katsu!," I thought he was gonna blow some shit up Deidara style. Oh, well... Sayonara, loli.
You guys are assholes, she's not dead.
It should still be shocking enough for the rest of them.
Nice action in this chapter, even if it proved fruitless.
Yeah. Their combo was spectacular. Any other foe would have been obliterated.