Darn you and your sig increasement.
But anyways, is it just me or is the lighting a bit awkwardly placed? It just doesn't seem right :p. And your render seems like it was just placed in at the last moment. But otherwise, its a nice attempt.
Printable View
Darn you and your sig increasement.
But anyways, is it just me or is the lighting a bit awkwardly placed? It just doesn't seem right :p. And your render seems like it was just placed in at the last moment. But otherwise, its a nice attempt.
Nope, not just you. I started it after playing CSS for awhile, and I was gonna be late for work if I spent anymore time on er. The only thing I think I did decently on that was the stamp avatar. Till I make another, i'm going back to my Goddess.
Edit: Well, look what you started LaZie. Heres another. Satisfied with this one. off to CSS.
Which version do ya prefer, this or my current?
Nice stuff Lucifus. I like it :p
One more, pretty much same style. I should make a tut for this one.
Great thing about going afk from Photoshop is that when I come back, I always make something new.:D
And this was my attempt at breathing life into this thread. Carnage, Shinta, where are you? Kage?
Edit: Found this on DevArt. Who else thinks this is mad kool?
I've made a few other sigs (Like 1 or 2). But Im too busy now to do anything in PS at the moment besides scanlate. Maybe by Thanksgivings vacation I'll be able to crank something out.
i know its not anime related, but its the first sig ive done in ages... any advice on what to do with it now? feal like its missing something but not sure what
Ya could most definitely use a border. Text could use some help standing up too, but then again, so does all text.
Heres another: My Current.
Lucifus, your avatars + signatures are sexy. I love them!
Now, how about another Tessa-chan banner for me? :P
@ kenren. I've spent about 3 and a half hours tring to make a Tessa signature for you. They've all turned out to be crap, save one, but the left sides so empty and messed up it just clashes.
I don't know if I just magically lost all my skills or what but I failed you.
On another note, is no one using photoshop now adays? I don't care if you photoshopped the bumps off your face, post something! The art section needs some attention people!
Now I feel like making banners.
Shana's nice but no more C.C. sigs? Shinta's was pretty good. Looks like Lucifus has some competition :)
@Lucifus: Heh, it's alright. I don't think the signatures you tried making are as bad as you think though.. i mean, come on! You are LUCIFUS! I'm satisfied with every siggy you made o_O
You definitely need more cookies =P
Here is a .... piece.... I made the other day in just a few minutes (Most of which was looking for a picture) for someone from another forum. I didn't care much about it, but at least I finally opened photoshop!
The colors are all wrong on this one... heh... was too lazy to try and match them....
Im making a sig and I dont know which direction to take:
Should I go for the "bright colors" path or "capture the moment"?
Work with the 2nd and brighten the renders colors a bit.
The first draws my eyes to the lens flare, its just far too bright.
The 2nd is a bit too desaturated. Ya need to whiten the eyes abit, because atm I can't tell em apart from the face.
Last thing I'd recommend is putting some sorta vector thingy in the upper left corner. Everywhere is is vectorized save that and its like weird. All in all, nice job C, and glad to see someone attempting a signature.
^^Yea funny enough, although I heard differently from other critics, I was thinking pretty much the same things as you. So here's what I did:
Good job. Only thing I'm not liking is the text, but of course, everyone needs help with text.
Anyway, just did this. I'll probably use it as my next set, but for now I'm content with C.C. =).
I really like the kyuubi pic, but Im not a great fan of the Naruto right under it.
This was a picture of Ichigo i drew few weeks before I failed my final exam -__-
I don't really have anyone to show it to though.. It's alright to post it here right? :confused:
And yes.. it's not a good one >.<
I like the Kyuubi sig and ava, looks nice.
I have some problems with that sonic one though, It's all wrong using a 3D render in a complete vector background, it messes up the depth perception so much, you need to make the background more in tune with the render, otherwise it looked good.
Yea... I don't know what I was thinking when i did the background....Quote:
Originally Posted by PSJ