Have some good fun with Golden Boy and Those Who Hunt Elves 1 and 2. Otherwise, you seem like a guy who likes long series, Rurouni Kenshin and Gundam SEED are great.
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Have some good fun with Golden Boy and Those Who Hunt Elves 1 and 2. Otherwise, you seem like a guy who likes long series, Rurouni Kenshin and Gundam SEED are great.
Hunter X Hunter... enough said. You have to give it a chance though, the second half of the series and the OVAs are my favorite portion.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Black Lagoon
Yu Yu Hakusho
Coyote Ragtime Show
Last Exile
Angel Links (same world of Outlaw Star)
Scrapped Princess
Fate/stay night
Hellsing OVA
Full Metal Panic!
Code Geass
Samurai 7
Beet the Vandel Buster
Busou Renkin
The Third
Eureka seveN
Glass no Kantai
Marchen Awakens Romance
Tenjou Tenge
Solty Rei
Hajime no Ippo
Twelve Kingdoms
Shura no Toki
Flame of Recca
Read or Die OVA
Melody of Oblivion
Get Backers
Chrono Crusade
Great Teacher Onizuka
Eden's Bowy
Air Master
Shadow Skill
Samurai Champloo
Enjoy. I think that's enough.
Try 12 Kingdoms... the show will never be over ( i think one of the producers died or something) but its separated into distinct arcs which follow different characters (first and third ones are my probably my favourite stories in anime)... btw, first two-three eps feel confusing but everything is explained within the first arc
EDIT: forgot to add... Full Metal Panic! first season is good... but the Second season (The Second Raid) is a masterpiece.
Another Edit: Munsu, you put Glass no Kantai there? I thought no-one watched that show (except me)
Originally Posted by Shinji Ikari
Boogiepop Phantom
Serial Experiments Lain
Now and Then, Here and There (fucked up)
I haven't finished it yet, about 8 episodes to go (about 10 months ago), but since he liked Outlaw Star and such, he should give it a try.Quote:
Another Edit: Munsu, you put Glass no Kantai there? I thought no-one watched that show (except me)
Yuh, Now and then, Here and there is totally fucked up. I was so disturbed by it.
Munsu u rock!!! Im gonna copy paste the names so i dont forget any :D Think ill start with kenshin i've heard about it. Also have you heard of one called "death note" i've heard that it's just my kind of anime too
deathnote is one of the most exciting animes out there in my opinion however only up to episode ~24 or so. the later episodes were just tooooooo muchQuote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
a famous quote "just as planned" maybe you've heard about that one before ^^
if you like crime thrillers with ethic backgrounds etc. then deathnote is your "heaven" but even if you arn't into thrillers its still pretty good. the anime is mainly about "brain fighting"
it is simply fun to watch Light trying to create his "perfect world"
btw this anime/manga has also 2(!) movies with REAL(!) actors... they arn't as good as the anime though, but it shows how good this anime is.
This might be a tad off topic but, Does anyone know where I can find movies with either Takeshi Kaneshiro or Anne Suzuki? The movie "Returner" with both of them was awesome, and Takeshi's voice for Onimusha (a movie according to imdb is in the making) was also great.
I don't know where you could download them, but I can tell you where you can find info about what they were in. IMDB is surprisingly good at a lot of international titles...
Anne Suzuki: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0840551/
Takeshi Kaneshiro: http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0437580/
Finished death note... and i'm not disapointed :D You were completely right kray the anime is amzing till ep 25 and after that it kind of dies but it's still enjoyable.
Im thinking of taking a look to hunter x hunter next but isn't it a litle kiddy?
Don't worry about it. It's true textbook shounen, but that being said, it really shines in that category. One could say that the fact you are considering it shows you are interested in shounen, and truth to be told, there are few better examples of a succesful shounen show than Hunter x Hunter. You won't regret it.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
That's the impression you'll get from the beginning of the series... but as the series progresses, as far as shounen goes, it's one of the darkest ones. You know, when people start getting killed.Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
Hmm well with such strong opinions i'll take a look at it, but just to be sure, if you had to compare it to any other anime what would it be? And the main character is gonna learn some sort of special power right? ( they always do lol )
Well, if I had to compare it to another anime, then maybe Naruto in a way. He'll learn some powers (don't know how special they are in the scheme of things), but not right away... it'll take some time. The anime is pretty much split in half. The Hunter Exam, and what happens after it.
Keep in mind, that there's a TV series, and 3 sequel OVAs.
Errr... hunter x hunter will have to wait for now, i just started watching this anime called samurai X... omg it kicks ass!
Samurai X is what is usually reffered to as the prequel OVA for Rurouni Kenshin... don't think that the quality and the violence will keep up with the tv series, but the tv series is really good in itself. Samurai X: Trust & Betrayal is simply on a league of its own.
Well im watching an anime called "Rurouni Kenshin" aka samurai x or so they tell me. You mean it has an OVA too? Dam i have to google this asap.
Use either Animenewsnetwork or Anidb for your anime info. Every anime page have links to other ova and series that relate to the story in some way.
As you can see from the link, I gave you there are two sets of OVAs. One is 4 episodes long that comes before the tv series. The other one is 2 episodes long and comes after the tv series. They're known by many different names, but these are what you're looking for:Quote:
Originally Posted by The Archangel
You need to register. The torrent has the whole series plus the ovas. The prequel OVA are the 4 episodes called "[AHQ] Rurouni Kenshin OAV's - Trust and Betrayal" (Before the series). The sequel OVA (after the tv series) are two episodes called "[AHQ] Rurouni Kenshin OAV's - Seiso Hen"
Sorry, but i lost track this anime season, so i have to ask:
What are the good new shows?
I already watch Itazuna Kiss and Code Geass Season 2. What else? Last season i watched Bamboo Blade, True tears, Myself Yourself, Kaiji, etc., now im totally unaware of what to give a try. :-/