You have the Xeon CPU, so you couldn't even switch the cable to the mobo connector to bypass the video card.
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My lead pretending that she can make a funny April Fools joke.
What was the joke? And "lead" as in team leader at work?
I hate smurfs in competitive play. And no, "I'm deranking so I can play with friends" isn't a good enough reason to ruin everyone else's experience.
If CS:GO wasn't so cheap I doubt there'd be as many of them. I'm almost wishing it had a monthly subscription so holding onto 2 accounts concurrently would become even more financially penalising.
Team lead, yes.
She said, "I wanted to send an email that the meeting was canceled then say April Fools! But I didn't."
Everyone just went silent, rolling their eyes on their end of the conference line.
During a conversation with my internet company's techie I had to explain to him the difference between a router and a modem.
In separate email, I almost called them retards instead of finishing my email with "Regards, ".
The words are surprisingly similar, and I didn't even have autocorrect to blame for that one.
Typically they give you one device containing both. I only have a separate dummy cable modem because I told the ISP I'll rather keep it than redundantly have two routers. I have my own separate router, which I can actually administer fully, knowing some ISP dumbo technician won't tamper with it randomly over the net (although I didn't tell them this last part aloud). But who knows, of late I haven't been able to watch TV without the modem/computer side degrading the signal. I switched the splitter at the ISP's office, but it made no difference. Maybe the old modem is nearly finished.
I bought a router (without the modem part) because I wanted to be able to freely position it where it'll grant the best wirelss signal (100m ethernet is more flexible than 2m of phone cable), and because the ADSL part costs 100AUD more (as well as not allowing me to use the device with a different external connection).
I must say that configuring router/modems into bridge-mode can be a bit of a hassle, but things are working as intended for now.
So about 2 hours ago, the girl I had fallen in love with turned me down. Had feelings for her ever since dancing together in mid-December last year. Things were always a bit complicated since she was a co-worker, but now that I´m moving, I decided to bring it all to a conclusion. Tbh, I expected her to say no. But I simply didn´t want another scenario where I just keep on hoping for something that will never likely occur. So instead of having her on my mind forever, I told her how I feel about her ... and she said no. :(
I cannot even describe my feelings right now. On the one hand, I have this cruciating emptiness inside of me that keeps on hurting. I´ve lost her. On the hand, though, ... I´m almost happy that I went through with it.
fuck everything
and fuck me. No more girls related action until I´ve lost my fucking fat weight.
How much do you weight?
Well done for going through with it.
It hurts, but you knew that. To be honest it sounds like you would have been screwed if she said yes since you'd be lost about what to do. You're moving, after all.
You did this for closure, because that's needed to start a new chapter. Remember that, and you'll find emotional stability with time. In the meanwhile, pump those guns to fill your void.
I personally think you should've saved yourself the heartache. Why fight a battle you will surely lose? Life isn't anime, after all.
It's to find closure so he can move on, instead of having lingering feelings for months or years afterwards that would hinder future progress.
Why would you have lingering feelings if you('ve already been rejected once) know you will be rejected? It's a different story if there is a fair chance of success, but going kamikaze isn't a smart way to live. Retreating and pretending it doesn't matter to you is the smarter way. I'm not saying it's admirable, but it is definitely less painful.
It's a lot easier to let go if you've "tried but failed" rather than having doubts and regrets about never trying. He had a slim chance, it wasn't zero. Our minds would always tell us it could have worked - because it wants it to work. He also never confessed. Now he'll be able to look back and think "yeah, that didn't work out" as opposed to "what if".
It's not just about finding closure, it's about building that "courage muscle". Yes, you do it to avoid regret, to take a chance at something that has a possibility of success no matter how small, when the downside is next to nothing. But you also do it because failure to do it does you harm. It keeps you "safe" from rejection, but really at risk of cowardice in the face of worthwhile opportunities. Good on you MFauli. There may be that emptiness of heartbreak, but one day (probably soon), you'll realize that the only thing that happened is that a person rejected a proposition you set forth. Words and wind. You've lost nothing, but exercised courage. If you let it, it will serve as preparation for the next time an opportunity to be brave comes along.
Edit: Can't rep you because apparently you're one of the last posters I rep'd over two years ago. See that? Fuck feeling down.
Was this a real on-going relationship that you wanted to take to the next level, or was this one of those romances that was all in your mind and she had no idea you were even interested and you really only talk to her casually at work? I'm not trying to belittle you, I've been mistaken in those types of relationships too.
I could count 1 (maybe 2) taxative nos that with time (and no fucks given) turned into yes. Sadly for both of us I already moved on or was in a relationship when the change of heart occurred. In this life you never know what might happen and human feelings arent so easy to determine.
Also there is nothing more annoying/sad than learning a decade or two later that someone u had a crush on had a crush on you to but you werent brave enough to ask. Missed chances are the only thing that keep hurting with time in my experience. To open your heart and have it beaten hurts a lot but in the long run it heals perfectly.
First of all, thanks to everyone for the words. Helped a bit.
As buff said, it´s really about closure.
And I think it is the girl you quoted me regarding "re-confessing", although that happened somewhat differently at that time. Thing is, she knew or had to know that I like her more than just friends. And we spent time not only at work but also at the gym. So 3 days ago, she happened to write me via whatsapp and things escalated. I had planned to visit her in person on my last day in town, but this conversation kinda fastend things up.
She told me "its not your looks or character, youre just not my type" and then I replied with some pathetic "so what´s it about" and stuff. In the end, I told her I won´t bother her again. Then a day later she starts writing me, sigh. I´ve been ignoring her since, because I KNOW I will try something again if I keep contact with her. On the other hand, I fear she might think of me as a little, hurt bitch for ignoring her ... but I´m doing so because I like her and I can´t just be friends. I´d always have hopes that probably will never lead anywhere.
What´s mostly bothering me is that she never gave me a proper chance. If she somewhat likes me (as a friend, but nonetheless), she could have given me a chance at least. Go on a date, then say "okay, sorry, this doesnt work" and that´s it. Oh well. I have to move on. Kinda hard at the moment.
At least I successfully graduated my apprenticeship yesterday, now a full-fledged optician :> And I´ll be studying Japanese again starting from October.
Also shinta: Life should be more like anime, sometimes. I´m trying. :P