10031's affection for Touma? I was under the impression 10031 died without knowing him and that Touma only interacted directly with 10032.
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10031's affection for Touma? I was under the impression 10031 died without knowing him and that Touma only interacted directly with 10032.
10031 was the one that Touma walked around the town with after she found the cat that she was afraid she was causing harm to with her electric field. She died in the alley (Accelerator reversed the flow of blood in her body) and then 10032 explained the whole situation when Touma found them taking away the body.
From episode 11, 10:17
MISAKA 10032: The Misaka that you have been in touch with is Serial Number 10032. This MISAKA. .......... The other MISAKA simply share MISAKA-10032's memories .........
MISAKA 10032 left the cat behind to go and clean up 10031's failure. My guess is that the 'next' in line cleanes up. As we saw they activate more than one at a time.
About the current episode...
Anybody found weird Last Order (20001) walked around all town naked? And that not even the people at the restaurant say anything about it?
And wow at people having the guts to raid Accelerator's department just like that...
The MISAKAs are self-referential. "You have been in touch with" refers to herself at that moment.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
You could view it 10032 ran off to clean up the mess, but that only works if the two scenes are shown in parallel. The events in that episode were sequential, not parallel like the beginning of this episode was to the end of episode 18. Touma entered the store while 10031 stayed with the cat at first. While Touma aimlessly browsed the store, she ran off and got killed. He walked out to find her missing, and went after her into the alley. He found her body first. Then he called the cops, the cops came after a set amount of time, but the body was gone. That's when he met 10032 and the others carrying the body off.
Yes. They are self-refential. Yet he didn't say "MISAKA says" what she said was: "The MISAKA you have been interacting is 10032" She was talking of that unit clone... rather than the one killed off.
If I must give a sequential order to the scene I would say 10032 left the cat when she sensed the battle, so she went to gather other units. 10031 dies and Touma finds her, only for 10032 returning with the bags to carry the body away. Yes... its a little stretched... but the line I quoted points out that only 10032 interacted directly with Touma.
Maybe we should make a new thread for this... we are kinda discussing something from 8 episodes ago...
Interesting setup episode. Accelerator really has been in hard times since Touma punched the daylights out of him so every punk in Academy City thinks they can beat him in a street fight (to which they have been destroyed for that very reason). However, I have to disagree with Last Order's reasoning of Accelerator's massacre because if he really wanted to disregard his advancement to Level 6, he could have cancelled it anytime instead of just simply talking to the Sisters. Other than that, looks like someone's in a pinch next episode.
Now that we've got the hive mind itself in the series, it's vaguely on topic. Not to mention it stems from a post I made that was on topic.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Our disagreement is a systemic issue on how we believe the MISAKAs talk and use their hive mind (who we know now as Last Order). After rewatching episode 11, specifically 8:04, MISAKA-10032 claims that MISAKA intended to return once she was done with the operation.
If you view the, "had intended to return" (pluperfect tense, indictating failure), as a response from the hive mind rather than the individual, in conjunction with "the operation" being the kill attempt rather than the clean up, you get Touma interacting with 10031 in terms of the cat and visit to the store. She also mentions that, "MISAKA did actually die."
Only over the short term. Touma had met up with a number of different Sisters before the story focused on 10032.Quote:
..but the line I quoted points out that only 10032 interacted directly with Touma.
If you take into account the conversation before the line you quoted, then "The MISAKA you have been interacting with is 10032" refers to the new one and the conversation over the last 3 minutes, rather than the one he had been spending time with before. That line is meant to clarify after a half dozen more Sisters show up.
I think I'll reference other sources for this. I mean... you have very good points... but... lets see... Wikipedia marks 10032 as the first MISAKA Touma knows, not 10031. And yes, I know wikipedia can be edited by anyone, thus I reference the manga adaptation of the novel.
In this page we see MISAKA 10032 and kitten noticing Accelerator leaving the alley. When their eyes meet MISAKA 10032 gets a 'flashback', noted by the famed black bars on manga, where she sees 10031 being killed.
Dunno if the novel made any reference to this... and the anime isn't clear in this scene... but the manga clearly shows the battle between 10031 and Accelerator as a flasback acquired by 10032.
Another page.
This one references the scene I mentioned before. MISAKA 10032 says that the MISAKA Touma knows is herself, as she is pointing herself with her finger.
I loved that they included Taiga's Palm Tiger from Toradora.
The big fonts for Styl and Kanzaki were hilarious
Haha, I read Ryll's comment on the drinking incident before I watched this. It make it all the more funnier when she snapped :)
Well, now that we know Accelerator isn't a complete psycho, a Touma Fraction could really become powerful. I'm trying to figure out if he was simply acting psychotic/crazed, or whether he was really like that until his defeat lead to some introverted thinking.
Reason being that he's wondering what's changed as people are attacking him. To the audience, it's obvious that it's because he no longer looks like he'll rip someone's dick off or something if they look at him the wrong way.
Without knowing the Japanese, this depends on whether you trust Hidoi's manga translation over Eclipse's anime translation. I don't have the same confidence in Hidoi that I do in Eclipse's translation and editing team.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
We'll just have to agree to disagree.
If you guys can get me the raws, I might be able to settle the dispute. But I personally think it is a non-issue anyway.
Why not download the mkv and turn off the subs?Quote:
Originally Posted by shinta|hikari
Not the anime, but the manga.
I can get you the novel, not the manga.
But I wasn't referencing Hidoi's translation, but rather the black frame of the pages. Aren't this usually used to reference flashbacks?
Translation of "MISAKA wa, MISAKA wa [...]" was as correct as possible. its immposible to literaly translate everything from japanesee, ok its possible but it would be like:
"MISAKA statement telling that this is the subject of sentence(i have no idea how to translate this from polish most correct would be"If it comes to her/me"), MISAKA, if it comes to me, when, where etc statements here, does something".
So if this type of repeating would be made in english it would be like
"I do smth, I do smth [..]"
overall good episode - but MISAKA's speech was really annoying to me. Accelerator, even if we had seen some reasons for his actions(as MISAKA 20001 pointed out), it still seems to me as wierd change of character - why he had went berserk from begining against Touma? i can understound part after getting hit for first time in his whole life, but before that he was trying to kill Touma pretty hard too, and as we had seen in this ep if he fights normal guys he just dosen't bother to attack such small fries.
His new character seems like lazy guy acting cold with good-guy type personality deep inside him(if he was as cold as he seems he could just let MISAKA's get berserk).
I guess it was just me then who could not stand that hive mind Misaka?
MISAKA x2 was certainly annoying. It was bad enough with the mature MISAKAs but this was so well over the limits it's a wonder the voice actor herself wasn't driven crazy by it. I hope she will have less lines in the next episode.
Accelerator's change was for sure interesting. If we belive MISAKA, then it could actually be the dude was a minor bully in the beginning and agreed to the 20000 kills plan without much thinking, but started to get sick of it at some point, and gradually turned off some of his sensibilities to cope with it. Consequently he then gave off the kind of crazy feeling we got in the earier episodes. Now that he's spared from the continuous massacres, he's probably somewhat empty, but still more responsive when he doesn't need to go out killing every day.
I actually like his character better this way.
Having to go through and kill 10,000 (the amount he actually killed) is bad enough. I wouldn't be able to do that and see gorey bodies bloodied and twisted every way, ten thousand times.