[Mazui] Suzumiya Haruhi no Yuuutsu (2009) - 17 - mkv | avi
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Any fucking hint to an end ???!!
"There it is again! Deja vu! And with a strength I hadn't felt until now."
Hopefully it's the strength to stop the loop and move on.
Well, hopefully Endless Eight is the limit.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
If they do any more than that, there'll probably be a nasty surprise in the form of an International Otaku Boycott on KyoAni Productions.
that would last for the remaining airing of Haruhi, but then everyone is gonna be all over them with the next show they put out. they could put out something and have it be half as successful as K-ON, and they're got us all back in their pocket.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Screw eight I think they should take this troll to the extreme and just make all of the remaining new episodes Endless Eight rehashes. Even if they do that otaku and Haruhists will still buy the Blu Rays and they'd STILL watch a season three in order to get the content from the novels that was ignored for the sake of the trolling.
Don't give them ideas Yuki.Quote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
Look where the last one got us. :(
Repetition 15 524 year 595
Last time was 15 521.
We are closer to the exit I guess... After all it was episode 7 of endless 8.
The feel was very different, eventhough nothing changed that much, only small differences here and there in the speech or activities.
There's only one thing bugging me, can someone explain the strange form Haruhi gets when she's going out of that café? I feel that when she goes through the door, she changes. Maybe that's a lighting effect, I don't know. At first I thought it was due to the windows, but it happens even before the automatic doors close.
you know that would really be funnyQuote:
Originally Posted by Yukimura
and then at the end the screen says "we did it for the lulz"
and a few days later you hear terrible news about anime producers being killed by fanatics
It's possibleQuote:
Originally Posted by KrayZ33
I'm starting to have some homicidal fantasies myself...
I'm afraid to ask...
Same storyline again, boss!
That was brilliant. It captures my emotions perfectly. Stalin reference was funny as hell.Quote:
Originally Posted by Marik
Indeed it didQuote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
How is it that these assholes can get aways with this? Do they have this little respect for the fans?
15,527 year 595.
Another 3 loops.
Kyon is very slowly getting some precog thanks to that many repetitions, yet at the very last moment, he remains as powerless as ever.
I was intrigued at how Haruhi threw the task list towards him, hoping that would be a key point, but it wasn't.
My guess is that Haruhi left the next day blank for Kyon to propose some activities, anything coming from him will be approved I guess and will break the loop.
The youtube link was fun, there's no spoilers for those wondering if they should follow it. Or maybe just the next ep title, of course after kyoani decide endless eight is over.
You know, frustrating as this is (I've still yet to stock up enough episodes before I play them all together), looking back it's a quite a laughable matter.
The new ED might've have triggered a whole heap of fan vids, but Endless Eight sure did.
KyoAni's line of thought must have been:
"Haruhi 2006 was famous. Haruhi 2009 will be infamous!! <evil laugh be here>"
Who the heck is David75 talking about? From the description it sounds like Kyon
but Kyon doesn't ever get any other name than Kyon unless theres some novel spoilage at work here...
No spoilage. Just a mistaken name, methinks.
I hope that the next one actually is the last one. Please, no more.