I've been watching some floor mats on "buy it now" status on eBay. I assumed they were some sort of permament listing, but then eBay tells me that they're Ending Soon. I was eventually going to buy them, but this forced my hand and I committed to a purchase right then and there. A few minutes later I check back and the listing was automatically relisted for another month or something.
Bitch. Just set it longer already.
Oh, and despite having a UAG case on my Galaxy S4 it still broke. I was lazy/risky and didn't zip up my bag when I jumped over this fence as a shortcut and the phone dropped from there onto the dirt. I found it glass-up with some cracks on the glass. My hypothesis is that even the ground was just soft enough that it moulded to the shape of my phone and also didn't allow it to bounce. That meant instead of some TPU on the corners taking some force, the shock went straight through the phone and cracked the fragile glass.
Some repairers are opting to repair just the glass by using a heat-gun to release the glue sticking the glass to the AMOLED/digitiser unit for around $99. Some research online suggested that problems with doing this (glue leakage, heat damage, layer separation) could happen months down the track, so I feel safer replacing the whole glass/AMOLED/digitiser unit entirely, the way Samsung intends it to be done. That's $200-$250 dollars that I wouldn't have otherwise needed spend. Expensive lessoned learned to always zip my bags :(.