So that means I should just get the cheaper Benadryl?
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So that means I should just get the cheaper Benadryl?
So long as the dosage is close enough, sure. Just make sure the active ingredient is Diphenhydramine.
What do you need sleeping pills for, Shinta?
The underlying problem of falling asleep can be solved numerous ways without the need of consequential hypnotics.
I have trouble sleeping. I cannot even take naps. I am pretty disturbed in general.
I've tried most of the stuff in the link. Melatonin made me have lucid dreams that I could remember, and made my mind more tired even after sleeping.
It's pretty counterproductive, but I usually don't get dreams if I have less than 7 hours of sleep if I'm trying to avoid having dreams (contributes to fatigue, though). Anything happen when you get ~6 hours of sleep?
Don`t quote me on this, but from what I understand the period produces biological effects that often alter a woman`s sensation, so if they were to try some food and it`s fine, they would find it low on salt and add tons of it. Which is why most restaurants DO have male chefs, you really don`t want to own a restaurant with inconsistent quality food.
This is like a multilayer bithcing. Yesterday I got a letter in my mailbox. It was advertising of a "newly created, first ever in my city, society of flat earth". At first I thought it was some kind of joke/mockery/show whatever and threw it on my pile of letters that "maybe I'll read someday".
At night was bored and took it for a reading. It was pretty short about how they wanted to create a bond with the comunnity, open doors politic, come meet us bla bla bla. Usual shit, but with the "exotic" touch of its base, they believe earth is flat. I went into their forum and I was just shocked about how serious they are about that. To the point that I even felt like assaulted in some intelectual way from a racional human being perspective. Not gonna extend on it and all the things that crossed my mind (sometimes Im a bit despotic, to the point of thinking about castration/extermination).
That was my first bithching. Then came another shock. This guys, that IMHO are just nuts, get a subvention of 60.000$ and the building they are is a cession/lend by the city council who pays the bills. So I get assaulted by goverment bandits and the money they rob from me is freely given (and I think that 60k$ + a building is quite a lot) to any nut/jester/clown that appears there with some BS. And at they same time they reduce the public health care system, public education ,increase taxes to everything (new 80 types of taxes created in the last 3 years) cause they have deficit.
I ended breaking the letter just from pure, maniacal anger. I respect freedom of speech. I respect that ppl can believe in whatever shit they want (but I really think that they need to pass a minimun to get the right to vote, just as teens cant vote cause "they arent matured") but this is just too much. World has lost its sanity. I mean it in the way that Lovecraft depicted in his writtings. That was yesterday and today im still pished with everything from fking goverment robbers, nonsesical money wasting from politicians/bureaucrats, people that really think that earth is flat and its all a conspiracy from the catholic church and the illuminati. I cant stop bitching.
Being sane is fking hell here.
Those people are silly, earth is CLEARLY hexagonal. You should post their link so I can have a laugh.
As a smart person, you shouldn`t expect dumb people to understand you, instead it should be the other way around. Whenever someone say something stupid like that, don`t even try to rationalize with them, chances are someone already tried and failed epically. IMO just troll them. There`s a priest in Africa that convinced his believers that they should only eat grass and they blindly followed, there are countries where being gay is punishable by death or life in prison, there are countries where divorce is illegal and there are countries where a person can receive up to THREE lifetimes in prison (as in, you and your family will go to prison for three generations).
tldr; stupid people are stupid, nothing to see here.
That last one actually surprised me.
The no divorce one is not a biggie though. There are a lot ways to bypass it.
I guess you know now what you are going to ask the candidates before the next elections, Edort4.
I went to a shoe shop the other day (the running, fit technician-manned ones) to buy some shoes for court sports. My current runners are a size 10 2E, which I told them before we started. I got lots of rubbing and blisters today when I wore the pair they recommended, and I later confirmed with the manufacturer that they were a size 9.5, D. I knew about the 9.5 part and chalked it up to shoe variances (they measured my feet after all), but I even asked specifically whether the shoes would fit my wide foot and the tech said yes.
I'll be returning these for something else, but since I bought the other pair from a store 4.5hrs-drive away (bigger city store with more selection), I'm not sure if I'll get anything suitable from the local branch. I'd better be able to order something in through them, even if it's not something they normally stock.
I also did some searching on the internet and learned that first generation Mazda 3s were pretty notorious for fragile paint-work that ended up lifting and rusting. I searched in response to a high amount of chips and flakes in my paintwork. A spot on the roof shows signs of rust. I guess I may not be able to keep this car for as long as I had hoped.
Had some leftover crawfish from a boil, decided to try a new recipe with it for crawfish etouffee. Kinda feel like I wasted a good pound of crawfish tails. Hopefully the dish tastes better tomorrow after it's had a chance to meld.
That steam has an option to limit bandwidth to "just" 10 or even 25 MB/s.
American internet, why do you suck so much?
People who call their bf/gf/wife/husband "Bae".
Stop that shit. You sound like like a fucking moron.
I don't think it's any worse than people calling their significant other their "boo".
Do people even say "boo" anymore? The last time I heard it was like 9 years ago. But you're right, it is equally inane.
Tried fixing a broken Nintendo DSi that broke a few years ago. Thinking I was adequate enough to troubleshoot electronics after opening up and fixing a couple computers and laptops, I went for it. Unfortunately, the screws were inhumanely small, parts kept bouncing out after playing around with attachments, I ended up snapping one of the conductors of the battery PCB, and I couldn't re-attach those funny LED attachment tapes after disconnecting them. Seriously, you need the dexterity of a surgeon to repair that kind of shit.
I'm never opening up any handhelds or mobile devices ever again.
EDIT: Worst part was that I could have sent it into Nintendo for repair a few years ago when it had just broke for like $30...