She knows about it perfectly well.
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And she doesn't feel it's worth her while to do something about it, or she doesn't know you'll actually be critical of her as she currently is? If she knows exactly what's happening, then write your thoughts as they are. If she doesn't want to help herself, don't take it upon yourself to do so. People have to take responsibility for their own actions. It's part of being an adult.
Uh...aren't you in the middle of the Outback? Who's going to steal your things? Dingoes?
Human Australians are at least smart enough to know that no matter how far they run on the flat terrain, they're one long rifle shot away.
don't...have... guns? in Australia?
my idea about it has just been shattered.
What dangerous animals that enter human territory there require guns to kill or get rid of?
I've heard dingoes eat babies, and coyotes will go after livestock.
I believe the major threat to livestock and people is the bunyip.
In my land farmers said that wolfs eat like 10.000 sheeps and couple guardian dogs every year. That they must be allowed to carry heavy weponry and get subsides.
After making a fuss about it goverment made a census of wolfs in the region.... 32. 8 of them cubs.
Real "threats" to humans in 90% of the world are posibly humans themselves (ignorance/stupidity/evil/greed/need...).
Ever since Naval Strike was released for BF4, my skills have gone down the drain, especially on carrier assault maps. I'm rarely getting above 1.0 KDR and it seems like I'm dying constantly. I don't know if it's a recent patch or maybe my skills are declining, but it's really frustrating and not enjoyable to play this game now.
Uh, if you're producing a 0 on the Bristol Scale, and its white, you should probably go to a doctor or change your diet. Like...right away.
Sat on my dick. Not sure if right thread.
Lol, what? Bill was funny enough but what the hell Enkoujin.
I think I may be living with a crazy person! I got a CL roommate that at times will drink himself til he passes out and refuses to clean. Last night, for example, he was blasting music on his iPhone (surprisingly loud!) in the kitchen, which is close to my room. He was aso ranting and raving about...something. At first I thought he was on the phone, but then realized that his phone was playing music, so he could not have been on the phone; ergo, he was talking to himself. And this went on ALL NIGHT LONG, until he passed out from drinking. When i came out of my room, there was a puddle of something (not pee) near my door and shit was strewn all over the kitchen island. If I go missing, you all know know who to alert the authorities to.
Damn, and I thought I had it bad.. but I only had a temporary housemate who wouldn't clean up the kitchen after use.
It's all about luck I guess.
In an odd twist of fate, I actually got lucky. My housemates are awesome. They take me to great restaurants and travel spots they have been to, just to share the experience. No problems in cleanliness either. They also appreciate the food that I make (though I make good food, so anyone with a decent palate would).
Now I am just waiting for some random tragedy to happen to balance the scales.