Still without power. It's been out since Wednesday night. I'm currently sitting in McDonald's charging my phone. The woman sitting next to me is doing the same.
I have a gas stove, so I was able to boil some water and wash up.
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Still without power. It's been out since Wednesday night. I'm currently sitting in McDonald's charging my phone. The woman sitting next to me is doing the same.
I have a gas stove, so I was able to boil some water and wash up.
At least you´re not fat, so it´s still good.
On that matter, let me bitch: Being fat sucks. Especially on Valentines Day :(
Hey, big girls need love too.
I got caught out by paypal again because I was clicking without thinking. I keep multiple currencies in my paypal account because doing conversions outside of transactions cost less than doing them on the fly. Paypal however always thinks it's best to use up any surplus in my account before withdrawing from my bank regardless of currency, costing me 2x conversion fee plus 1x convert-on-the-fly fee. I have to change the payment method from balance to bank/credit card every single time, but sometimes it slips through.
And it pisses me off when it does.
Paypal used to have really good rates, but that changed a few years ago. I'll have to review how their rates compare to banks to see if using credit card works out better.
Must be all that weinerschnitzel, am I right? Just kidding, I don't even know what weinerschnitzel is.
Losing weight is tough if you don't have the right motivation. Usually that's in the form of chicks, but without the guarantee of actually scoring with chicks as a reward for losing weight, it's hard to get started with that as a motivation.
I find that for a lot of people, the problem isn't the performance at the gym; the problem is getting there.
Once you complete that run, you will feel great. Pretty soon, you won't care about girls. You'll only be caring about yourself. To get stronger, quicker, or to endure more pain, you will keep on going. It's all about self-improvement and building confidence. This determination and habit also allowed me to perform better in other things as well because I had a lot more energy and a better mental attitude. Once that comes about, girls should theoretically be easier for the taking (though I haven't tested this out yet).
Yes, a better physique contributes to getting the attention of the opposite sex.
Or the same sex, which can be fortunate or unfortunate depending on the person.
How many more kilos do you intend to lose? 40kgs is a lot. The most I lost is around 25kgs in a 5 month period.
Still a lot more. :/
40 kg is 66% my weight.
Based on my DEXA scan of 18% body fat and mass being 65kg (last I measured), it gives me around 53.3kg of lean mass or so. That means if I want to reach 12% body fat my ideal weight has to be 61kg. I haven't ever been able to breach 63kg, and even then I'm pretty sure that was lack of shit/pee/water that caused the fluctuation.
@Animeniax: after you reach your target, you maintain it. The idea of a journey sounds good and has its merits, but at the same time not everybody wants to bulk or lose weight indefinitely.
And that's why people fail to keep off the weight. Having a goal is great, it drives you and keeps you going. Once you reach your goal, it doesn't seem to be enough (for most people) to have a goal of maintaining an ideal weight/fitness level. Maintaining is where people fail. So enjoy the process leading to your goal, cause it's mostly downhill after you reach that goal.
No, he said he was "frustrated" that he wasn't at his goal yet, which is the same as dreading the process more or less. I think he's under the delusion that once he reaches his goal, he's set and won't have to work out anymore. Maybe that'll be good enough for the weekend or event he's preparing for, but if it's a long term goal of health and not being fat, then he's looking at it all wrong.
And no, having fairly high body fat percentages means you are not really healthy and fit.
Fitness is a performance indicator, while 18% body fat is perfectly within the healthy range for a male adult. Fat doesn't necessarily hinder performance, so you can be fit and healthy while being heavy. It depends on your cut-offs I guess.
I don't see "frustrated" as being dreading something, it shows that you're annoyed that progress isn't happening. I can be frustrated that my kill/death ratio isn't high enough, or that my cooking doesn't taste good. It doesn't mean that I don't enjoy the process, but that the progress isn't just some uncared-about side-effect of my actions.