Came in here to say that that is gross, dude.
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Came in here to say that that is gross, dude.
That would be an interesting experiment. How much food could we save by digesting it twice?
It would be difficult to do because once you start handling the specimen the water becomes one homogeneous colour and you can't see it well. You've got to go by feel.
Plastic utensils were godsend. Only had one, so had to make it count.Quote:
Originally Posted by DS
Thank you all for your concerns. I'm touched that you were all as taken back as I was. I'm otherwise in good health. Rectum feels strangely empty (lonely?) after losing something so large, but that's just temporary.
Please guys, is there a way to automatically block access to the threads when you are having a breakfast, when there are specific words on page that you want to access?
Three groups got accused of plagiarism, two of them asked me to fix their shit for them (so far), one got angry when I said no, the bad thing about being nice is that when you say no ONCE, you`re an asshole.
In recent years I've been toughening up myself to say "no" the first time so that I don't have things to deal with afterwards.
I suppose it depends on the people you're saying "no" to as well. Some just have this expectation that they're entitled to your help.
What kinds of groups are these? Fellow classmates, random students you see in the library, students in a class you are TA'ing, friends, etc? Because 2 of these kinds of groups probably deserve your help.
Fellow classmates I guess.
Well they either see you as a knowledgeable person and leader, or as a shill. Sounds like you think they think you're a sucker, but good on you for saying 'no' and standing up for your principles.
Origin's update pisses me off. It had 2 days to do whatever it wants, but it chooses to wait for me to play a game before it goes "Let's update!"
Is it that hard to learn from Steam? I'm sure they're not going to sue you for an auto-update feature. >_>
Following Steam's lead is not a smart move. Just kidding, it's a lot better than it used to be. But yeah Origin has some major issues they need to work out. I was dl'ing BF4 and after 6 hours got to 90% when my PC crashed. Booted up, had to start the dl all over again, even though Origin's dl scheme is supposed to resume at the last completed block of data.
Wanna bitch some, too: Why am I such a scaredy cat? Wanted to subtly tell a girl that I like her last friday, but chickened out at the last second. Well, she was with all the rest of the class, so if I had called her out, everyone would have stopped and looked. Was too much for me. Still, I hate that I didnīt do it. Fuck me, forever alone. :>
Just be gay.
If you were subtle enough then others probably wouldn't have noticed it, or she might have missed it too. Though what did you mean by "subtly" telling her?
I guess this part is why love and relationships are supposed to be fun and exciting, but I liken them to job interviews... not something I look forward to.
Some guy I had a crush since forever invited me to a beach house till new year, wed be sleeping together but i cant go cause i must go meet my family. fuck my life
Just set up my new Windows phone... then dropped my Windows phone and dented a corner of the glass screen and plastic shell. It's a small dent but just knowing it's there pisses me off. I had an Android phone for over 2 years, dropped it a few times, no damage. Damn these ultra-slim pansy phones.
No way to "excuse" yourself for just one year?
@Ani: I reckon that phones these days need a case if they're expected to last. This is until the flexible displays start popping up. The fact that you only had a dent instead of a shattered screen would have pleasantly surprised me.