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And then just recently I get to stick my foot in my mouth. I did some digging and just today Gunota posts some new info found from a questionable source but one that has paid off as well check it out.
Plamoya-san's Useless Diary lists additional armaments taken from the 1/144 Collection Series Strike Freedom description:
Official name: EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON mobile weapon wings
Armament: MA08V Beam Assault Cannon x 1
Note: The model number given for the DRAGOON is similar to the Chaos Gundam's EQFU-5X mobile weapon pods.
I'll also add that this same site is known amongst rumormongers for breaking news about the Super Freedom->Strike Freedom name change a few days before it was announced on the official site.
And yep for us rumormongers this place was one if not the first to break the Strike Freedom news. So damn Strike Freedom will have its wings as weapon pods. SWEET. This definately puts it a peg above Freedom in terms of power now. And also puts Kira's greater spatial awareness into play.
EDIT: As for Girty Lue. I suspect she is in space still or at an EA Base waiting to go back into space.
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Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
And then just recently I get to stick my foot in my mouth. I did some digging and just today Gunota posts some new info found from a questionable source but one that has paid off as well check it out.
Plamoya-san's Useless Diary lists additional armaments taken from the 1/144 Collection Series Strike Freedom description:
Official name: EQFU-3X Super DRAGOON mobile weapon wings
Armament: MA08V Beam Assault Cannon x 1
Note: The model number given for the DRAGOON is similar to the Chaos Gundam's EQFU-5X mobile weapon pods.
I'll also add that this same site is known amongst rumormongers for breaking news about the Super Freedom->Strike Freedom name change a few days before it was announced on the official site.
And yep for us rumormongers this place was one if not the first to break the Strike Freedom news. So damn Strike Freedom will have its wings as weapon pods. SWEET. This definately puts it a peg above Freedom in terms of power now. And also puts Kira's greater spatial awareness into play.
Holy crap. If Shinn hadn't just brought down Freedom with a POS like Impulse, I'd say Destiny didn't have anything on Strike Freedom.
A DRAGOON system in the wings isn't just cool, it is a satisfactory explanation for why they dropped the Balena's in the wings. Imagine the current Blitzkrieg attack with twelve guns!
I wonder what Infinite Justice could have to compete with this? I mean really, it'd need a personal swarm of autonomous beam boomerangs or something.
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Originally posted by: MeroTZ
Unrelated to the current discussion, but related to upcoming events, whatever happened to the Girty Lue? When do you think we'll get to see it again, and when we do, who's side is it gonna be on?
my guess is that it's going to depend on abit on what they've planned with Neo and also with what happens to the Logos (of Djibril specifically) since i believe it was a "private" battleship of the Logos/Djibril with Neo in command
and yes i'll keep referring to Neo as Neo untill he regains his memory and actually becomes Mwu again, untill then he's a new character called Neo as far as i'm concerned (although calling a char new that has been in the show for 34 episodes now is rather ridiculous)
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Originally posted by: MeroTZ
I wonder what Infinite Justice could have to compete with this? I mean really, it'd need a personal swarm of autonomous beam boomerangs or something.
i personally think that in Infinite Justice will again be a more close/melee combat orientated suit
much like both Aegis and Justice were
edit: dammit double post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-shocked.gif[/img]
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Makes the Destiny kinda weak eh?
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edit: scrap this post i misread the previous one
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Since the subject of weaponry has come up does anybody know when Strike Rouge will ACTUALLY show up in an episode equiped with the IWSP pack? You can see it in the opening for that fraction of a second when they show Strike Rouge. I remember reading about it a long time ago on MAHQ so I was kind of happy when they showed it in the Destiny openings. Hopefully I get to see it before the last couple of eps.
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I would like to verify one thing,kira wont kill anyone in battle that was his vow,so who killed stellar??Please someone answer me because i cant sleep without that information
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Originally posted by: StarQui_MonPL
I would like to verify one thing,kira wont kill anyone in battle that was his vow,so who killed stellar??Please someone answer me because i cant sleep without that information
it's safe to say that the inside of Destroy's cockpit somewhat exploded cause Kira overloaded the systems then he
plunged 2 beam sabers into the cannons
so you could assume the explosions inside the cockpit were the direct result of Kira's stabbing the cannons and thus Kira killed here, intentional or not
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Thanks for the information.
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please don't assume this to be hard, cold facts StarQui_MonPL
this is just my interpretation of the situation
ofcourse there are people that will/would disagree with me
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I'd be one of those people. There are lots of possible scenarios. This seems most likely to me and some other people.
Not to mention if part of the cockpit hadn't been damaged prior she may not have taken the injuries earlier that were embedded into her suit. It may have actually even been more secure if Shinn hadn't sliced into it. Stellar appears to have died from sustained injuries from the battle and possibly since she may not have fully recovered from earlier. She was alive after Kira attacked took down Destroy. She could have even sustained injuries as she came out of the Destroy cockpit. Whether Shinn carried her out or she was flung out. Hmmm Some people you aren't supposed to move. Anyways final analysis. I'd say she died from internal bleeding or some failure of the body.
Note: Got some word on future events. Seems like Dearka will make more of an appearance in the later portion of Destiny. Maybe Yzak's team moves to the Eternal. Lets hope. 2nd it seems that Andy is getting Gaia gundam and its gonna get a new paint job. Who better to pilot that bad boy eh?
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she may have died from internal bleedeing or some failure of her body,but " thanks" to who??if she hadnt recower from her last battle they shouldnt put her in destroy.Shinn riped the cocpit but that didnt kill her.I wuold also doubt that those internal wounds came from that.
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Did you watch the episode. She had pieces of "shrapnel" for lack of a better word embedded into her from when the cockpit was sliced open. Do you honestly think that it was just plain metal there and no type of electronics or other systems there. Both Kira and Shinn contributed to Stellars death. Even Neo for putting her in there. She was in really bad shape the day before. Then they put her in Destroy. He would of put her in there if she was half dead probably. He was under orders and under a pretty nasty threat. Remember if she didn't pilot it something scary was gonna come and kill them all.
Oh and she didn't die from the explosion either. She was still alive when shinn found her by your reasoning. Shinn's attacks could of helped her on her way to her demise just as much as Kira's. We don't know how protected she would of been if the cockpit was still intact.
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I watched it,but she wasnt bleeding tyh suit she was wearing protected her(more or less) in wat way did shinn acompanyed kira in killing stellar ,riping the cocpit isnt killing(i think so)He knew that stellar was there,he cared about her but despise that he killedher knowing that she was destroys pilot??He didnt save her life(in some way)to kill her later??
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your points are all valid Guardian i must say that
but i was trying to point out that the explosion merely caused her to get the internal injuries or body failure
it's just that i forgot to add those since i'm kind of tired atm
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Yep that makes more sense. I just wish StarQui_MonPL would make more sense. I don't even really understand nor know how to respond to that last post. Can you try with less run on sentences. I'll pick out what I can.
Slicing open the cockpit damaged the integrity of the cockpit. Also whatever electronics or systems that were in the front of the cockpit like the main screen and what not would of been destroyed. This electrical dmg and structural dmg can lead to problems. When he sliced it alot of shrapnel flew at Stellar and actually punctured her suit. Now if the normal suit is like most suits and the shrapnel is deep enough it could create enough pressure to not allow bleeding. Just like if you stabbed a screwdriver into your head. You could stay alive for awhile or die real quickly if you pulled the screwdriver out. Thats just how Shinn seems to have contributed to Stellars death. Also if she had any kind of spinal or some other type of dmg while Shinn moved her. Not good. Shinn while contributing to Stellars death didn't intend to kill her after he realized who was piloting the suit. Originally he had every intention of taking Destroy down even killing the pilot if he had to since his first attack was straight for where the cockpit would of been.
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You cant have everthing,and im sorry if my last post was not uderstandable ,i was trying to make it have sence.
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it's not that your post wasn't clear enough Star
it's just that your english isn't very good and thus makes it harder to understand
and to Guardian: i try [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Speaking of Neo/Mwu, does anyone notice how much he has changed once he was captured on board the AA? Before his capture, he seemed to be a very solem, serious/oriented guy. Once captured onboard the AA, he seemed to returned to the Mwu personality of humor when he asked Ramius if she "fell in love with him on first sight." Also, it looked as if he was goofy during when Kira, Ramius and Murdock were in the room. Is there a reason why there is a sudden personality shift? I'm open to all opinions.