Sounds like Zamasu did an Invasion of the Body Snatchers and took over Goku's Body. Maybe it's like Inu's ninja skill in Naruto, can take possession of someone body.
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Sounds like Zamasu did an Invasion of the Body Snatchers and took over Goku's Body. Maybe it's like Inu's ninja skill in Naruto, can take possession of someone body.
Uh, no, he made a wish with the Dragonballs. They swapped bodies, like what Ginyu does.
I don't fully understand why there's two Zamasu's though. I also don't understand how he could switch bodies with Goku when Goku is already dead in Trunk's timeline. The time ring only goes forward.
Saw the new episode. Dont get it. Zamasu is in Gokuīs body, ok. Whoīs in Zamasuīs body?
AND WTF?! Can somebody please explain to me why Goku and co. are thinking they have a chance at winning this time? What has changed? They didnīt get a power-up.
so which goku's body is it anyway? future alternate goku should be long time dead... maybe a universe 10 version of goku?
But there shouldn't have BEEN a "present" alternate Goku. Because he died well before.
That's one thing we have not seen yet from these other universes is the exact same person from two different universes. Even Universe 6 doesn't seem to have one, and that's the one that's "paired" with 7. Remember the universes get more and more different the further outside it's pairing you get, so 10 is likely extremely different.
present alternate goku died after coming back from namek.... unless they are retconning that by saying that zamasu stole his body in the past and that is the reason why goku didnt appeared when the droids appeared
just watched this week's episode... so this zamasu is from an alternate timeline created by him after he killed his master and went for the ring of time... which means that whis wasnt around to stop time and revert it or that when whis reverts time he creates alternate timelines by himself? if so then right now there is a timeline where freezer won and destroyed earth... and if he gets a time controlling device then he can go to trunk's future as thats an alternate timeline too -_-"
if they are creating a multiverse where every possibility happens in a different copy of the universe and they can move around between each alternate universe then everything is meaningless as there would be infinite timelines with infinite villians and infinite gokus...
good to see trunks getting another powerup, too bad he always get the short stick and doesnt get a proper powerup like he got the super saiyan 1.5 (the bodybuilder fat one)... this time is again the bodybuilder with sparkles of SSB...
IMO this form looks really close to brolly's, where he had no eyes and was the "true super saiyan form"
I wonder what Trunks' transformation is? It looks something like a Hyper SSJ2 or a half SSJB. Does not make sense how he has God ki surrounding him, but then again nothing makes sense in this series. Black's final attack on Goku saved this shitty episode.
So this is...Super Sayajin Demi God?
Their plan was good. Focus on killing the guy that's killable first. To bad they completely ignored it the moment the fighting actually started.
And they literally had two characters stand around doing nothing while the Zamasu's double-teamed people. I mean, I can understand people standing around when it's a 1-on-1 fight. It's a whole honor thing. But when two villains are attacking him, why the fuck are you just standing there, waiting for him to get shanked, before taking your turn you useless fucks?
Incorrect, alternate present Goku that got killed by Zamasu is from the timeline in which a device was developed to turn off the androids, alternate future Trunks then went back to the alternate future and got killed by alternate future Cell (who is actually the only Cell that achieved the perfect form. the one we know and love).Quote:
Originally Posted by ForteCross
I don't care's stupid either way.
Ok, let`s make it simpler then. There are *four* timelines, and therefore four versions of Goku, two of these versions died to heart virus, both are future versions, which means there are still two remaining versions (both from the *present*); one of them is the main character, the other one got killed by Zamazu, clear? yes?
But why are there 4 timelines?
Why does using the time machine create new timelines sometimes, but not other times? Because Trunks has damn sure used it more than 4 times.
Trunks split the timeline in two when he time traveled, then cell also split them both into two again; 4 timelines. theoricaly other timelines DO exist (which is where the green rings come in), we are just not exposed to it in the same way we weren't really exposed to the unseen timeline for 20 years.
This is stupid. Honestly, I watched the new ep earlier and all I kept asking myself was "WHO thought itīd be a good idea to make up such a convoluted scenario?!"
This is Dragon Ball, not some sophisticated seien anime. That story that Iīve been writing and planning for years also features different timelines, and Iīm still struggling to find the best way to explain it to the reader without dropping a bomb shell of text on them. This anime simply says "fuck all! and does it. lol
I like how both Zamasus hugged each other, though. It felt nice to see a villain share such a bond ... even if itīs with himself xD
Member when Frieza was the strongest in the universe and not cannon fodder? Member when the legendary super saiyan was only Goku? Member when the Z fighters were not getting wrecked by a robot who`s material could not have possibly being made on earth? member most of the cast being useful? I member. Member when the characters would develop new techniques as opposed to random transformation? I member. Member Tao Pai Pai? Member when villains were threatening and evil looking as opposed to a fat pink blog piece of shit?