[CoalGuys] K-ON!! S2 - 23 [55293F90].mkv
[Nipponsei] K-ON!! Insert Song Single - Gohan wa Okazu [Various].zip
U&I is on this single.
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Not a whole lot happened in this episode. Typically enough no music either, despite the fact they recorded their whole production.
One thing I paid attention to is how calm Azu-nyan now is. Either she has now fully accepted this is it or she's repressing it.
I'm happy the next episode is the last one. It's good this show ends before I turn into a hater.
Even for a show where nothing happens that was a particularly uneventful episode
Just like when you're about to graduate huh?
I can never get tired of seeing Yui snuggling up to Azy-nyan.
I did think we were going to get some sort of insight from Azy-nyan when the other 4 popped out, kinda like how she'd remember them when they left or something similarly sentimental.
I can't believe it: There was a song performed and they even showed all of it! Unbelievable. That also made this episode quite fine and fitting to be the final episode. I'm happy they didn't decide to half-ass the last episode relying on the worn-out moe alone. Good going with Azu-nyan crying and everything.
Yeah. I liked everything they did in this episode. The performance was totally unexpected, and the conveyed atmosphere was very similar to arguably my favourite performance (Tsubasa wo Kudasai - S1 EP1), and rightly so since both Azu-nyan and Yui made the same remark after the performance. Likewise, it felt simply nostalgic to have a final group-of-four performance, with Ritsu and Mugi singing for the first time. Lyrics-wise, I've always enjoyed the ones with more substance or reflection about how the characters feel each other - which puts this one and U&I right at the top. I have no idea why Fuwa Fuwa Time gets played so often other than because it's their first song.
Other highlights included Sawa-chan's reaction to the blackboard and Yui deciding to walk home with Nodoka. It only brings things right back since she's the first friend Yui had when she started highschool, and reiterates that even when you've separated or found new friends that past ones aren't forgotten.
I've watched the second half of this episode like 6 times now. :3
Not sure how I'd feel about more K-ON!, but if it happens, I'm watching.
I enjoyed the series overall, but please, no more seasons of K-ON. The first season was a lot better than the second.
I'm glad the series ended on a conclusive note (despite two bonus episodes still to go), and it certainly was bittersweet, but the success of this show, and to the disturbing extent of that success (otaku fighting over figurines, licking screens and creepy birthday parties), I fear we will only get a greater percentage of shows with such an overwhelming lack of substance. In the long run this will only hurt the industry more than it is already ailing.
It's good once in a while, but when you really think about the fact this this was a "music series" with pretty much no music, very noticeable in this season, it is not a trend I wish to continue.
Give us moe with plot, give me theme shows that actually use that theme instead of playing 20 second clips, just please no more shows this vapid. This one hit the limit I can tolerate.
/unpopular opinion piece
In that sense, I completely agree with you. While I find the second season a better slice of life/comedy series, it really fails when it comes to the music theme, and that is basically what K-ON started out as and should be.
To make a clarifying statement:
K-ON is a vapid fluff series, but it is well executed fluff. I was entertained, and I never really had to force myself to finish an episode. My fear is that the breakout success (disturbingly so in some cases noted above) will lead to a series of very poorly executed fluff, copycats, in an attempt to replicate that level of success.
Lol that was endearing
I'm with Ryll, it was fun while it lasted but the formula isn't sustainable anymore, let it end with dignity and grace rather than milking it for all it's worth
Extra nyan:
Episode 25 (Extra) - CoalGuys
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Edit: Can't believe they managed to get Mio to do that. No wonder she sealed the dvd away later. Azusa was touchingly honest by nyaning even when it wasn't officially expected from her in the retake.
K-On! Gets Film Green-Lit
Lol, it was inevitable...
I had found weird they hadn't mention Yun and Ui joining the Light Music Club at the 'last' episode. Guess they wanted to keep if for the 2nd extra episode.
I hope the movie ain't a recap... but more a 'what happens next' or so
I wouldn't mind a 3rd series (despite what others think)
I thought Yun mentioned somewhere along the way she would join the club once the elders left. Ui probably hasn't said anything shown to the audience but since she can't anymore worship her sister in the school band, the next best thing for her is likely to try to be like Yui by taking her position.
I don't want a third season but I'll end up watching the movie, no doubt, unless it's a recap.