Even if it's a foreign body part that's hard to control:
Episode 15 h264 - Eclipse
Episode 15 xvid - Eclipse
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Even if it's a foreign body part that's hard to control:
Episode 15 h264 - Eclipse
Episode 15 xvid - Eclipse
wow 3 months time skip.. wierd though that it took the organization 3 months to notice Clare's situation. And the awakened beings are forming an army.. things are much more interesting
Poor foolish little Raki, he should have stayed in the first town the came to going in the direction that he did, that would have made it easier for Clare to find him. I say he deserves to be left in the desert to die.
The little girl is awesome, so sweet sounding but so icy with her actual words.
Desert to die? I deem he's purposefully subjecting himself to some Conanesque what doesn't kill you makes you stonger training. Three months might be quite a significant time for a Claymore like Clare but what can a human kid really learn in that time under normal circumstances? I don't think that much. Who knows, as much as he wants to be reunited with Clare, he might also hope he will be a different man when that happens and thus could subconsciously make decisions that won't make it easier for Clare to find him.
I was rather surprised that he stupidly didn't wait out the sandstorm. When crossing a desert on foot, a stiff breeze and some eddie currents are the difference between staying on track and getting to your destination and wandering in circles wasting energy and water.
I think that our half-demon-loving shounen is maybe a little lacking in the common sense department :p.
Trying to disguise herself as a boy or not, Clare with that pony-tail was hot. :p
Damn it Clare! Your comrades are in danger, stop walking! lol
Very interesting episode. I wonder what that awakened being and the little girl are trying to do. Well they could just be doing it for fun. As for the organization, it seems to be led by all men. I wonder what kind of powers they have.
Anybody else feel this episode has some really odd segments where the music just didn't fit what was going on on-screen?
I liked that we saw a glimpse of The Organization. Looks like Artriea is getting assigned to tracking down Clare... I doubt they'll be very happy that she's been ducking them for the past three months... I assume she did it so she could find Raki, rather than be assigned all over the place at random. I really liked how Clare's 'handler' was just smiling and acting all smug throughout the meeting.
Seriously, he should have just stayed in the closest town is right! And then walking about in a storm... comp said it well.
hmm, is that creepy little girl Nana Mizuki? (Hinata in Naruto, Wrath in FMA... seems I've heard here somewhere else too...) It was bothering me throughout the episode, cuz I felt I should knew that voice... She's listed on ANN under a name, and so I can't tell if she's this character or not. Some kind of Awakened Being that retains her human shape? I'm very interested to see how she came all about and why she has an army of Yoma under her
Seriously! She's like "I better go help, but not in any hurry..." It must take forever to get things done in the Claymore world, what with them walking everywhere (no carriages seen yet)Quote:
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
I liked Clare's outfit in this episode. The time skip fit in nicely. Also, I really like that girl, I love cold blooded monsters/villains appearing like children. She seems to be slightly smart too, possibly having some sort of goal besides just eating guts and all. I hope we will get to see more from the organizations point of view in future episodes.
Yeah, that actionlike music when she was just walking around in town felt a bit out of place.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
I see more than just me fell instantly in love with the creepy little loli. Her intelligent tone and obvious youth are very strange for an Awakened. It seems strange that Awakeneds would seek out and band with youma, after all, they still were Claymores at one time. Perhaps they gain a little camaraderie for each other while feasting on guts. Crack open a warm one? She (whatever her name happens to be, no spoiling.) and Dauf are clearly up to something. To what end do they want Claymores to Awaken for them? Could it be more than gaining allies? Studying their own condition, testing new limits, sowing chaos?
It's also nice to see yet another Sailor Scout Seiyuu join the ranks of the Claymore cast. Kotono Mitsuishi herself as Jean. All we need now is Mars and Venus. An interesting side note according to ANN is that the Director of Claymore played a super-minor role in Sailor Moon.
... a psychiatrist would love this quote!Quote:
Originally Posted by Xrlderek
I'm pretty sure Duff is an Awakened as well.
Who said that he wasn't? I thought it was kind of obvious. Unique form (unlike the two archetypes outside) and he can maintain a form that looks similar to his Awakened one, something seen in all the Awakeneds so far.
The chair creepy little loli was sitting in looked suspiciously like a throne.
I thought you were implying Duff was a regular yoma. I guess you were referring to the minions outside.Quote:
It seems strange that Awakeneds would seek out and band with youma, after all, they still were Claymores at one time.
i was quite confused at first too. It's clear Duff (DUFF man, oh yeah!:cool:) is strong as hell. I mean, he smashed an Awakened Being into itty-bitty pieces with his bare hands... and even if Kathia or whatever her name was who Awoke was a low thirty number, that's still commendable that he just took her out like that...
I thought that, in some weird way, loli and Duff were one entity, mostly because loli was so ... well, just so normal looking. (I temporarily forgot about the appearance of the Awakened which Ophelia slew). She must be ancient and absurdly powerful (like the innkeeper said) to have an Awakened male under her control.
Another random thought... 4 Claymores went to the mine. Jean is still alive and struggling, Kathia Awoke and got crushed, that one girl died back in town, but we still have the fourth one. She was just lying there, and loli made a point that "If you don't hurry and awaken, you'll end up like that... full of holes in dying." But, for some reason, I just didn't buy that that 4th Claymore is truly out of the picture just yet. Maybe I'm just reading too much hope into it, and that she'll turn out to be a wild card in helping Clare...
I'm pretty sure she's dead.
It should Galatea, the Claymore who sensed Clare's yoki during Clare's Awakened Being fight from before.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Well, in the consequence that Clare would have died against Orphelia, then Orphelia would have came after him next because she kills witnesses that knew or saw her killing her own comrades.Quote:
Originally Posted by masamuneehs
Maybe she didn't want to waste any energy getting there; she did say that it took about a day to get there anyway, and from the looks of it, she got there in a half-day.Quote:
Originally Posted by Id3aLiStiC
Awakened Beings should still be 100% Youma. Having Orphelia as an exception, I think most of the Awakenings that were intended to awaken would have lost their conscience (or mentality stability), so they end up thinking and doing the same as other Youma do. Also, seeing the Youma massacre (back when Teresa was alive), it would make sense that Youma band and work together to get their food, like a pride of lions. Don't really know, just my theory.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
Ophelia is a perfect example that some Awakeneds are not just youma. Yes, she was pretty much a nutcase, but she still harbored the immense hatred towards Awakeneds. Lower ranking ones seem to be little more than youma, eating and moving. Like the tentacle one Ophelia killed or this most recent one. Higher ranking (experienced) ones still seem to possess a great deal of their own motivations, the Nameless Male, Ophelia, Dauf and the loli. They may be overcome with the pleasure that comes in their newfound existence, as Priscilla did, but some of the more traumatized ones like Ophelia surely remember their hatred for youma.
In one of the cases with Teresa and her hunters, someone said that they simply took over the entire village and waited for travelers, and that was very unusual, since they are generally very selfish creatures. I would imagine if anything would make a youma bow beneath an Awakened, it would be fear.
If I remember correctly, Clare told Raki to run as far as he can, since even if she (Clare from Ophelia since that was the original plan) was able to escape, Raki would have just been hunted down and killed by Ophelia. I know running for a few months may seem like overkill, but I think that he has simply gotten plenty far when he escaped, and that led him to believe that Clare would have a very difficult time finding him, so he might have set out to find her himself.
Raki was never the type to simply sit back and wait, even if that is the smartest thing to do, so doing what he is now is within his character, but he isnt so stupid as to simply run off from the get go with no reason as some of you suggest.
Raki also didn't really seem to be fleeing too much or keeping too low a profile. I think maybe he's probably shifted from "Escape from Ophelia" mode into "Look for Clare" mode.
And yeah, wasn't I saying before that it seems like Awakened are pretty present-minded? Aware, cognizant, clever, and even rational?
(edit to add: indeed, I did say that! back around post 300! This thread is getting really hard to keep track of >_<)
The best thing to do comp is to not care about Raki at all, he's pretty much worthless.
New Claymore though, is the opposite of worthless.