I hope they do a different path and make Priscilla level down instead. It gets boring when all people do is power-up to defeat enemies, when creating a disadvantage or weakening them works just as well or even better in some cases.
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I hope they do a different path and make Priscilla level down instead. It gets boring when all people do is power-up to defeat enemies, when creating a disadvantage or weakening them works just as well or even better in some cases.
twas' awesome, priicie saying "you're only this strong?"
although, the last few months have kicking in the same place, with them running from one crazy girl to another.
Claymore 101
Chapter content:
Either some bad writing or bad translation in the OM/FH version. Also, I've started noticing lately that the manga has been (unfortunately) using more and more boob and ass shots, whether it be claymore or creature.
Originally Posted by Augury
Yeah, that was some shitty English, regardless of who's fault it was. I'm fairly sure it all just meant Clare's subvousciously pulling herself back to avoid another Jean-style sacrifice to save her, but to the extent that she's almost paranoid and can't release her power at all.
Impressive quick-thinking on that claymore's part (for dislodging the parasite). Not quick enough to dodge it though.
Really, really shitty translation job this chapter. I don't know Japanese, but half the dialogue is totally unintelligible gibberish and I'd imagine that didn't get by the publisher originally. Surely "mental block" is a better phrase than "mental wedge". The dialogue also refers to Jean as a man. And yes, Dietrich's naked ass is totally visible at the end for no apparent reason, but I assume her clothes got ripped off earlier and I forgot about it.
Chapter also sucks. I don't believe for a fucking minute that Priscilla decided killing Clare would maybe bring back her memories and then she didn't finish the job. She just totally demolished some abyssal powers with her bare hands not even giving a shit about what was going on and she can't just throw one punch and knock Clare's head off? There are obvious metafictional reasons why Clare doesn't just get killed instantly in a fight, and her instantly fully awakening was a good method to have her barely survive the battle... but to have her literally unable to do anything and still get dragged away against someone who nonchalantly tears up and murders basically everyone around her is pretty weak. I figured she was going to get scared off by Teresa's face implanted in Clare's chest but I guess we have to wait even more for that very obvious reveal.
Dietrich is the Tosaka-Rin-Hair Girl, yes? That's just her bum's outline through the tight uniform.Quote:
Originally Posted by Y
No idea what your blizzard of references means at all, thank god, but yes now I see she is actually wearing pants. The mangaka hasn't really objectified the female characters' in the dialogue so I'm surprised to see such blatant fanservice. The real use of sexuality and gender in the series has been the reversal of typical mores, like a gang of thieves being totally repulsed by Teresa's invitation to have their way with her, and Miata's bizarre mothering of that one retarded Claymore. It's funny that the fully nude female monsters really aren't being sexualized in that final shot, but Dietrich is.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It meant her hair looked like Tosaka Rin's.Quote:
Originally Posted by Y
God dammit, both translation and quality checking were fucking terrible
I don't even remember who those last girls were, can someone remind me?
102 Binktopia-Mangastream:
Ugh, when is this arc gonna finish.
There really is too little content per chapter
Seeing Riful and Duff was enough for me. I really liked that pairing. Having Duff sell his soul out to protect/avenge Riful only to end up forgetting it is just...... sad. :(
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mangastream / binktopia
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Man that panel with half of Priscilla's face taken off is FUCKED UP. I love it.
Sure will miss Duff though.
Wow, i waited a month for this?
I liked the story better before the time jump.
now I just feel stupid for getting excited about someone losing half their face. it's setting up for a "it's nothing!" Majjin Buu scene.
So Pricilla was getting beaten to smithereens, then instantly regenerated? That's some hax regeneration skills.
mangastream / binktopia
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Priscilla is just... damn! I don't see any realistic way for anyone to ever beat her unless someone figures out how to split the atom and nukes the shit out of her