/bangs head against wall
Why didn't i wait a couple more weeks to start watching this? This is beyond frustrating and anyone who would rate is as "awesome" and "brilliant" should be shot dead and have their corpses ravaged by biker gangs
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/bangs head against wall
Why didn't i wait a couple more weeks to start watching this? This is beyond frustrating and anyone who would rate is as "awesome" and "brilliant" should be shot dead and have their corpses ravaged by biker gangs
Same crap again right? Any hint for some sort of ending yet?
Nope, only slight variations, but articulations remain exactly the same.Quote:
Originally Posted by Archangel
So for the moment, we're stuck at repetition 15521... and we're at year 595 for Nagato.
I think I'm getting Hardcore, since I watch those every week and do not really feel like I'm bored doing so. I change fansub groups everyweek so that I spot mistakes and so on... And there's my goldish syndrome that makes it a lot easier to watch the same thing over and over again.
Even goldfish would be bored by this >_>
I'll archive all of them until they're finally out of the loop, so someone give me a heads up when that happens please
Probably when Kyon decides to find out what Haruhi really wants to do before the time loops again. He's already got the basic concept down in a form of an airplane, so only like two more episodes to go, like RyougaZell said.
Oh, IS THAT ALL???Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
This is fucking idiotic, it's like they have a thing against ratings
Was this really in the original novels? If it was i'm sure it was much more intersting than this...
It's stupid, why the hell wouldn't they try harder after finding out that they've been looping for 5 centuries? Who the hell goes "bah, it'll work out eventually" after knowing that???
What i wonder is, WHY would Kyon ever be able to break out of that loop?
If it were just a few repetitions, ok...but its over 15.000, so it seems a little unrealistic, that after already 15.000 repetitions, he suddenly behaves so differentely as to break the loop.
oh well, i wont complain though, just give me something new >_<
I think Hanako will finally intervene or the accumulate of all those repetitions will bring some kind of result
Either way, this sucks balls
Should you watch each ep, you'd understand that the "déjà vu" feeling accumulates very slowly.
You should also remember that their memory gets erased each time, so they can't leave a note for the next loop.
It's only the small déjà vu accumulation they have as a way of acting sooner than when Asahina finds out she can't time leap anymore.
There are things that are bugging me though:
Why is Nagato so stuck in her role that she'd wait 595 years and going on, without even trying to give hints. After all she answers very precisely and it becomes obvious that they are all in a great mess. If she doesn't want to help out of the loop, why does she care to answer so precisely?
The other thing bugging me is that there's time beetween when they learn the awful and to be trusted truth from Nagato, yet they do not really seem to try to get out of that loop. I mean they could still do what's necessary to keep Haruhibrat occupied, and use spare time to find a solution... and obviously they don't seem to really bother, which I find strange. It's not like they have to follow the very first time they've experience the loop after Nagato's explanation point.
The other great bugging thing about that point is that Nagato never refused to offer help in solving something, either with explanations or even giving a hand and do what the others obviously can't. So why don't they just keep asking Nagato more questions, precisely on the how to get out of that loop.
Other than that, the angles were quite nice in that ep, also the minor variations of speech or tempo were interresting, though not directly helping getting out of the loop.
How many episodes of this are there? I keep finding screenshots on the internet of eps i havent seen and ive seen 16 so far
Nagato says her job is to observe. Frankly, it's like Haruhi is a specimen that the Integrated Data Center keeps tabs on because of its potential. She never refuses to help because there's no reason to, just the same as she's got no reason to interfere. Remember that she's an lower ranked "alien", and has to follow orders from her superiors.
I don't think Nagato knows exactly how to get out of the loop neither. She only participates at group outings along with the group, so any clues dropped should also be noticed by people like Kyon and Koizumi.
If you're suggesting that she should have an idea after 595years of accumulated clues, well she might have an idea. Again, however, it loops back to her job as an impartial observer.
In the end, it'll be Kyon breaking the loop because he knows her best.
I don't think Kyon knows her best. Most of the time, he is absolutely confused about what Haruhi is thinking. Koizumi supplies most of the information deduced from Haruhi's actions. What Kyon excels at is something that he himself won't admit. He cares for Haruhi the most (outside of simply trying to save the universe like everyone else), even more than the egotistical girl herself.
former director speaks out on the situation.
I've got mixed feelings about that clip being put on the web. On one hand, the uploader didn't agree to any such things, the questioner did, so he's under no obligation to comply.
Still, it feels bad for someone who was being nice and answering a question (albeit a very wrong choice) to get shit for it later on.
I'm going to be putting this show on hold and watch all the endless eights in one go.
Maybe even simultaneously just for fun.
Did I just say Endless Eight was fun? :S
lol, i love the simultaneous idea.
yeah, i haven't started the new season at all.. was gonna wait for it to be complete and then just watch them one after another.
I see, so that's how the idea was implemented. Still, I can't blame him for putting it to the test, as monotonous as it is. At least, he feels guilty about doing it, for those that care.
He said he was against it. The decision came about after he left.Quote:
Originally Posted by Nadouku
I guess I was imagining what I wanted to hear. Oh well, it'll be over in a few episodes.