~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
About time someone commented on that picture.
It was quite awkward taking that picture because I was trying to pay the cashier at the same time, while my friend's setting up his cheap ass camera. So I'm standing there unsure of to wait for the picture or just pay first. I don't exactly remember which came first now. Anyways, I felt like an ass standing there holding Farcry at checkout getting my picture taken.
btw Terra, that looks a lot more feminine.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Mut@t@
man, i'm like, the best looking guy here.
[sarcasm]I could agree more. I wish I looked like you. And that mysterious look on your face even makes guys melt.[/sarcasm]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
pfft we all know who the best looking guy is, just go back to page 1, i believe hes carrying a slab of canadian club [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
Wow BoC, what a cheery bloke you look like.
The new Terra look! Less gay, but only slightly.
And yes, the Adidas cap is the only cap I have. I don't give a shit about what brand it is.
o.o ::licks.:: >> << >>
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I shall curse the Atlantic ocean now, excuse me.
Or instead, I'll get off my lovely ass and get a picture of me! Wouldn't that be better?
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
WD, why choose only one?
@Hikyuu: Congratulations, you are the first person who has ever... licked... me.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Terracosmo
WD, why choose only one?
@Hikyuu: Congratulations, you are the first person who has ever... licked... me.
So how does terra taste hikyuu?
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Well, I am now posting two images. It was gonna be one, but since Terra complained and I have a weakness for girly guys, I'll post two.
They are really good! So good in fact that I've decided to name them!! They are called "My Brother Is Not Around To Take A Decent Pic Of Me And I've Lost My Favorite Lipstick So You Don't Get To See My Face Just Yet But You Do Get A Nice Idea Of My Body".
So there. Once my bro gets home and I get a new lipstick, I'll post my face.
As for now...
There I am!
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
finally...are those blue highlights I see? anyway pretty nice, i would post mine, but I dont have any/I dont believe in posting pics of myself online
edit: now all we need is a pic of Eurasian
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
haha... all that suspense...finally decreasing. we finally gget to see some pics of WD. i give it another month or so for her face to show up. har har har.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I know, blame my selective memory. Which reminds me I have a test.. Damn.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
and she dressed up for us too... arent we soo lucky!
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
You mean you've seen the doing-the-dishes-in-a-swimsuit pic?¡?? ...oh, not about that...?
The "attire" just goes to show how much Mexican winter rules. Those were taken around a week and a half ago, you see.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Oh finaly WD picture. Heres a pic of me at work. I'm the one in the green shirt. It's the best you all will get for a while. I know it's small but tough [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
WD, very nice pics! Just out of curiosity, what did you use to highlight your hair? It looks awesome.
Originally posted by: Knives122
edit: now all we need is a pic of Eurasian
Eurasian already posted her pic, a while back. You must have missed it.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I dyed it white with some chemical and the blue is made with natural vegetal dye that I buy from some hippies. It usually looks way more blue, but it was already starting to lose its color by then... it's almost white now. I have to get more dye, perhaps magenta or orange this time.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Looking as hot as ever, I see.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
When you first said green I thought it was all green. So it's just highlights...