Knives, cool sig. the second one looks better.
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Knives, cool sig. the second one looks better.
fire fox, nice work i like em all, they all look nice, and i even got some ideas from em, 9.1/10, 9.4/10, 9.3/10
pervert-sennin jirya, looks nice, but i would have changed the background colour red, to match ur char, but its still nice8.6/10
im bak from vacation, which wasnt very good, and i made a new sig
hmm ok i guess i can change the background color, ill post the sig when i have fixed it together with 3 others i made recently [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i was very bored when i was sick. nice sig naszim, the char pic is maybe a little to bright for my taste but its still very nice.
EDIT: okay changing the justice sig looked crap cause of my poor work on the pic of justice ill fix it when i get time.
so heres my 3 new sigs.
i made the first 2 last friday when i was sick and the 3rd one yesterday.
nazim that sig is nice the bg and stock is nice gj. pervert they are nice sigs not that keen on the jiraiya one tho i think the bg needs work.
thanks, yea the jiraiya one needs work on the bg going to edit that later....
i just made a new one mugen and jin from samurai champloo ^_^
looks nice, is those 2 the only good picso n those guys cause i saw a sig a while ago with the exact same pics.
nice one toruxxx, but whats with the kanji? like it doesn't make any sense.
its just a font in ps lol i dunno what it means [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img] lol and yea i did use the same stocks as b4 as i didnt like the bg to my other one but i liked the stocks.
Nice sigs Toruxxx, you got talent. Great use of colors & layers, goes for the Akuma one too.
PSJ, the Sabaku no Gaara one was great. PSJ one seems like it lacks something. I don't really like the structure of the sand team one. That's probably more of a personal preference than a way to say it's bad, though. Others probably like it. Good work overall.
Anyway here's the stuff I've been doing since my last input in which I had my current sig done; it was number 8. So here comes 9-14.
Request by a friend named... well... Pel. Character on it is Axl from Guilty Gear series.
Jiang Wei from Dynasty Warriors.
In celebration of my first 1000 deviantART hits.
Sima Yi from Dynasty Warriors. Grunging is fun.
Lu Xun from Dynasty Warriors. The requester wanted it red.
Another request. Kazuma Kuwabara, from Yu Yu Hakusho. Requested by a deviantART user with the same name...
wow im glad you like the gaara one, i wasnt entirely happy with that one. nice sigs terra i like the pel sig and the lu xun sig the best, the others are very nice to tho.
The Gaara one owned the house. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] And thanks!
you guys are sure crankin em out, gw guys. you better focus though if you wanna compete with me in the poster comp [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] ive already got two posters done, cant decide yet which one to submit [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
i dont do posters yet [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img] i focus on sigs to work on my ps skills
one new sig and edited version of PSJ sig.
hehe well ive entered it but probably wont get any votes [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] lol
PSJ i cant view ur sig has the lil red cross [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img] probably just me pc tho lol.
Cant see, them most likely youll have to change them to links
@Albino: I wouldn't call it cranking 'em out, those 6 were made on like 2 weeks total. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
And I'd never even bother to compete with you, it'd be a lost cause. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
damn, i hate that host for some reason the bandwidth gets exceeded every day... ill get them up on my devart gallery you can visit in like 5 min.
EDIT: for some reason nothing is going my way tonight, the sigs arent showing at devart either.... oh well ill try to get them up tomorrow.
EDIT 2: okay appearntly they show at devart now, go on and check them.
deviantart is messing be around abit to [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif[/img] well when they are up give us a shout ill go and have a look ^_^
couple of banners i made for my forum [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
those two stocks again lmao ^_^
EDIT: sorry for the double post [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]