Berserker ate him.
And you have to be mad, Gilgamesh just sitting there not giving a fuck was glorious.
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doesn't saber get her mana from Irisviel?Quote:
She got a master who is only used to shady assassinations, bombings, and other underhand deeds not really suited for a knight. Add to that the curse she's currently under, and her weakness is all explained. Rin in UBW was the best master for Saber: Full of mana, not avoiding fights, and seeking honourable ends and justice.
that aside, there wasn't a single fight which was not "honourable", that excuse just won't work
and yes she suffers from a curse, but she got it because she failed hard the first time she went into battle.
ya, berserker riding the plane reminded me of one of those "gundam carriers" shown in Unicorn for example. the same goes for Gilgamesh who was sitting on his throne just fine when his UFO made all kinds of maneuversQuote:
I have to say Gilgamesh's UFO vs Berserk's hijacked fighter was the weakest part of this episode. Whatever happened to the pilot anyway?
Irisviel provides Saber no mana at all. Irisviel told Saber before they fought Lancer that all she would be able to do is use healing spells on Saber. It's not like the proxy where Shinji took Rider from Sakura, but was feeding her no mana (so they used alternate means to give her power, Blood Fort at the school). Saber still pulls power from Kiritsugu. Irisviel has no command seals in her possession, in contrast to those Shinji had in the book after he forced Sakura to give them to him.
Saber "failed hard" because she is too noble and honorable. She underestimated Lancer's capacity for guile, and expected him to act as a knight. She's too trusting, and he distracted her, so she forgot about his second spear. Saber only expects clean fights. She's learned since then, having tactically lost to Lancer, and all her encounters with Caster.
she does the same thing with her sword.Quote:
Saber "failed hard" because she is too noble and honorable. She underestimated Lancer's capacity for guile, and expected him to act as a knight.
I suppose that depends on how you define honourable. Bombing the hotel or in this episode sniping Caster's psycho master aren't necessarily the kind of fighting Saber would be used to (although I'm sure she won't be complaining about Ryuunosuke's fate...). Even Kiritsugu's run and shoot from afar fight against Archibald might be distasteful to Saber. I haven't rewatched the first season, but I do seem to recall Saber commented once or twice Kiritsugu's style as a master isn't optimal for her.
Still, I'm not going to deny that objectively speaking she has been underperforming. I probably said myself as much somewhere earlier in this thread...
True, but for completely different reasons. Saber uses wind around her sword in order to preserve the secret of her identity, something that most, but not all Servants (Rider), are allowed to do as part of the rules. Saber's blade gives away her identity in an instant, as does using her particular Noble Phantasm (but using those often gives away the Servant's identity). Part of the reason she is so reluctant to use her Noble Phantasm (in addition to the massive mana drain).
It would be unfair to her Master if Saber revealed her identity just by appearing in the first place. Other Servants are given similar considerations. 5th War Caster with her hood and robes (concealing her cutely pointed ears), 5th War Rider with her eyes, 4th War Berserker keeping his helmet on at all times, etc.
edit: Lancer even called her out on it in episode 4, but accepted the reasoning, and proceeded with his little ruse. He turned it around on her, provoking her by insulting her honor.
Lol, it's not like Rider wasn't allowed to hide his identity. He just didn't want to.
As for your other cases, i'm pretty sure the servants themselves prepared arrangements to hide their identities, it wasn't anything that was given to them.
Saber's NP is a trade off, like it was mentioned in fsn before the more famous a spirit and his NP is the more powerful it is but it is also more easily identifiable.
Saber's wind is one her of NPs, so is 5th War Rider's blindfold (because her eyes are not a NP).
Iksander is a rare case, because that's just how he is. Both Saber and Lancer were shocked when he revealed it.
Oh yeah... Breaker Gorgon. I just googled it, it explains a lot.
And i never said Saber's wind wasn't a NP, what i'm saying is that due to her fame for her to use her main weapon is to cleanly reveal her real identity to pretty much anyone. Even Shirou recognized it at first glance.
Agreed. The tactical side benefit of confusing her opponent through the uncertainly length of her sword is a side effect, not the real purpose. The true purpose is to conceal her identity through her undeniably famous weapon.
That's partly a spoiler from Heaven's Feel, you should delete it.
No it isn't, not any longer. It's blatantly obvious. Shinji has the book with seals in it in FSN. They show it all throughout Fate/Stay Night (anime) until Rider is killed on the rooftop by Saber.
We know thanks to F/Z that Shinji has no magic circuits and that Sakura is the Matou's magus. This war ends with Kiritsugu vs Kirei. We know Kariya loses by all the dialogue at the end of FSN between Saber, Gilgamesh, Shirou and Kirei. Who the hell else summons a Servant in that household?! That leaves Sakura. Zouken wouldn't do it himself, that's why he's using Kariya now.
Put two and two together. Use your brains once in a while.
Or if you want another source, watch the episode of Carnival Phantasm. They spell it out there too.
I can't help but wonder if you'd be quite so deductive if you had to figure out this stuff yourself as opposed to having it fed to you during the HF gameplay.
I'm just sayin, it's not like we can't have healthy discussion without mentioning that sort of material.
Seriously, the first 20 minutes of F/Z gives out half the major details of The Story Arc that shall not be Mentioned.
- Sakura is Rin's Sister
- Sakura is just as strong as Rin, but is second born
- Sakura is infested with Zouken's worms
- Shinji is useless
How about we work on a "Better safe than sorry" basis here?
Just in case someone is interrested:
[Commie] Fate ⁄ Zero - 15 [4265B333] .mkv
So based on the preview this Saber can still fight even after firing Excalibur. Her line as she dodged Berserker seems to indicate she can't shoot it in quick succession though.
Lancers have the worst fucking luck, seriously.
She doesn't need to use Excalibur in quick succession at this point. Archer and Rider seem to be pulling out. I have no idea how Berserker's holding up with his master like that, which leaves Lancer and Saber.
Saber's healed now and Lancer's down to his one lance that negates magic. We're back to the same situation that we were in during the battle at the container dock before Lancer retrieved his second spear, if we're to assume their energy states are comparable.
Saber's used a ton of mana for Excalibur and also exerted herself fighting those tentacles, but so far Lancer hasn't really shown that he even uses mana in the first place.
wtf took down Gil? Purple smoke?
I figured it was corrupted chaff or some other countermeasure from the jet. They're both going very fast, and all the glittering chunks of metal blew up Gilgamesh's Stargate throne-jet.
Either that or Berserker vented jet fuel and ignited it...but that shouldn't work. JP-8 doesn't burn like that.