They do have enough material for a 13 episode sequel. Maybe they can even manage the 26 eps. Lots of material is unanimated right now.
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They do have enough material for a 13 episode sequel. Maybe they can even manage the 26 eps. Lots of material is unanimated right now.
Just finished the 24 episodes, and although the last few episodes were a bit more action oriented, I really didn't care for it. I'm not a fan of bad guys who go this bad shit crazy.
Will watch the OVA later today and start on Index II.
You'll hate the OVA and find Index II thoroughly average until the last couple of episode where things will pick up and you'll wish they had animated more of that shit and less of the cutesy crap.
Calling it.
Someone somewhere is doing something feverishly perverted now that they know Onee-sama's returning.
I like that.
So 4 episodes of filler?Quote:
Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S
Good, very good! I hope it won't veer too much off the canon road this time. Based on what has been translated of the manga so far, there ought to be some decent stories in the source material.
Unlike Bill, I'm not looking so much forward to seeing Kuroko, but Biribiri herself and some of the other people that hopefull will appear. Maybe there'll be an arc with Touma in as well.
The last arc was so bad I'm not even sure if I care. That's sad.
At least the story arcs in Railgun can end in ways other than Touma punching someone in the face. Used over and over and over and over again. She's got some variety in her techniques.
Season 2 officially begins!
[UTW] Toaru Kagaku no Railgun S - 01
Another Level 5 introduced, right from the start!
And Mikoto can't deal with her any better than she can with Accelerator. Level 5 is a windy place.
Considering the radicals seemed pretty petty, I wonder who lost, totally unnecessarily, a helicopter. It must have been stolen. Removing the wreck from the river in the middle of the city will be a nuisance as well.
Insurance premiums in Academy City must be astronomical, if the option is even available.
I assume a Certain Someone Floating in a Tank reimburses people instead if his prized subjects cause too much damage.
I wonder if we are going to get a scene where Misaki tries to control Touma, with the end result being that Touma only stares at Misaki and asks in his laconic way what she's trying to do.
I just wonder why she uses television remote controls for her power. Seems kinda weird for a Level 5 to rely on a device. Maybe she can't really control her power, and the remote is locking it down? Kinda like the soundwave stuff from last season, but on an individual basis.
Either way, it's only a matter of time before she uses it on Kuroko or Saten. Mikoto isn't going to be happy when that happens. She'll probably fry her to crispy bits even if she was only playing around.
Is she immune to her own power? I wonder what would happen if Accelerator automatically reflects her move. Will she just resist it? Or will she become a mindless doll with no controller?
I guess that would depend on how her power worked. If it is some kind of electromagnetic wave (I would say that it is likely because Mikoto naturally blocks it), then I suppose it would. If she is actually a pure psychic, and it is just a coincidence that Mikoto's fields intercept it, then maybe not.
I doubt you'd notice anything though, she's already in love with herself.
Was it ever mentioned if Kuroko can teleport organs out of a human body? For example, she teleports behind controller girl, touches her, then teleports her brain outside.
Depending on how well she calculates and adapts her power, I guess she could.
(site note, it seems she's still only level 4 because her teleportation range is somewhat limited to a few tens or hundreds meters.)
She never intended to kill anyone, so she might never go to such a gory side.
That means she can easily kill people with her power, making her the perfect assassin that can even conveniently get rid of level 5s, excluding Accelerator of course.
Can she teleport anything she's not touching? She can't touch a brain: there's hair, skin, bone, and some membranes in the way. Although for all practical purposes she could simply teleport the whole head away from the body. More bloody, but the end result is hardly different. But then again, she's all the time telling people she will teleport those spikes inside their bodies, so that would likely be her preferred method of assassinating someone in Shinta's dreams.
A spike in the brain eh? Makes sense. I was just wondering because if she cannot defend herself against the controller girl, the best defense would be a good offense. Just make the bitch a vegetable and be done with it, instead of allowing herself to be made a hostage to be used against her beloved onee-sama.