That was the weirdest op I've ever seen.I'm just....shocked.
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That was the weirdest op I've ever seen.I'm just....shocked.
Shocked, Amazed, Intrigued, I love it!
I think I found my new theme song!
But....the drums at the end......and the screaming......THE SCREAMING!!!!
That's an unexpected choice for a fairly popular anime series. Most go with mainstream pop songs. At first I thought it was fake.Quote:
Originally Posted by Knives122
I like it for Death Note myself.
The ED is also kind of interesting: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dMVb_...elated&search=
Now that I watch it again I see that there are certain things in it that feel good about where the anime is heading
This is almost as horrible as that time when they gave that shitty song about "wings" or something as the 4th Gundam Seed Destiny op. Almost as bad!
When i came over the "WTF" and saw it again a while later it's actually quite good, will be interesting to see if the anime takes such a big turn as the opening did.
Didnt react as much to the ending , was close to what i expected. Fitting ending song in relation to the opening.
like the part of the song before all the drumming where's he walking past all those four people.Quote:
Originally Posted by Deadfire
I've listened to it like it was going to be deleted(which it is apparently) and it's not so much a bad song but the screaming(right before L is eating the candy in a colorful rainbow manner) and the drumming(after the show the guy who's face is blackout by the sun).
Stuff like that just puts me off a song.
Can't neccessarily say I like the song but I think aestheticallyit fits death note perfectly.
I personally hated the new OP, as did my friend who got into Death Note via my schools anime club, and they'll all probably hate it when the get to it too (except maybe the vp, he likes weird shit). But anyway, that's why avi's can skip forward, so when people put crazy death metal (forgive me if I'm misusing this term) at the beginning of anime you can choose not to watch it.
The new ED was less disagreeable, but I didn't particularly like it either, oh well.
The new opening/ending is the best change I've seen in anime songs in years. The old ones were complete meh. Love it now.
I wonder how it is possible to have these right now.
If they prove to be the right ones, I think they're fun, true to the energy, fast pace and crazyness we have in the series.
I like them for that, eventhough this music isn't my type.
ah, going through withdrawal. Come on kuro-hana ;)
Omg thats the weirdest opening ever yet I absolutly love it!:D The endings pretty damn nice too.:cool: :rolleyes:
Kuro-hana isn't subbing this week's episode of Death Note. They are taking a 1 week/episode break to due to lack of translators or something.Quote:
Originally Posted by RoCk
If you love/need Death Note more than you need sensible english...
KubuSubs - Death Note 20 DDL from Sendspace
KubuSubs - Death Note 20 Torrent
Not sure about this link: Kuro-hana Death Note - Episode 20 Torrent
About the new opening, towards the end before the last rush in the song where light screams out on a rooftop. Am i the only one hearing the phrase "CRAB PEOPLE" instead of "What's up people"
I'm impressed at Yamaguchi Kappei(Usopp from One Piece, and L in Deathnote)'s voice acting.
Death note 20 Released by Animanda
Animanda - 20
And Kuro-hana just released 21
Kuro-Hana - 21
I just got around to episode 20 yesterday and I must say I HATE the new op/ed its just screaming and while the visuals are fine the songs are just terrible. Also if they were really going to put in something like that shouldn't they have done so while Light was Kira and not why were watching Misa bounce around and annoy everyone with being cute and the show overall has a much lighter/less dramatic feel.
Its just completely out of place for where the anime is right now.
Anyway the episodes are fine but I read the manga when I assumed that most subbers would stop the project and as such discussing actual content would be degenerate to the discussion in general.