My TA is such a bitch! K, so we had a com sci assignment due at 4:00, and I was done at 3:40, and I had spend about 5 hours on it. Everything was going great I thought. WRONG. Now, how our system works is that you have to both submit it electronically so that the TA can compile it and make sure it runs properly, and also give a paper copy because apparently its easier to read that way and they can put corrections on it to hand back to you. So I submit it through the system, it works great, but when I try to print it, my account is out of pages (Yes, not only do you have to give your firstborn to pay for classes, and your arm to pay for books, but you ALSO have to pay to print stuff). And naturally, I am out of cash, so I cant go to the nearby office to get more pages. But i do have some on my Debit card. So I e-mail the thing to myself and run over to the library, since there is an atm machine, withdraw some cash (20$ since the damn thing wouldnt give any less :( ), then put it onto my account and run back to the computers to print the damn thing then run up to the drop off boxes. By the time I get there, it's 4:15. But I think, "it's ok, the teacher said there was a grace period where you could still hand in your assigmnent. it wasn't due at 4:00 sharp, but he didnt specify how long it was so that people don't abuse it. Well apparently, the grace period was less then 15 fucking minutes, and so the next week when i go to check what I got on it, bitchzilla's like "sorry, you handed it in late you get a zero" and I'm like "But I electronically submited it on time, and that contains the EXACT SAME FILE". but she's like "too bad!" I am so pissed! the assignment portion of the class is worth 50% of the entire grade. So far i had done decent on the assignments, but now with that 0 i am failing it, so i'll probably have to drop out of that course, and let 500$ go down the drain.