Someone was talking to me about Halo 5 coming out on the Xbox One, and I was confused for a second thinking he meant the classic Xbox. I can see it happening again in the future. Stupid naming sense. :(
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Someone was talking to me about Halo 5 coming out on the Xbox One, and I was confused for a second thinking he meant the classic Xbox. I can see it happening again in the future. Stupid naming sense. :(
Aren't there a lot of high school girls who aren't under aged?
I always thought the prices in Australia were beyond ridiculous... then I realized the minimum wage in Australia was $15.59/hour or $606.40 per week for anyone older than 20. In the US, the average minimum wage is $7.25/hour, so...
USA: $399 / $7.25/hour = 55 hours
Australia: $548 / $15.59/hour = 35.15 hours
Unless Bill can correct me.
Those numbers seem to be right, I didn't know USA wages were so low, though I did expect them to be lower than AU. We've been known (at least with our old, now replaced, tax brackets) to have higher taxes globally, but when I factor the current situation in:
After tax:
Minimum wage earnings
USA: $6.38/hr, 62hrs for PS4
AU: $14.29/hr, 37.7hrs for PS4
Double minimum age earnings
USA: $12.539/hr, 31hrs for PS4
AU: $25.11/hr, 21hrs for PS4
We ..uhh... seem to have it pretty good. :confused:
you can start bitching now Ryll. but there is still hope.
If they still release it on Vita, I'm okay. If not...then I'll be upset. suspended their activity.
It was by far the best wallpaper site I've ever found. Scan-wise there are other free sites to be found, but as far as wallpapers went their quality and quantity was consistently great.
I haven't used any other site for years. Anyone know of some good alternatives? (I know of half a dozen or so, but none are in the same class)
edit:the next best one seems to be TheAnimeGallery, followed by minitokyo (which tells you about the gap, doesn't it? Good stuff on there, but lots of noise too). There's still Kona-chan and Yandere etc for scans, but not all scans come in a ready-for-desktop-background rendition.
Just use 4chan /w/ like the rest of us?
Always worked well for me, just stockpile.
This site archives wallpapers from 4chan and they're decently good.
there is always 4chan's /w/ board and /wg/(non anime).
Hmm, good recommendations guys. Found some nice stuff there.
In other news, why the fuck to batteries leak?! (like, your standard AAA batts etc)
They do it when they sit in remote controllers, I've just seen them do it (and I remember previous occurrences too) when they simply lie flat in a container.
Luckily I didn't touch on of my figures afterwards or I'd be super-cut.
They do. At least they do over here. I'd be somewhat surprised if they don't in your parts.
My personal experience is that cheap Chinese batteries leak more readily and worse than quality ones from Germany or USA, for example. But I still buy also the cheap Chinese ones...
You're also supposed to take them out of devices you don't plan on using for a while. The fact that they are in a circuit promotes leaking.
Quit the medical field and get to work on supercapacitors. Revolutionize the world for us Buff.
In the wonderful province of Ontario we have this bullshit eco fee the provincial government tacks on to things like TVs, computers, etc. I bought a $300 LED and was charged a $39.50 eco fee and what makes it even better is the fact they included that fee in the taxable total so I essentially payed a tax on a tax.