if im not mistaken, its a little over the size limit but still a nice one.
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if im not mistaken, its a little over the size limit but still a nice one.
Not exactly a wallpaper or sig... just something i did quickly to put on my binder cover to customize it... having trouble deciding which one is better (only diff is the font coloring.) So which one do you guys think is better?
edit:: alright got the right code this time
the one on the top.
EDIT: made a new sig and avatar today(the ones im using) comment on them please.
better, than the other ones youve had, I like them Ive been working on a homunculus sig and avatar so hopefully I can be finished with it by this weekend(damn school)
thanks, yea my other 2 are crap. concidering this is my third attempt at a sig im very pleased.
EDIT: heres my 4th sig featuring Fuji from PoT. http://aa.1asphost.com/Unipoc/john%2...fuji%20sig.jpg
EDIT2: ok so here it is with all of the text showing.http://aa.1asphost.com/Unipoc/john%2...lternative.jpg
The Justice one is very "simple" but that's not a bad thing, it looks good anyway. Got nothing to complain about with the Fuji one. Nice use of leaves, good colors, acceptable cropping and the shadow fits it; color too. Perhaps make it so the text doesn't go outside the sig? Other than that, nice work.
thanks [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img] i kinda like the text like that but i dont know i guess i can edit it. the shadow thing was very easy it was included in the pic [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Oh it was already added eh, it's a very easy Photoshop effect to use otherwise. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
The second one was IMO much better, but hell, it's your sig; so you should make it the way you want it [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
no no, you should listen to the public. somtimes they see thigns you missed and i think the second one is much ebtter to now that i see it like this.
i made these sig and ava not that long just wondering what u guys think about them im using them atm.
Well I just got finished with this sig today but I did two versions of it heres the first one:
First one
and heres the second:
Second one
Which one of the two do you think is better b/c it may be my new sig for this site
heres the avatar I might be using as well
That Itachi one is my favorite, followed by the Tao Ren one.
I didn't completely make these, the effects done outside the main image were done by a friend of mine, Saiyajin18. The effects on the image itself were done by me, as was the general border shape around it. Which is better, do you guys think? I'm currently using the poster one for my wallpaper
the dont work
hey Assertn judge my sigs, since people are ignorant
Knives, I think your first sig is better than your second (second is good to). Your avatar is cool to.
Knives122, i like your 2nd one better, but the some of the edges look kinda pixelated and the "homunculus" is hard to see
the first one, where the hair is cut off looks kinda wierd to me, but the color makes it stand out better
Yeah I noticed that too(mostly around Envy, Sloth and Wrath), Ill have to go and fix those, and the hair wasnt cut off that was just the way how it look when I messed with the blending options
Sorry, got the links wrong. For some reason I named the files something different, can't recall why. That, and the server they're on is kinda off and on, it should work eventually.Quote:
Originally posted by: AssertnFailure
the dont work