Railgun EX OVA - UTW-Mazui
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Railgun EX OVA - UTW-Mazui
That reminds me I never did download that 2nd beach filler episode...
This wasn't nearly as bad as I expected. In fact this wasn't bad at all. Nothing great either, but quite a decent watch. It even had a little of Touma-Mikoto interaction, which was, honestly, more than I dared to really hope for. I expected this to be a silly story with only the core girls and nothing new and nothing solid. But it actually sported a believable story (or as believable as anything is in the Railgun saga).
Poor boat, though. It was a nice boat.
It was pretty crap until it ended.
Kuroko = Entertainment.
I've always liked the character interactions in Railgun than Index. Too bad the title doesn't suggest that there'll be any more of these.
Kuroko = win (again).
Index wins in plot and mystery.
Railgun's more slice of life with fun characters. They each have their strengths and I can appreciate Railgun's, even if it'sa bitvery biased.
Just started watching this, didn't want to read the thread and risk being spoiled, but does anyone have a timeframe on where this takes place in regards with the Index series (the first one)? During Index? Before, after? Seems like a prequel to me.
Anyways, I thought the first episode was enjoyable enough. At least the action was more fast moving instead of the annoying Touma monologues.
The Railgun anime takes place before the novels / anime of Index. One or two months I think.
There's a slight overlap at the end... but the true overlap comes in the unanimated arcs.
Takes place as in starts 2 months before
We've met with plenty of overlap before, though it was more obvious in the manga. The very first scene in Index for example is explained in further detail.
Just finished what seems like the first major arc, with the Level Upper network. Enjoyable enough. Mikoto kicked some real ass. But I hear the 2nd half is bad?
Index's second half seemed bad too me, so it seems to run in the family.
If you found the first half of Railgun only "enjoyable enough", you are better off not watching the rest (except 13, which is hilarious).
The main problem of Railgun's Part 2 is that it wasn't in the manga (Railgun's source is a manga, contrary to Index which is a novel). The story itself was suggested by the author and made canon by being referenced by the manga itself... but seeing as it was only 'suggested' and not written by the author it suffered a lot.
Index's second half, on the other matter, is the author's complete problem. There are good novels and weak novels. The 2nd Novel (Himegami Aisa), for example, is the one most disliked by fans... to the degree of being ignored on the manga conversion.
It isn't nearly as good as the first half but i wouldn't say it's terrible either
I say you finish it for consistency, then move on to the gataris.
I just watched the OVA (finally). It was quite better than the 2nd half, but still filler.
Well, right now I'm up to episode 18 and I don't care for this 2nd half of the season so far. Fun interactions in general, but nothing plot-wise I would care for. Mikoto also has had very little screen-time in these episodes and pretty much doing nothing of worth. Just going through the motions while the rest of the cast take the spotlight.
Hope it improves a bit towards the end.
That said, any news on this getting another season?
You would have been better off not coming back to finish the latter half of this show.
I don't think the Railgun manga has quite enough material out for a decent second season, unless they did it like this one and filled it with bullshit fillers. There's certainly jolly stuff I'd enjoy animated, but not enough of it yet.