What are they studying for, exit exams?
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What are they studying for, exit exams?
College entrance exams.
The new OP is even worse than the first one
「 Utauyo!!MIRACLE 」
The ED is sexy though
「 NO,Thank You! 」
Liked the Ed, Mio in her hoodie does all sorts of wonderful things for me. The op can burn in hell for all I care though.
The second OP was just as horrible a travesty as the first one. However, the ED is decent, though not quite melodic enough for me. But it's fitting for the series.
Coalguys - S2 Episode 14
Hmm.. what the ED2 needs is a HUGE surge at 23:25 onwards. Right now, my favourite parts are the guitar intro and ending..
This was a decent episode, even if it made Mugi look even more detached from normal life. It was kind of cute, though, how she felt like left out of the circle and getting hit was her solution to it. Even better she finally got hit in a natural situation.
I totally foresaw Mio's "unexpected" reaction to getting the strawberry stolen, instead of the one Mugi foolishly was aiming for.
Mugi earned some points for me this episode. The fact that the show itself and the characters in it are aware of the thickness of her eyebrows is hilarious, and to a certain extent reduces my dislike of those protractors.
The scene in the cafe where Mugi appears to be coming out as a yuri masochist was my favorite.
I agree with Yui that the strawberry on top is the heart of a strawberry spongecake slice, and I would probably react similarly if someone did that to me.
I didn't see it coming, but what was further unexpected was Yui's reaction, and having the whole focus move to that for a few seconds before coming back to Mio's tears.
"No bodyguards are going to jump out right?" <- I had a chuckle at that one. :DQuote:
Originally Posted by shinta
I had been losing interrest in the show and only watched 13 and 14 today. For some reason, they felt better, probably thanks to the pause I imposed myself?
I reacted to the Yuri M and Bodyguards too :D
Choco Azu-nyan was cute, I have to be careful I do not turn into a lolicon...
It was nice smiling, laughing and have a good time watching those 2 eps.
For me, K-ON's turned from a fad into a staple. I'll watch it every week without that initial hype that it started with, but I don't think it makes it any worse.
The second season of K-ON is much better than the first. The humor is pretty good, and reminds me of Sora-No-Woto (which I loved). While there are still those moe insertions, they are now quite funny and no longer fully depend on cuteness or clumsiness alone.
Lol, those 4 are a bad influence on Azusa
Was this episode filler? A couple of clips seemed so out of character...
It was a tad weird, and even more so because gg was subbing it. I really don't like the way they're editing their works lately.
It was cute seeing Mio hugging the giant turtle cushion at Yui's place.
By the way, the ED2 is out at gendou. I've been looping this song for several hours, and I believe it's better than the TV cut.
You loop a single song for several hours?
The most I have listened to a song in sequence is twice.