Not really a bitch, but actually a followup of the bitch.
Hello from the hospital guys.
I entered yesterday, and will stay here until late monday. LOL
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Not really a bitch, but actually a followup of the bitch.
Hello from the hospital guys.
I entered yesterday, and will stay here until late monday. LOL
stay clear from all the food, except the blue jello.
so it's not just a normal fever after all, do the doctors know what it is yet?
Seems you missed part of the bitch man.
I've had problems for the past 3 months, losing 12 kg.
Do they have a name for the thing you're having, or is it a stomachbug.generic?
I hate that you can't buy a lot of stuff on CDs nowadays. I really like owning CDs, but I can't seem to find Heart's "Dreamboat Annie" album anywhere. I'm really not in the mood for buying their 3 or 4 "Greatest Hits" CDs either.
Also, hope you get well soon Ryouga.
I hate how everyone keeps bitching.
Dunno the term in english.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
Colitis Ulcerosa.
Thanks Xan.
Shot in the dark, but I think it might be a stomach ulcer or something close.
Ahh, I have that condition...caused me to lost about 8-10 kgs in about 6 months. I eventually stabilized, but it was annoying. I couldn't really eat anything that I wanted to. Hope you get better, RZ
Damn, that's nasty.Quote:
Originally Posted by RyougaZell
Close enough. Inflammed large intestines, with other complications, like ulcers. Basically a bitch.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Shipping (from online shopping) in Canada sucks balls. I ordered something from Directcanada on Thursday of last week and it only arrived in Toronto today. Even though it's here, it wasn't delivered. It'll probably be delivered tomorrow, which means I will receive it on Thursday since I won't be home for the delivery guy tomorrow and will need to go to the post office on Thursday to get it.
It normally takes 3-4 days for ground shipping when I order stuff. I don't understand what the delay is this time. I've used Canada Post in the past and it wasn't this slow. This is complete bullshit. 8 days to receive a package? At least the shipping was free...
People in the states are lucky to have places like Newegg where shipping is blazing fast and doesn't cost an arm and leg.
shipping is pretty fast here too, if i order something ill have it within 48hours, and it'll only cost about 8 euro's to ship
You live in a very small country, DS. No wonder everything works like a clockwork.
That being said, the post works pretty efficiently here as well. Rarely have I needed to wait anything for more than a few days, normally not even that. The bad thing is they raise prices every year, but I guess that's unavoidable when the greedy oil barons keep raising the oil prices so... greedily and it's a transportation business.
so, this guy i work with and I were talking last week about how cheap amd stock was and i thought it would be a great idea to buy some. my coworker said he uses etrade so i figured i'd open an account. I did, and i moved money into the account last friday. since then the stock has gone up from about $4.50 to $5.60 today.
when i goto buy the stock it says i can't buy anything under $10... i'm confused so i send them messages which prove to be a waste of time.
So today i try again because the initial week is over... wrong !
this lady is telling me that i could wire money to my account but that i cant use the money that is in my account that i sent last week until the 21st at which point the stock is likely going to be to a point where i dont want to buy it anymore.
wtf? my call got cutoff right after i said " so, you're telling me that if i wired money today i could use it, but i can't use the money that is already in my account?" seriously... wtf?
So we posted our new website at work except for this one page "forms" that has.... probably 100 or more forms that i spent a good 12+ hours working on was axed. axed and replaced w\ the obsolete forms page from the previous website, which I'm now being asked to fix links on and can't find the form files anywhere...
seriously, i spent hours doing this and even though i was getting paid to do it, i just feel completely indifferent to this other forms page. i could care less if any of its links worked since i spent hours adding each link into the one I made. here is a sample :
Mine :
Currently being used :
uhmm, you might want to tell them that the "bailees customers property Floater' form number isn't centered..
but I guess they already know it, and simply hare whoever tries to use the website.
This bitch is still the bane of my existence. I made a bunch of updates to dead links and such on the old crappy page and today they've been overwritten and my boss is asking again for me to do the same thing and i had to explain to him that i already made those changes...
such bullshit... fixing broken links on a 12 year old web pages when i spend 12+ hours redoing the entire page w\ links that all 100% work.
My job's been insane the last 3 weeks or so, and it continues to be insane now. It'd be great conversation material with other hardcore nix nerds, but the only other hardcore nix nerds I know are the people I work with, and they're right there with me.
Lately I've been finding that even the highest level devs at work don't play on my level for systems and software development stuff. Like, I'll address a problem they're having by telling them what's wrong and how I fixed it, and from technical leads and lead developers on three different teams in the last two weeks, I've gotten responses that amounted to "I don't really know what you just said, but it sounds good!"
I love my current job, with which I'm in general happier than I've ever been with a job in my more than a decade of working, but it sort of bothers me sometimes that I know at most 3 people within a decade of my age either way who can keep up with a significant subset of the topics I deal with on a day-to-day basis. But I guess that's why the job pays as well as it does ...
My piece of shit car is a death trap and I still have a week or two before my new car comes in.
@complich8: I've always wanted that kind of elite skillset where everyone around me can't keep up. I sort of have that, but the people I lord over are much lower on the totem pole of technical ability than those you deal with.
@assertn: What kind of car is it? It's made in America isn't it.
What kind of new car are you getting? You should probably buy Japanese or German cars, or Italian if you can afford it.
Is anyone else annoyed to fucking death with these Hamlet 2 commercials? If I hear that Rock Me Sexy Jesus song one more time I'm fucking going to disembowel someone.
old car = 99 chrysler sebring
new car = 08 mini cooper s
I'm more annoyed that they're trying to market "Disaster Movie" as anything other than a complete piece of shit. Also "The House Bunny" and "College".Quote:
Originally Posted by The Heretic Azazel
Actually I can't think of one movie that's being advertised right now that doesn't look just awful. The TV trailers are the worst since they show the same unfunny jokes 4 or 5 times every hour. They're inescapable.
Disaster movie = best fitting title for a movie ever. I wonder why people still pay to watch movies like this.
Same people who like to watch Nascar, and moments from disaster on the discovery channel. it's like a snuff movie, only that instead of people, it's the cinema that being slaughtered.
note; "The rocker" with Rainn Wilson (Who?) had the worst opening weekend for a wide-released movie... it's that bad.
Oh man, I knew I was forgetting something.
Also Step Brothers, which I saw last week and regretted 5 minutes into it. This is a horrible time for movies. It's kinda sad.
it's September. by the end of November thing should get better. until then, mostly low budget movies. few dramas, some 'humor' (but not from the funny kind of humor), maybe a stoner movie or two, and maybe a black comedy.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
that's all, until the holydays season kicks in.
I've been told that the new ben stiller movie is excellent.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
It is. I saw Tropic Thunder the day before I saw Step Brothers but I think the latter was so awful that it overrode my memory of the former. Tropic Thunder is good though. I didn't love it but there were some great lines, and basically every scene with RDJ was perfect.
Anyway, back on topic, I missed my first class this morning because I had insomnia last night and only fell asleep an hour before I was supposed to get up. Off to a great start.
I'm sick of it.
I've watched "the de-vinchi code" this morning on t.v, I've read this manga (majo, by manga screener), and I'm fuckin' sick of it.
I will no longer feel guilty that I was born who I am.
I don't care if the jewdo-christian institute killed the scared woman.
I don't care if the white men killed the indians, the africans, the pegans and what not.
I don't care about my spiritual religion, I won't give anyone else special treatment because of his spiritual beliefs.
the de-vinchi code is about how the white-men oppressed the women throughout history by eradicating them from the holy books.
the manga (majo) has each story presenting a female young witch and her old witch teacher, saving the earth from some power-hungry whitey through the powers of green naturalism.
same message, again and again. screw them. what has nature ever done for me?
I've had it with this shit.
I will no longer apologize for how I was born.
Next book\movie writer that tries to make me feel bad about who I am, gets a one way ticket to stabbedland. first class, no connection, free of charge.
seriously, enough is enough. I am NOT the Devil.
that's about it, this shit really got on my nerves. good night.
Well that was interesting:D :p
Now if only we had a slide show of DBZ's expressions as it was narrated to us. I guess this goes under "freedom of speech" and all that, and raises the question of "How much can you exercise your freedom without infringing that of others?"Quote:
Originally Posted by Abdula
People want to say it, and people don't want to hear it.
Another example would be the Mathew Reilly series. The French in his books always get the bad end of the stick.
Photobucket and imageshack are blocked at work now... fucking asshole the imbecile using Websense...
Wow that bites, no more images on the forums for you man. Welcome to the text-based age of computing, circa 1990.
My gripe: the air conditioner in my living quarters died earlier this week and today the ac in my office died. We're having record hot temps late into August and early September (122F/50C) and the ac dies in the two places where I spend 90% of my time every day. Stuff in my room almost started to melt, since it's basically a large metal box that acts like an oven with the sun's rays heating it 12 hours a day. I'm moving to Hokkaido first chance I get.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Well... I just modified my signature to another webpage that isn't blocked. At least I get to see mine... but I won't be seeing most of them though. Oh whatever. As long as I see mine...
Don't worry, your new sig site will be blocked soon enough. Your company must be real stingy with the bandwidth costs, or just tired of the lost productivity from internet use.
Nah... the guy managing IT security is just an asshole.
He is a lazy ass who just blocks everything in sight using websense.
Supreme Boss yelled at him for blocking Gmail though. You see... the Internet we sell... uses Gmail... and Google got mad that Gmail was blocked inside the company.
Too bad he wasn't fired.
For doing something as retarded as that, maybe he should've have been.
Well... on his defense... he blocked gmail before Google became our Mail Provider. Of course he did forget to unblock it when it became our Mail provider and of course Supreme Boss (Owner) didn't care he did it before, he yelled anyway.
Why the fuck did I post on his defense anyway? I want him out... damn... I need sleep... logging off...
New 8GB USB stick corrupts 75% of the stuff I put in it. When you copy something, it'll say "25 minutes remaining", then it speeds up after a while and after 5 mins, it says complete. When you try to play/run/open the file, it doesn't work, either partially or completely.
I'm seeing to a replacement, and just feeling lucky I kept all my important work on my old stick out of habit.
Good old trusty 1GB.
God, there was this unattractive girl sitting behind me just now and yakking her head off. Her ignorant rambling was so enraging I had to get up and leave.
She was complaining about her Biology class. OK, that's not bad, I also hate Biology because it's boring and I kinda suck at it. Her reason? "The professor told us that even though Creationism can't be disproven, it's still a superstitious argument and he won't be focusing on it." She had the gall to say that it was a class where she'd be expected to put down answers "that they want, instead of what I truly believe."
Well guess what, you fuckwit, you're not taking Sociology. You're not taking "Literary Criticism 307". Your arbitrary system of beliefs won't allow you to bullshit your way through a science class. The fact that she (and many people) see science and empiricism as an affront to a baseless claim of Faith is mind-boggling. The fact that she was trying to pass off her "beliefs" as a reason to not study is such a disgusting cop-out. It's shit like this, on top of watching Palin's "Rah rah REAL Americans" speech last night that are making me resent the Conservative American mindset.
I'm not even Atheist or even staunchly anti-religious, but the fact that this kind of thing is so common really bugs me.
That's something about college types that will bother me when I go back, this sense of elitism and entitlement that you see with college kids. They think they know better because they're in college, as if you really learn anything useful there.
I've often argued politics and social issues with my younger sister, pitting my 10+ years of real world experience against her 7 years of college and postgrad work. I can't help wishing sometimes that she gets a dose of the real world to enlighten her, for her own good.
You should have found out what the unattractive chick's major was. Probably something useless.
I've had a stiff neck the past few days. Usually when I get a stiff neck from sleeping or muscle ache from working out, a good night's sleep fixes all the problems. Not this time. I somehow got a stiff neck from running on the treadmill and it's not going away.
That bitch was part of the Alaska Independence Party to have Alaska secede from the Union a few years back. What a choice for VP he made when he's supposed to be the most patriotic guy out there.Quote:
Originally Posted by XanBcoo
I would totally put another one in her daughter though.
i work 50 hours a week, and I get paid for only 40 of them.
but i can't really complain, because the poor Japanese staff I work with (who earn considerably less than me despite being, in my opinion, far more effective) are there even longer. if i complain, i look like a completely spoiled American who doesn't really know what it's like to have to scrape. so i just deal with it, but it's annoying to think what i could be getting back home for 50 hours a week...
complich8: if you're that good, it's time to use some leverage. get yourself a raise or a new start elsewhere. sure, you're happy with where you are, but, read your sig.
So, i havn't been around much due to a lack of internet the past few days. I moved into a student house early september, and there was no internet setup, so i had to order it. Because half the uni's population seems to have the same problem, they told me the first available appointment was for thursday between 1 and 3. After waiting a week, with no internet, no games to play, and only old moives to watch, the day finally came. But obviously the universe just isn't satisfied till you've been kicked in the nuts atleast once.
It turns out the cable running from the main building to my area doesn't actually go into my room...and the technician can't drill a hole in the wall without written consent from the landlord (FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK, FUCK!) now i have to wait till saturday, which the next earliest available appointment. And not only that, but i have to wait ALL DAY. The guy can show up anywhere between 8-5, so the whole day i'll be sitting in a room with nothing at all to do.
Oh and did i mention im fasting? so not only am i sitting there sitting there bored and hungry! god damn cogeco cable / landlord / lack of adequete wiring.
Are you trying to lose weight? That's a bad way to go about it, since you're going to lose muscle mass more than fat mass.
My bitch: long hair. My hair is getting long, not because I want to be cool or anything, but because I can't find a good place to get it cut. There's 2 places available, one is filthy and the stylists know one hairstyle: high and tight. The other is nicer but you have to wait 2 hours for a haircut and the place doesn't take reservations. So now my hair is almost as long as assertn's and it's a pain in the ass. I have to unclog the shower drain every other day, and sweep up loose hair from the floor 2 to 3 times a week. I might just shave it all off.
You should post a picture after you do that.
Mine is that.. some people don't listen, even when they're warned or threatened with something :/ Either people have no fear, or I'm not that intimidating. It's kinda hard to get a lot of people in a room to shut up, sit down and listen >.> and.. also create a good enough discussion to speak about.
It's that time of the year again when Muslims fast.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
How are you threatening them? One thing I learned is that you have to be LOUD, as well as assertive. Loud so it pretty much shocks them to shut up in the first place (like PA system loud), and assertive to show who's in control there. Depending on how you do it and who it is, it doesn't always work, but usually it does for me.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
Another thing about the assertive thing is, are you in a position to be so? Like a group leader or something?
I'm the president of the club. I should be in a high enough position.
I think I just need to start kicking people out :( Because we are loud sometimes, and sometimes they just don't want to listen.. at all, until someone tells them to shut up about 3 times. Maybe I'm not that loud, though. I'm not sure.
I was threatening them with getting kicked out, which they seemed to respond to for a few seconds.
There's your problem. You stop at threatening. Unless you follow through, it's always going to seem like an empty threat. This kind of thing is fairly common (in America anyway) for women with any kind of authority. Women are either "too nice" to do it or they end up being called "a huge bitch." Men don't care as much about what others think about them, unconsciously or not, so it is less of an issue.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
However, there is an exception to this. Unionized Secretaries. Do. not. fuck with them or you will soon find yourself out of a job. I've seen it happen and I've only been working at this job for half a year. Most of them are nice though.
Yeah I know man, we get a yearly warning in August about Ramadan because the locals act up in celebration during this time.Quote:
Originally Posted by Board of Command
Just grab a book/magazine/portable gaming system there and wait it out. If you can't do that, then just sleep. That's what I'd do anyway. I hate bad haircuts, and I've had my fair share of those.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I hate haircuts in general, as shown by my less-than-exhilaration in the picture thread.
My bitch is a rather mundane one; I hate how my skill in CoD4 fluctuates. At times, I'm owning just about everything in sight, and others, I can't seem to do anything but die. For example, last night I was playing a match of Hardcore S and D with my brother, a few of his friends, and a few people we didn't know.
First few matches, I was pretty much a non-factor. Then, when the match is just about over (My team was losing 2-3), something just happened, and I really hit my stride. In the first of the two rounds left, my team died with like two or three of the other guys left. The bomb is close to the objective, and there's about half a minute left. I get to the bomb, kill the guy who killed the last bomb-carrier, and plant with only a few seconds on the clock. Then, the last guy on the other team moves in and throws three consecutive stuns, afterward trying to rush in. Somehow, through my stun, I was able to kill the other.
Okay, so the match is now 3-3. Now the other team's planting and I take up a sniper spot. My team is being a bunch of douches, trying to go around killing the other team, so I decide to hurry downstairs to try and defuse. Somehow, I manage it, and my team wins the match.
And then, this afternoon, I'm failing hard. My point? Why in the hell can't I just be consistent? When I fail like today, I know why I have almost a hundred deaths an hour.
I guess.. females can't be considered in the middle >.> they have to be on one extreme side or the other.Quote:
Originally Posted by Ryllharu
That can be a mini-bitch for the thread, I suppose XP
Haircuts accentuate your Jersey nose.. or.. Italian-ish >.> I guess. You need to embrace it!Quote:
Originally Posted by python862
Sounds like you need an enforcer, Jaitne. Find someone who's got the intimidation factor and get them on your side...
That worked in '06 but failed in the '07 playoffs which will encourage the pacifists to further restrict enforcing and fighting. Jaitne will need a more well-rounded team that can play well and be physical, if not necessarily fight and intimidate. Most teams she'll be up against won't even carry an enforcer, and if she does, the refs will penalize him every time he gets on the ice, so it's a lose-lose situation for her.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Originally Posted by Animeniax
o.o I'm an athlete now.
I'll just make an example out of someone and see if the rest decide to keep being mean. Oh well if I become a bitch in thr process >.>
My newest bitch is Calculus D: I can't seem to keep up.. well, actually, I just hate derivatives :(
Just wait till you get to Integration ;)Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
Is there a.. help with calculus thread?
None I heard of. Just the generic "Help Me" thread.Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
In this cesspool of mediocrity? Was that a joke?Quote:
Originally Posted by Jaitne
Originally Posted by Jaitne
The Help Me Thread can be used for help with homework.
I've got a huge ass rash that's pretty much all over me except half of my arms and my face(thankfully my face is untouched). It's worst on my thighs and knees. It started off being itchy last night, but there was no sign of redness except on the undersides of my arms and my chest. I thought that was because I wiped myself too vigorously with a wet cloth before, so I dismissed it. In the morning, I felt really itchy again, but still no obvious redness, or so I though since I was half asleep. I felt like shit all day (general listlessness), and when I got home, I took off my pants and walah, I'm met with bright red legs with irregular patches of white.
I took some antihistamines and was going to wait if out for a day or two, but I was eventually convinced to see the doctor. We couldn't find anything wrong with me that would indicate something like measles or some other infection, so we think it may be a food allergy. Exactly what it is, I'm not sure. Allergic reactions can take up to 1-2 days before it really flares up.
The only real thing I can think of was that I had a few drinks yesterday evening.
It would suck if I developed an allergic reaction to alcohol.
you could always drink yourself to death...
and, a "I've stopped drinking and all my physical de-formates disappeared !" could make a great hallmark movie.
My bitch: I'm stuck at the Singapore Changi airport because my travel agent is worthless and didn't provide the correct paperwork for me to get a flight into communist Vietnam. The people here in Singapore are nice enough, and there are some attractive women, but I'm about to go get a room at the transit hotel to spend the night until I get the visa situation for Vietnam cleared up. It really helps that it is Sunday evening and the travel agent in Vietnam isn't answering his cell phone. I should have stuck with trips to Japan, where it's civilized and I wouldn't have these headaches.
You were in Singapore? Cool, but too bad you didn't have time to visit the other parts. I've never visited the transit hotel but I heard the prices were sky high.
Actually I'm still here at the airport. Now I found out I have 2 days to spend before I can fly on. Any suggestions about what to visit and how to get around? The transit hotels at Changi cost60-65SD for 6 hours. So a night's stay is ~125SD which is something like $90-95US, which isn't terrible, but not great either. A recommendation of hotels in the area would be appreciated too. TIA!
Singapore is pretty small. Believe it or not you can go from one end of the island to the other in an hour's drive. You should get a hotel in the city area and do some shopping and eating. That's what Singapore's known for anyway. :)
Transport wise you can either take a cab, or use the subway (known as the Mass Rapid Transit), which is really easy and not as confusing as Japan's. Do let me know if you need additional help/info.
I ended up getting a hotel near the airport. Lots of people out and about on a Sunday night! I'll probably take a tour tomorrow and see the sites, maybe spend some time at the beach. I'm really surprised at the diverse cultural backgrounds of the people here. Not what I expected at all.
Are the prices as bad as they seem? So far really I've only seen prices at the airport, so maybe I'm getting the wrong impression. A can of Asahi cost US$5 at the airport, but since it was the first alcohol I've had in 4 months, it was worth it. I had a Japanese dinner at the hotel for US$26 and it was only a small sushi plate and beef roll dish and a can of Asahi beer.
Like I said, prices at tourist attractions are usually sky high. Things are much more cheaper outside of the airport, this I can assure you. And the new Terminal 3 is pretty much a shopping centre by itself, attracting lotsa of Singaporeans even during weekdays.
If you want to visit any beaches, be sure to check out Sentosa. It's actually an island south of Singapore, but it's really near and you can go there either by cable car, train, bus or any other public transport. It's a really beautiful place with a lot of cultural attractions.
Ahh, the pains of being a tourist. I guess it's something you have to live with, getting charged high prices in touristy areas. I suppose they figure you can afford it, so they gouge you as best they can.
So far, I haven't ventured outside the Changi area. Lots of government owned resort facilities, with big signs warning against trespassing.
I asked a security guard carrying an MP5 submachine gun at the airport for a picture; he declined.
Haha yeah, they're doing POI (Proctection of Installation) duties so it's tough to get anything else from them. You should really venture out. Taking the MRT can take you directly into the city in half an hour.
I usually try not to bitch about stuff, but I just went 12 rounds with stupidity and lost. That merits a bitch. I was trying to read some guitar tabs that were in guitar pro format, so of course I needed to download guitar pro to read them. The program however, was compressed in some stupid format that winrar couldn't handle, so I had to download a special program to unzip the file (I forget which). As usual, I go to the torrent with the most peers and just download that.
Now, when I tried to install that special unzipping program, AVG anti-virus told me it was a security threat. AVG tells me a lot of things are security threats, so I didn't listen. But AVG, that pesky program, kept insisting. So I told it to stfu and disabled it. To my surprise (that's right, I was surprised), a browser opened up and went to a site called windowssettings, or something close. When I realized what that meant, I immediately shut off my wireless adapter and went offline. Not before a few of my windows settings had already been switched though. Including disabling task manager (didn't even realize you could do that).
Luckily I was able to access the administrator account under safe mode, but that didn't help any. I couldn't find where the virus files had installed. So I figured "eh, all the important stuff is backed up, might as well reformat". So I put in my xp install disk and reformated. When it came time to reinstall though, that little scratch on the surface that I didn't notice, came to bite me in the ass. Apparently a few important files were on those sectors and couldn't be accessed. Thus, I couldn't reinstall xp. Since my other computer is currently undergoing some heating/ventilation issues brought about by an earlier fight with stupidity, I couldn't use it to get a new copy of xp. It took two weeks before I was able to get a working copy from a friend to reinstall.
Yeah...this is not so much of a bitch about going two weeks without a computer, as it a bitch about just how stupid I can get.
You need to include more computer geeks/nerds in your circle of friends. One of them could have lent you an XP CD, or even Vista. Another good idea is to make an image of your PC right after a clean install and updating. The next time this kind of thing happens, you just re-image your PC and save yourself all kinds of hassles.
So I spent the day in Singapore, which is a continuing bitch from yesterday. Not that it's a bad place, just it wasn't part of my original travel plans. I visited Orchard street, a major shopping area here. Lots of lovely women unattended just hanging around. I couldn't tell if they were "working girls" or not, but if they were dressed that way and standing around in most parts of the world, it'd be a safe assumption. It could be the tropical climate, but they all had on tank tops and short shorts and were just standing around street corners like they were waiting for business, and they were almost all good-looking.
The MRT is nice and simple, but misses the character and endearing complexity of the Japanese rail systems.
That's Orchard road, one of the busiest areas in the Singapore town area. I'm not sure what girls you are referring to, but they sound like the normal school girl who go to town everyday without fail. And yes, I agree that most of them are good looking, but still no where near Tokyo standards.Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I remember some guy saying once that "for something to be a tradition, it's almost always troublesome."Quote:
Originally Posted by Animeniax
I guess making things too simple loses it's flavour. What about food Ani? Anything else you tried there? Don't know if it applies to most people, but to me holidays are about food :D
Yes, Orchard road is what I was referring to. Busy area, lots of people even on a Monday evening, and prices were definitely cheaper than around the tourist areas and airport. Most of these girls were older, at least college age. They were probably just there shopping and hanging out, not prostitutes. Is that even allowed here? I know buying gum isn't allowed, though chewing it is :o .Quote:
Originally Posted by Psyke
It seems similar with women: if you're too nice and do what they want all the time, you're not worth the chase and they'll go after the dirt-bags who treat them like crap.Quote:
Originally Posted by Buffalobiian
It's weird, but I've eaten mostly Japanese food while here in Singapore, and a couple Satay dishes that were listed under "local favorites" on the menu. I don't know what would be considered "Singaporean", but hopefully I'll get to try some out before leaving tomorrow.
Well, prostitution is a big no-no in Singapore, though like any other country there is a legalised red light district (which is also a popular place for good food at night). You're unlikely to run into any "working girls" in the city, and even if you do, chances are that she's not a Singaporean and perhaps a foreign worker. We're known for that clean image, ya know?
You'll find that the laws in Singapore are pretty strict, and the penalties tend to be harsher than the average asian country.
my brother just left for singapore for an international entrepreneurial competition.
i don't know why i felt the need to share that.
I can only wonder if it was luck or just coincidence, but if it was this coming weekend and I was stuck spending time in Singapore, it would have cost 3x as much for some hotels because the night F1 race is this weekend. Your brother might feel the pinch if he stays in the area of the race.
i don't think that's a big concern. his group booked hotels and everything ages ago, and his accommodations are paid for by the university he's representing anyway.
if i wasn't going to my hometown for my best friend's wedding in two weeks, i would be insanely jealous of him.
Ugh, the management at my job is like...incompetent, to put things lightly. They decided to implement a new curriculum, and apparently didn't feel the need to ask me about it, even though for one of the classes, I don't think there's anyone that studied science and can speak English well enough...oh well...I guess I'll be immature and put minimal effort into my work from now on, since it seems they never seem to utilizes their assets properly (there's a lot of other things in the past).
Are you still complaining about being black in an Asian country? When will you learn?
I hate the municipality system in my city.
the changed the green "frog" big garbage bin, and put in a "well" type bin instead (3 mt hole in the ground, with a huge garbage bag), it looks better, and doesn't smell so bad, which is good, right?
too bad that no one told the garbage workers what to do with it, and they stood there for five hours looking at the whole in the ground, without the abilities or the tools to put in the new garbage bag.
five fuckin' hours, after two hours the stench there was unbearable.
way to work towards the people, dumbass mayor.
(also, I hate my new job, but that's just temporal)
Haha. That's pretty funny. I have never seen the garbage collectors over here wonder what to do with them. The funniest thing I saw was one garbage collector who didn't want to touch the rope keeping the bottom closed with his bare hands (I guess he had lost his gloves), and he took an empty plastic bag from somewhere to cover his hands when he opened the sack to empty it. That was with the organic waste container, of course.
My car is losing coolant, and I mean a lot of it. The coolant surge tank has been empty for a while, so admittedly I procrastinated a little bit since everything was working fine and the temperature gauge was still dead-centered.
Up to two weeks ago, it was working fine, then one morning I have no heat. In the afternoon, the damn thing is overheating. I figure my coolant has finally gone critically low (should be obvious I have a leak), but there's no [obvious] leak, no puddle of coolant after I back out of my parking space. I've been carrying a jug of water just in case fast highway speeds and running the heat full blast don't cool it down.
So today, still well under warranty, I take it into the dealership to have it looked at and get an oil change while I'm at it. They top the coolant off and I drive home (about 10 minutes). Pop the hood because I want a good gauge of were the coolant level is at so I can monitor it, and the damn surge tank is fucking empty!
I drive it back to the dealer about an hour later, they look at it, check the dipstick and oil pan for any leaks in there. Nothing. They have no idea where the hell the problem is and I'm left pretty much back where I started two weeks ago.
By now, I'm all manner of pissed off and I couldn't even leave it there because the only loaner they have is already out with someone else.
If I lived anywhere in a city or outside of America (excluding Canada and Australia) I really wouldn't give a shit, but there's no public transport that will take me the 35 miles to work each day.
Did you check your radiator cap? My old car kept overheating even though i filled it with coolant, and it was cause the cap was old and loose, and coolant kept escaping through it, plus the sensors weren't triggering the flow of more coolant cause of that cap.
Nah, for whatever weird reason, a 2007 Aveo doesn't have a radiator cap. Just a pressurized surge tank cap.
Yep, surprised me too.
Originally Posted by Animeniax
Not that at all...
There's some sort of cold virus going around my class right now and I caught it on Monday. Now I have a sore throat and runny nose, and it'll last a long time because that's how it works whenever I get a cold.
I had that problem for most of my life into my late 20s until I got in shape and in better health. Almost all my friends growing up had the same problem, but they were all geeks/nerds too and we all spend way to much time in front of the TV and computers.
You're young, it's a good time to decide to get active, maybe take up a sport and start eating right to get your immune system in gear. Now when I get sick, it's really mild, so much so that it becomes a problem because I won't rest or take it easy, making it take longer to fully recover, so I run around at 80% for a few days.
If it's losing coolant and the fluid's not hitting the ground, it could also be a blown head gasket. I had a car with a not-so-great header design that would blow the gasket in the same place every 50k miles or so.
It didn't really noticeably lose power or anything, it's just that every firing of the number 3 cylinder burned off a couple drops of gas and a drop or two of coolant.
But yeah, sucks about them flaking on the loaner vehicle like that. Hopefully you made an appointment to leave it and get the loaner at some point in the near future?
Yeah, I'm dropping it off early Wednesday morning so they can give it a thorough look over. They said the loaner would be back by then, and their lead tech would be back as well.
I've convinced myself the problem is the head gasket since there's nothing going on in the oil pan. I must be burning it off.
Sounds like an example of planned obsolescence that is working exactly as it was designed. They wouldn't want your car running for 200k problem-free, or you wouldn't have to buy a new car for 15 years.Quote:
Originally Posted by complich8
Oh...ACL is this weekend, isn't it?
...shit :(.
Living in something called Geekhouse by me isn't good. I live with my parents(i'm 17) and i have to fix 3 pcs(mine is clean and i have sys disk img so 5min and its working) on regular basis, configure rounter if my father f***s up its settings, take care of cables, anwsers question about new tech thingy that you dont know shit bout it(my father/mother have the instruction for it - why cant they read it). and i just dare to dont know 'bout it and there is big /b/ like RAGE.I feel like IT service guy mixed up with encyclopedia.
Practice shouldn't be something you're mad about. I have a class period of doing that, plus the times when teachers realize who I am. :P It cuts down on calling in when you have problems. You could probably make a tiny business out of it if you really wanted; fixing people's computer problems.
I'm pretty much the most knowledgeable person I know in real life, and it's not that bad. It gives me the right to condescend people, which I truly love doing.Quote:
Originally Posted by Xelbair