if gamers don't like to farm for random drops in single player, the solution is to make the drop rate more reasonable.
if the companies want to offer a 'more fun, casual and less restirctive form of play' by giving the player all upgrades, they should call it easy mode and include it from the get-go.
Alternatively if players are ok with farming, the eq should be available for them to farm in-game, not have to pay for.
I guess it's just a different business plan; I think of the game as a single product that should entertain me (like a book), they think of it as a downpayment that they can build on and use as a channel to get more of my money.
Companies used to build on the game with story expansion packs and sequels, not charge you for eq that should be farmable in the game. I'm also not happy with the preorder bonuses, something we've discussed before.