That looks pretty awesome, keep working with the bg a bit and you will have yourself a cool looking sig, toobad you can't use it on the forums for a long time.
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That looks pretty awesome, keep working with the bg a bit and you will have yourself a cool looking sig, toobad you can't use it on the forums for a long time.
What exactly is the spoiler there?
I dunno, some people consider how someone looks after the time jump a spoiler. PSJ, what do you think needs improving in the BG?
Maybe you can try to get rid of that big angular cut on the right side of Sasuke. Also, the left and right sides of the smoky stuff in the background blend into the black differently, so try making it more uniform.
New work. I suck with text.
Things wrong with this sig:
Render is just hanging out not really looking like its a part of the sig. The outer glow is a big no.
Scanlines = garbage. Always. Forever.
The render's brightness/contrast doest match that of the bg.
Yea, text...too big and the stroke makes it stand out so much that it's pretty much the focal point.
And BTW BOC, my tut's are exactly like my cnc (comments 'n criticisms). I just write what makes a good piece of art, a good piece of art. And that's all there is to it. You can't debate that with "sig tutorials are different from photoshop tutorials".
Darkmaster. You're really improving and that is a great sig. Keep it up!
Thanks for the comments, Kage. I'll rework that piece sometimes in the near future.
I don't see why I can't. Take the sharpening tutorial I posted for example. That's not exactly meant to create great art, but it's certainly a tool that might come in handy once in a while. And it just happens, by pure chance, that it works wonders in anime sigs. Have you seen that technique used in any sig tutorials? Probably not. This is just one example of how general tutorials are different from sig tutorials.Quote:
Originally Posted by Kagemane_no_Jutsu
Depth and color alternation, you got two shades of purple in all of it and it feels very flat. Add highlights and shadows through brushing to get some depth to it, it also gives you a bit more diffrent shades of purple, you could work with some blending of the render to but that comes after the bg. You could also add some text but it isn't really necessary if you can pull of a good bg.Quote:
Originally Posted by xDarkMaster
Otherwise it looks cool.
Actually, no. Imageready, which I'm using in place of photoshop, lacks that. I just did low saturation colorize >_>;;Quote:
Originally Posted by PSJ
As far as the render being the focus, it's a sort of small and bland render in itself. I might decide to just remake it, as now that I look at it, it's not too great.
Ah k, the background is nice so you should keep that but if the render in itself is small and bland try to find a better more colorful render.
Did a new one with an FFX-2 render
That looks very nice PSJ. My one suggestion is to fade away the top right corner like you did to the bottom left. But then again, I don't know what that would look like, so try it and see if it works out.
That would give to much white in it, partial fade could work but if i over-do it it will look crappy and the top right will lose depth and that will probably make the top right look crappier than it already does, i'm thinking of just re-doing all of that. Not really happy with the brushing.
Here's an update:
You know what? Screw the Jack Bauer sig. That was just a joke (people with me on IRC would know what I'm talking about). Here's a new one.
PSJ, I like the first version better. I know you're trying to balance out the yellow, but white is easier on the eyes.
Thats looking pretty nice but I'd say 80% of the sig is all render. The bg is really just some red brushing, and it looks quite flat. Text is nicely done but it looks as if you spent the most time on that then the rest of the sig.
As far as your statement goes regarding your "sharpening technique" I think that when applied correctly most, if not ALL of my tutorials can be used with a much larger canvas. In fact my one photomanip using an anime render (Auel from GSD) was a larger scale work. I see what your trying to say though that certain tut's apply to everything and some only apply to one thing, that is true in some cases. That is, if the tutorial is very poorly done and just isn't good. I teach the elements of photoshop and what makes something not only look good but have it look good with detail and evidence of effort.
Oh and PSJ I dont like the FF one. Use a bigger canvas and try to make the sig less busy (too much going on) focal point focal point focal point!
Screw it Im making a new tut. I'm gonna try to make one that teaches you how to have a good focal point cause I seem to be saying this a lot.
I guess I have a knack for hiding my trails :) Most of the background is a stained glass filter, with a little bit of brushing over top.Most of the time was spent on masking work. And text is actually very easy (unless you were being sarcastic) and I'll post a tut if you're interested. But thanks for the comments nonetheless.
It looks flat? I'll play with some contrast/levels then. If you meant it only has one color, that's because the render is dark and monotonous. I wanted to try multiple colors but the second color turned out to be black...
And I'm not gonna reply to your latest addition to this tutorial discussion. I'm just gonna drop it before it gets out of hand. If you feel that I was dissing up your work, I wasn't. Just like I said to PSJ, none of this is anything personal so don't take it that way.
The bg feels flat because theres no higlights and shadows, its just a solid shade of midtones coloring. No lighting.
And I didn't think you were dissing my work, just trying to prove that my tutorials aren't one-dimensional and helps in a variety of things.
heres the sig I'll be making a tutorial on. I really like it.
went back and fixed it up a bit
Awesome work Kage, version 2 is great. Looks really hot, i'll be sure to check out the tutorial on that one when you're done.
Thanks for all the help on my Sasuke sig guys, sorry it took me so long to respond but I have been busy. I have tried to fix all the suggestions you gave me, and this is what came out.
I'm still debating over text. As always, any comments are helpful and appreciated. I should check to see if I can use that sig earlier....
Certainly an improvement, xDarkMaster.
I decided to try a different background style with that Squall sig. Maybe get more highlights and shadows like Kage said. Here it is.
Version 1:
Version 2:
It certainly looks better than the first version. One complaint is the upper left corner looks out of place.
Fixed. Changed the belt color along the way too.