Wow. That's... fucked up.
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Wow. That's... fucked up.
Yeah, tell me about it. I literally have to turn off the AC just so the smell doesn't go past the stairs. And just a few minutes ago, she bitched at me for buying $6 worth of McDonalds breakfast today, and thinks I'm loaded. My mom has a 300 dollar gift card that she wants to use for gas only, my sister found out about it and wanted to buy clothes with it. My mom gave me the card to fill up the cars with gas(two of them), so I do, then stop by and get some breakfast. I paid in cash for the food, and now my sister thinks I'm just using the card for w/e. So she bitches at my mom about it, my mom calls me and tells me no fast food blah blah then says to give her the card so she can buy some pants. I warned her she'll probably spend it on other shit or get the most expensive pants she can find, but w/e. So I tell my sister she can buy her pants and hand her the card. She snaps at me and says 'why, so you can spend the rest of it on food?'... God she's lucky I can control my anger, or she would of had a blood face. Also, I told her forget and kept the card.
Sorry for the long bitch, just tired of her.
Man, you need to move out. You won't survive in that house much longer without losing your sanity with people like that. I'm sure your sister would also be much more tolerable if you only had to suffer her company once a year, you know.
Oh I definitely plan too, but I'm also trying to convince my mom to kick her out. My mom has alot of stress on her hands and my sister only cares about herself. Money is really tight on her, being a single mom, I try to lessen the load on her. My father was the main bread maker in the family, and when he passed, she's had to work harder. All the while, my sister leaves all the school/Taekwondo expenses to my mom, plus she's feeding her BF with my mom's food. And in all honesty, I'm suprised her BF hasn't left her, considering she's so lazy. He works 2 jobs, while she sits at home and complains.
Quick edit: Also, it's slightly hard to move out right now, with my grandma the way she is. She wanders outside trying to go to her old house and she makes a mess everywhere(and if your in an asian family like me, you know how your parents react to messes). My sister has said out loud that she won't help her, my twin brother has a job and can't really help with his schedule, and my younger brother has autism, so I'm pretty much the only one my mom can rely on to take care of her.
that sounds rough.
wouldn't it be easier if both you and your grandmother would move to her old house? you'd still have to take care of her by yourself, but you won't have the additional burden of dealing with the rest of the family.
She's kinda not allowed there anymore, my aunt and uncles live there and they don't have time to watch her at all. She's one of those old farmer type korean ladies, so she might attempt to do something there that she did before. We've already had that house catch on fire, nearly burnt the entire house down.
Edit: Bitch for today, went to the dentist to finally get my crown on my tooth. it's been like 5 weeks now since they started. So after they finally put it in, they show my teeth xray, tell me that the side was bad, and the core wasn't good either from before they started. The lady said they were either going to replace the tooth or do a root canal. They choose root canal, trying to save the tooth. Well, she tells me since the core of the tooth was bad, the crown and tooth(what's left of it) might break off, which then they'll replace... Kinda pissed me off, sounded like they only did the root canal, because it might break off anyway, so they get to do both, squeezing more money out of me.
Not all dentists are good at what they do, sadly. Some of them are downright terrible.
A (older) friend of mine was forced to go to one that never used novocaine, the dentist didn't believe in it. He'd drill until the patient couldn't stand it anymore, then stop, meaning a lot of the decay never got drilled out. So my friend had to get rework down the road.
Luckily, my own is really really good at what she does.
Unfortunately, years of never flossing forced me to get a filling. Now I take much better care of my teeth. Better they are fixing it then letting it get worse. Still, you might want to find a new dentist.
I hate people using "pretentious" to criticize something. It's an empty buzzword. By saying something is "pretentious" with no supporting criticism, you're just trying to make your opinion sound like more than a value judgment - in effect, people who criticize things for being "pretentious" are themselves being pretentious.
I was sure that was a setup so I didn't respond.
My bitch is meeting up with people you knew from high school/college after a time apart and seeing they haven't changed for the better or progressed much at all. They're following the path that 95% of people follow... work, maybe family, and slowly fading into old age. Gone are the dreams and freedom and potential to do whatever people dream of when they are young and free. That didn't happen to me, so it's comforting to look in from the outside, but also depressing because the human spirit is so easy to crush and make a person into an automaton.
I never had any of that to start with, so I don't think I can relate to you there.
I'd say my post is more along my usual lines of thought, which is why I'm so critical of people and what they choose to do with their time that seem like a waste of time (replaying video games is high on that list). That it concerns people I know and actual events in my life over this weekend only reinforces my purpose for posting it here.
As far as your earlier post and Archangel's reply, I think it's funny that someone like you that I'd consider pretentious would accuse others of the same fault. It's ironic because I am critical of people who are critical of people, so I guess in our cases it goes back to "takes one to know one."
Nah, only if you did it all the time and had a very limited outlook on life, which vibe I don't get from you, at least from your posts. Replaying video games isn't that bad by itself, but coupled with other introverted tendencies it might be a bad sign. I really think there are better ways to spend your time learning and experiencing new things.
I spent a lot of time playing BL1 (can't recall how many hours exactly). Playing BL2 is so much like an expansion that I've stopped playing. I'm currently level 24 and just met Brick and joined his slabs. I might finish the main mission but the side jobs are pointless.