Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Deamon007
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
lol, I just noticed this with Tekno's last post, but...
you guys are finally accepting that Shinn will beat Kira....yet you're thinking of the cheapest ass ways for Shinn to win. *sigh, sigh, sigh* I will say this....if you guys are correct about the fight, then Fukuda needs to grow a brain and learn about 'change'. It can't all be about Kira. Even Amuro & Char had to die at one point for Tomino.
it was the cheapest ass way
edit: just read ur thing in #34....don't sound cheap to me. more like skillfull and taking charge of what we can do against a beast like Kira.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
Originally posted by: Deamon007
Originally posted by: kinggalaxia
lol, I just noticed this with Tekno's last post, but...
you guys are finally accepting that Shinn will beat Kira....yet you're thinking of the cheapest ass ways for Shinn to win. *sigh, sigh, sigh* I will say this....if you guys are correct about the fight, then Fukuda needs to grow a brain and learn about 'change'. It can't all be about Kira. Even Amuro & Char had to die at one point for Tomino.
it was the cheapest ass way
wow, and that reply made sense how?
you sayed "you guys are finally accepting that Shinn will beat Kira....yet you're thinking of the cheapest ass ways for Shinn to win" so I sayed "it was the cheapest ass way"
I saw it
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
y'know what, whatever. you guys won't give Shinn a fair chance for anything. Me? I will sit back and enjoy the growth of this MAIN CHARACTER, and not bitch why he's winning and moving along. I mean, the main character doing that? heaven forbid!!!
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
have you seen ep 34?
and Shin did fight realy good but one on one Kira would have won and if he went for the kill he would have won easy
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Shinn might be the main character, but he is by no means the "Hero" of the story. He's certainly not been developed as a guy you really want to root for (unless you want the war to go on forever, with Shinn tragically murdering people who would love ot help him).
Kira on the other hand, is the "Good Guy". The fact that people root for the good guy over a jerk like Shinn should not be surprising.
This story might be comparable (I hate to make this comparison) to the fall of Anakin Skywalker... because I certainly liked Shinn more at the beginning than I do now, and I see him getting worse and worse through to the end of the series.
Thats my bit. Hopefully I'm wrong and Shinn will grow up.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
yea your right does have the same thing as anakin going on but for his sake lets hope he comes to some sort of an understanding if this keeps up he's not gonna be alive at the end of the series
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Sure shinn is growing and becoming a better pilot. But that doesn't mean he isn't a cheap ass. Imagine playing a FPS where your opponent can keep getting health/armor powerups in the fight where you can't. It may be a decision tactically but its cheap. Shinn will never be a decent "liked" character for the majority since he has been given the role of being an asshole. As stated people want to root for the good guy. And Kira is the embodiment of that in Destiny. I like how they are developing Shinn as a character but he is a whiny lil bitch with too much of an ego. And now his head isn't gonna fit in the Core Splendor cockpit let alone the Minerva. The guy needs an ass kicking from Athrun or Kira. Preferably have Athrun humiliate him, and the Kira kick his ass when Strike Freedom beats Destiny.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: Guardian_2000
Sure shinn is growing and becoming a better pilot. But that doesn't mean he isn't a cheap ass. Imagine playing a FPS where your opponent can keep getting health/armor powerups in the fight where you can't. It may be a decision tactically but its cheap. Shinn will never be a decent "liked" character for the majority since he has been given the role of being an asshole. As stated people want to root for the good guy. And Kira is the embodiment of that in Destiny. I like how they are developing Shinn as a character but he is a whiny lil bitch with too much of an ego. And now his head isn't gonna fit in the Core Splendor cockpit let alone the Minerva. The guy needs an ass kicking from Athrun or Kira. Preferably have Athrun humiliate him, and the Kira kick his ass when Strike Freedom beats Destiny.
dont worry... the athrun beating up shinn is coming up soon (hopefully) because when athrun escapes shinn is supposed to take him down, and obviously athrun is gonna have to show his true skills to get away from shinn and rey, so its all good [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif[/img]
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
hey quick question has anyone heard of this character Canard Pars he's supposedly kira's brother
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Phase 38 - Enlightened Path
With the help from Shinn, Luna is able to escape the death penalty. Luna confesses her feelings for Athrun and that makes Shinn very angry. Dullindal blames Orb in supporting LOGOs and prepares a full invasion of ORB after invasion of Heaven base in Iceland. in relation to LOGOs . In Orb, Lacus, who returned to Earth after Freedom's destruction, reunited with Kira. Meanwhile, Neo Lornoke, having no where to go, finally agrees to stay with Archangel...
Phase 39 - Reunion
The unexpected return of Athrun to Orb causes a big shock within the Archangel members. Athrun informs them of Dullidal's true intention is to, while using to destroy LOGOs as an excuse, destroy the EA fully. Kira deduced that this cannot be Dullindal's full plan and they must fight on to find the truth. Meanwhile, Minerva is heading to Iceland to prepare the annihilation of LOGOs. At the same time, in space, Andy steals the Strike Freedom Gundam with the support of Yzak's team and pilots it back to Earth....
Phase 40 - The deceived world
With the new power of Destiny and Legend, the "Justice Ship" Minerva engages the EA in Iceland. With this overwhelming power, it is a matter of time before the Heaven Base falls. On the other hand, Archangel caught the news of Dulliada's secret order to invade Orb, and so its members discuss its next move. LOGOs, realizing the capture of the Heaven Base could spell the end of their organization, has sent out their last hope. A new blonde hair boy is given a new MS. His name is Noni Loussier...
noni loussier???? wtf, stellars brother???
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Wanna see that. I wonder if he is as stoned as her all the time. [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img]
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
shinn needes to learn a lesson but he will get destiny,so how will that be done,(will destiny be destroyed and shinn will be learned a lesson,as well as a new gundam? [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img] )On the secon side it would be a big difrence if the main character of the story would be drawn to the dark side.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: TeknoXI
Okay, the only reason I would logically suspect that Shinn beat Kira would be that it was a 2 vs 1 fight with Rey involved. I mean, Rey isn't that bad of a pilot being clone of Rau. I'm sure Shinn and Rey will cover each other since they're good buddies and know each other well. When you think about it, Shinn charges in and does what he can, gets new parts when damaged while Rey covers him throughout the fight. Shinn will prevent Freedom from getting close to Rey.
This is my prediction of the battle and the reason why Kira EVENTUALLY is defeated. I believe Kira will make them go through hell for this one.
In the small pictures to the left, you see Shinn and Rey in their MS.
I don't particularly feel like commenting much, but that image you are talking about happened a few episodes ago. That was when they were going to the research facility where the "Extendeds" were trained/created.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
man i was hoping shinn didnt get destiny, now hes not going to die...
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
After having watched the raw of eps 34, it seems that Rey's MS hasn't been repaired yet. But the strategy that Shinn used was indeed valid, although it was a cheap-ass way of beating Kira. A 1 on 1 deathmatch the between the two would yield Kira as champion.
Athrun needs to kick Shinn's ass now! (Or next episode).
From the post above, it seems Kira will get his new MS in a few more eps. Now, perhaps the spoiler summary of eps 39 is incomplete and Infinite Justice will also be stolen. Either that or LOGOS has the plans for Justice and have the new guy, Noni Loussier, pilot it....then Athrun will self-destruct a Murasame and steal it.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Originally posted by: TeknoXI
From the post above, it seems Kira will get his new MS in a few more eps. Now, perhaps the spoiler summary of eps 39 is incomplete and Infinite Justice will also be stolen. Either that or LOGOS has the plans for Justice and have the new guy, Noni Loussier, pilot it....then Athrun will self-destruct a Murasame and steal it.
I know I've made similar comments in the past, but I still find it funny that we all keep saying Athrun is going to self-destruct everything he touches.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
What are you on TeknoXi. Shinn BEAT Kira. Get over it, accept it , hell go and seek a psrink for goodness sakes, stop whinging about how Kira is better than Shinn or Shinn won with a cheap tactic etc.
Noni Loussier, hmm i wonder what suit he'll have, i wonder if he looks exactly like stellar as well...
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
yeah will i'm still hoping shinn comes around again thinking hes a lot better now and kira kicks his ass.
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
As far as I know, these have been confirmed as fake spoilers... Or might you point out to the magazine that has published so in depth episode previews? Episode 38, thus far, has been titled "A New Flag":
38 A New Flag
ZAFT, along with those volunteer from the EAF, is closing in on the headquarter of Logos, "Heaven's Base".
From my post earlier in this thread with spoilers from "Newtype" magazine. These spoiler translations are courtesy of Claudine Leow at AnimeSuki's forum.
Originally posted by: darkshadow
Phase 38 - Enlightened Path
With the help from Shinn, Luna is able to escape the death penalty. Luna confesses her feelings for Athrun and that makes Shinn very angry. Dullindal blames Orb in supporting LOGOs and prepares a full invasion of ORB after invasion of Heaven base in Iceland. in relation to LOGOs . In Orb, Lacus, who returned to Earth after Freedom's destruction, reunited with Kira. Meanwhile, Neo Lornoke, having no where to go, finally agrees to stay with Archangel...
Phase 39 - Reunion
The unexpected return of Athrun to Orb causes a big shock within the Archangel members. Athrun informs them of Dullidal's true intention is to, while using to destroy LOGOs as an excuse, destroy the EA fully. Kira deduced that this cannot be Dullindal's full plan and they must fight on to find the truth. Meanwhile, Minerva is heading to Iceland to prepare the annihilation of LOGOs. At the same time, in space, Andy steals the Strike Freedom Gundam with the support of Yzak's team and pilots it back to Earth....
Phase 40 - The deceived world
With the new power of Destiny and Legend, the "Justice Ship" Minerva engages the EA in Iceland. With this overwhelming power, it is a matter of time before the Heaven Base falls. On the other hand, Archangel caught the news of Dulliada's secret order to invade Orb, and so its members discuss its next move. LOGOs, realizing the capture of the Heaven Base could spell the end of their organization, has sent out their last hope. A new blonde hair boy is given a new MS. His name is Noni Loussier...
noni loussier???? wtf, stellars brother???
Upcoming Events.... SEED Destiny Thoughts
Hello Guys, i AM New in GotWoot
I have been reading GSD Forums in Gotwoot for around 3 months now, and now i decide to become a member
the only anime that i watched is GS and GSD i have watched all of the episode.
and the main point that i want to say is I HATE SHIN he is an absolute retard that only do stuff based on his mood and emotion.
i hope shin will get trashed by either asuran or kira because he has been such an arrogant person to asuran and he blame stellar's death on kira, he was the one should be responsible for stellar's death and not just stellar's death but thousands of other people that stellar killed. and im just wondering how will asuran* get his infinite justice is it made by zaft or orb because kira will get his strike freedom from Zaft, and can anyone tell me who will be THE ultimate bad guy in GSD ? coz i have no idea who will it be. probably rey or dullindal.
can someone tell me whether im rite or not, is kira the main char of GSD?
will Destiny used Nuclear jammer Canceller ?
I hope asuran will be the one who kicks shin's ass because he obviously got more skill and experience than shin.