RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: animefreak
hey,Eurasian. Can i get some of your pictures? you too Wing dancer.
hmmm, I wouldnt mind seeing their pics either(you dont have to if you dont want to, not a big deal) but I probably wont *dark cloud over head mode*
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
i still want to see it. post it!! post it!! post it!! but then again you don't have to if you don't want it.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Lol, you guys are starting to sound like you have no associations with other girls in the outside world.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
No, i just wanted to see more girls. lol
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
i just hope Winged Dancer is as pretty as people say she is. I am one of those 70%.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
I hate you.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
The love is mutual, Oh mighty GS! BTW, how much weight you said you could lift? Well, I'll ask you sometime on IRC 'cause I don't see you answering that here =P
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: BOARD_of_command
Sorry guys I'm too lazy to find a better picture of myself. Excuse me for the retarded smile, it REALLY tickles when those pigeons grabbed my shoulder...
I have a much better one with the pigeons too, but I can't seem to find it.
You look like one of friend BOC. The way he look and smile.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
i think that % is more about 85-90 since no one posts pics anymore.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Pervert-Sennin Jiraiya
i think that % is more about 85-90 since no one posts pics anymore.
That's because a lot of people already posted their pictures, hehe. Maybe the people who already did so should post a new picture!
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: animefreak
[You look like one of friend BOC. The way he look and smile.
That is NOT the way I smile. Ok people, I'll ask my friend to send me some pics of me and I'll post them. He has them because I didn't bring my camera on that trip, not because we're gay.
Once WD sees it I'll probably be added as #4, unless that retarded pic already earned me a spot [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
More like #400, pigeon boy.
~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
give it up guys, theres only one spot left on WD's list....u know she can't resist the paki charm [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-cool.gif[/img]
i'd post more pictures of me, but im not as self consious as WD....i dont need ppl telling me im kool, i know it already (my mom told me [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif[/img])
i think we still need to see a pic of iceman as well
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
I took a pic with my phone camera, but you can't see the blue in my hair very well, does it no justice. So I'll take another one when I get hold of a better camera.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
sorry no spots left obviously ill take the last one, even tho i dont know who took the 2nd one. since i look like a god
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Originally posted by: Gods_Son
Originally posted by: Winged Dancer
Eurasian has already posted hers, somewhere here. I'll take mine and post it... some day... when I feel like it... maybe I'll start a new topic, since it seems 70% of the people checking this thread do so to see me.
Keep feeding my ego! Yeah! Down with modesty! I'm so cool.
I hate you.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
whats this i hear about WD's list? is it like one of those type of polls girls like to come up with when they're hanging around in the women's bathroom?
i wonder what rating i am [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif[/img]
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Okay to all you mirc people. before I post this. fuck you XDDDD.
RE: ~* Post your Picture v.2 Resurrected *~
Woah, a50. I think you kicked my ass at Street Fighter II once in an arcade.