Full Metal Alchemist: Ep 16
[Eclipse] Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood - 16 - HD | SD
FMA 2009... what comes next..?
The original FMA is in my top 3 series of all time. I thought it was so well done and really liked how it came to an end. Even the movie was good and broke from the usual naruto type filler movies.
I didn't know what to think when I heard that they were remaking it... but it is really good !
So here is the reason for this thread... If they keep it up and this 2009 version is just amazing, what happens next? if you were trying to suggest an anime series to somebody would you be like... FMA!... but watch the 2nd version?
I just think the first go around was so good, and if this 2009 remake is amazing also, which one will survive?