Do it Knives, DO IT!
I already asked Krb but he's a greenie meanie.
Through my awesome new powers, I've discovered who a few of the ninja mods are. ~~
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Do it Knives, DO IT!
I already asked Krb but he's a greenie meanie.
Through my awesome new powers, I've discovered who a few of the ninja mods are. ~~
Originally posted by: Y
I just unbanned you.
edit: Mut's post got deleted? Now my picture doesn't make sense.
Originally posted by: Assassin
<Terracosmo> I'm so fucking lonely right now that I'd gladly make out with a fellow guy
<Terracosmo> let's hit it Assassin
* Assassin backs away slowly
<Terracosmo> you started it
<Assassin> im such a makes me want to hurt myself
<Assassin> but, if u insist
* Assassin takes off his pants
<Terracosmo> let's skip the slow undressing part and cut directly to sex
<Assassin> u got it baby [img][/img]
<Terracosmo> god I'm so fucking drunk
<Terracosmo> gnight
* Terracosmo has quit IRC (Quit: )
<Assassin> [img][/img]
I only have vague memories of that
What the......?
Kind of gay....
[01:44] <DragonOutlaw> do you think superman has super orgasms
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> jesus christ
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> wtf DO
[01:44] <Mut[at]chi> what's wrong with you
[01:44] <Assassin> lmao
Do Mut and Y still go to Gotwoot's IRC channel or are they gone from that too?
they're both still there. so come to irc and join the mayhem
<Mut[at]chi> Y is gonna get laid in Cali
<Assertnfailure> haha
<Mut[at]chi> Cali girls have never seen a Hurricane Katrina survivor
<Y> laffo
<Mut[at]chi> wtf
<Mut[at]chi> I'm not joking
<ChaosKiddo> lol
<Mut[at]chi> dude, when I was at the market, I told the cashier I was from Mississippi and I almsot got head
<Mut[at]chi> Imagine
<Mut[at]chi> if I really was from MS
<Assertnfailure> uh
<Mut[at]chi> vagina everywhere
<Wilik> yea right
lol go Y!
well heres another thread with missing pages. Anyway, why the hell is my home address banned from GW? someone unban me NOW!
I've been banned from the IRC channel. I assume Mut is chortling up his sleeve somewhere in Cali...
I only logged on to ask a moderator to do something, and after saying "evening Mut" and "i was on my way out anyway" in general chat (the two sentences before mine were "yeah, he's a fag" and "shut the fuck up and leave") I left.
So I guess I'm just wondering, what is the criteria for getting banned from IRC? While I would appreciate being unbanned, I'm not going to grovel for it.
I cleared the ban list.
IRC is it's own little world. There are no rules there. And if there are rules, they change from moment to moment.
And on another note.....I finally have hops in the channel!!! Wheee!!!! Over a year of idling has finally paid off. Thanks DO! [img]i/expressions/heart.gif[/img]
[23:14] <Assassin> god, this place is so boring
[23:17] <Deadfire> no shit
[23:17] <Deadfire> you think?
[23:20] <Assassin> i do
[23:20] <Deadfire> well then
[23:21] <Deadfire> what are you going to do about it
[23:21] * Assassin strips and starts dancing
[23:22] * Deadfire gets the gun
[23:22] * Assassin uses the gun in erotic ways
[23:23] * Deadfire has quit IRC (Quit: you sick <censored>)
[23:23] * Bung has quit IRC (Client exited)
[23:23] <Assassin> [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif[/img]
[22:30:26] *** #gotwoot was created on Sun Jan 08 19:20:17 2006.
[22:30:52] * Assassin whips out little willy
[22:30:59] Deadfire: WTF
[22:31:18] Deadfire: i come back and your still being a dumbass
[22:31:25] Assassin: what...its a will smith figure
[22:31:38] Deadfire: and then you wonder where is everyone
[22:31:40] Mut[at]chi: lmao
[22:31:51] Deadfire: I'll tell you something ass
[22:32:05] Deadfire: no one liked talking to you
[22:32:09] Skye-sama: night everyone.
[22:32:17] Assassin: Deadfire
[22:32:21] Deadfire: because of shit like that
[22:32:27] Assassin: dont be so mean
[22:33:08] ChariLaX: <Deadfire> i come back and your still being a dumbass
[22:33:11] ChariLaX: hah
[22:33:16] Mut[at]chi: lol
[22:33:17] Deadfire: the truth hurts doesn't it
i tried, but it messed up or something [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif[/img]
You tried too much.
yea or i suck at reading directions >_<Quote:
Originally posted by: Kraco
You tried too much.
You can't blame us for trying
*** WebUser4118 has joined #gotwoot.
WebUser4118: ass
*** WebUser4118 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
Wilik: drive by assing, thats new
Assassin: lol
Wilik: well atleast its better then the usually join/part
Assassin: indeed
Assassin: i wonder if its the same ppl that come and go, or if its a new person each time
Wilik: look at the hostmask dumbass
Wilik: [img]i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif[/img]
Assassin: i r tech n00b
*** WebUser3036 has joined #gotwoot.
* Wilik holds WebUser3036 hostage
Wilik: talk or die!
Wilik: you have 30 seconds to respond
Wilik: times up!
*** WebUser3036 has signed off IRC (Killed (Wilik (you're dead!))).
*** narutard007 has joined #gotwoot.
Wilik: thats better
Wilik: back for round 2 eh WebUser3036
Wilik: I see you are wearing a disguise!
Wilik: but you are not clevor enough to outsmart me!
narutard007: ?
Wilik: it speaks!
narutard007: yup
* Wilik backs away slowly
Wilik: careful all, we dont know what kind of beast he may be
Deadfire: What have you done Wilik
* Wilik shrugs
Wilik: I have no idea, but it cant be good!
Deadfire: I told you not to play God
Wilik: but... I couldnt help it!
Deadfire: Thats it I will have to stop you and your ways
Wilik: my fruitile efforts at making the channel more active have failed!
Deadfire: Wilik did you get the lesson here
Deadfire: "never try"
Wilik: Deadfire, I think we have exhausted the beast of all its language skills, perhaps now is our chance to capture the beast
* Wilik jumps on narutard007 and ties him to a spike wedged firmly in the ground
Deadfire: what a noble quest!
*** narutard007 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
*** narutard007 has joined #gotwoot.
*** narutard007 has signed off IRC (Quit: narutard007).
Wilik: bastard!
Wilik: he got away
Deadfire: ...
*** WebUser9289 has joined #gotwoot.
Deadfire: he decided against the rape
Wilik: another!
Wilik: hes our chance!
Wilik: lets take him!
Wilik: you get the left, i'll get the right
Deadfire: alright
Wilik: we'll flank him in the middle!
* Deadfire goes to the left ogf the user
* Wilik charges WebUser9289!
* Deadfire charges
Deadfire: ....
* Wilik grabs him by the rough of his neck and ties him to a spike planted firmly in the ground with CEMENT!
Wilik: that should hold him!
Wilik: lets query him for knowledge Deadfire
Deadfire: indeed
Wilik: grab the red hot poker from the fire, we shall we more aggressive techniques this time
* Deadfire slaps the User for information as Wilik gets the poker
*** WebUser9289 has signed off IRC (Quit: Today is a good day to chat.).
Deadfire: Damn
Wilik: how dare you let him get away Deadfire!
Deadfire: I'm sorry
Wilik: I turn my back for 1 second to grab the poker and you let him leave
Deadfire: it's not my fault i slaped hit hard
Deadfire: *him
Wilik: this is a sad day if I do say so
Deadfire: indeed
Wilik: 3 beasts have gotten away without a single shread of information gathered
Deadfire: but a quote for bash and the fourms
Wilik: rofl
Man, you Webusers!!! Why don't you stay in the channel and talk.
Also, don't write
"Hey? anyone there?"
and then leave like 10 seconds after it, people aren't always on their IRC screen, they could be browsing the net or something, some will be idle.
Change your nick '/nick <whatever>'
and sit down and say something.
The adventures continue:
Wilik: why is it that people in like japan download more manga from our site then anyone else
Wilik: I mean seriously
Wilik: go buy the shit you lazy cheap bastard
_kAi_: they wanna learn english?
Wilik: they can learn 'banned' and go somewhere else
_kAi_: i'm suprised they would get it from MT, considering the raws for most series is
Wilik: people in indonesia
Wilik: 53 Luong Van Can, Hoan Kiem, Ha Noi
Wilik: like wtf is that
Wilik: I just perma banned 2 ips
Wilik: for excessive abuse
Wilik: load dropped ~5 points
Wilik: im about to ban all of indonesia
_kAi_: LOL all of indoland
Wilik: im dead serious kai
Wilik: they are the biggest problem we have atm
Wilik: I ban them
Wilik: the server works better
_kAi_: really?
Wilik: they use download managers and dont read the rules
Wilik: they just dont give a shit
_kAi_: oh
_kAi_: bastards, they are my closest country neighbour
_kAi_: they dare jump in my backyard without a pass
Wilik: right now
Wilik: we are getting pummeled by 3 people from indoland
Wilik: and 1 guy from the phillipines
Wilik: if I ban indoland, it'll make me all nice and fuzzy inside
Wilik: just a ban on 202.*.*.*/24 should do it
Wilik: should ban the whole country
Wilik: and then some
Wilik: but i'll be happy
_kAi_: hehe
Wilik: hrm
Wilik: cant ban 202.*.*.*
Wilik: it'll ban australia as well
Wilik: I see
Wilik: guess I cant do that
Wilik: dont wanna ban the webmaster
Wilik: ok I wont ban 202
Wilik: but just so you know kai
Wilik: its just because I like you man
_kAi_: you're so kind
Wilik: I know I am